After Clark confirmed the value of this guy, he asked the guards of the Nine Snake Island soldiers to escort this guy down and imprisoned him.

Then, he took a deep breath, his eyes like a torch, and looked into the deep sea around him.

“What’s wrong, Lord Clark, is something wrong?”

Looking at the smile on Clark’s face, Hancock felt that something was wrong, and Yuren Jinping was the first to stand up and explained to Hancock with a solemn face.

“Ms. Hancock, I’m afraid that the light you released just now has attracted the attention of many deep-sea fish monsters, and there have been a lot of unusual movements in the current outside, and we should have surrounded many huge monsters.”

Jinping looked at the ring “four four zero” realm outside with a solemn expression, and the serious expression on his face made the atmosphere on the entire ship become tense.

Even the best of the fish people cannot guarantee that they have 100% survival ability in the terrifying environment of the deep sea.

If anyone on this ship was slightly hurt and angered Clark, it was hard to imagine how Fishman Island would face Clark’s wrath.

“Lord Clark, let me lead these guys away, and ask your ship to dive quickly and leave this area, and I will catch up later.”

Jinping felt that this was already the safest way, but Clark directly rejected it.

Meeting the puzzled gaze, Clark’s face showed a domineering smile, and the energy that had been stored in every cell in his body was slowly released.

A large amount of light and heat turned into a wave of heat one after another, blowing the people around him, dispersing to the surroundings.

“You actually want me to run away from this kind of place? Jinping, you underestimate me too much.

Hmph, last time it was this area under the sea, these guys, they didn’t learn to behave at all! ”

Clark not only released a red light from his eyes this time, but a large amount of energy burst out from every corner of his body, causing an extremely terrifying red light to emerge on the surface of his entire body.

A light step drilled out of the ship’s membrane and came to the sea surface at a depth of thousands of meters, facing the dark environment, Clark’s shining red body almost became the most conspicuous light in this dark world.

The light grew brighter and brighter, and as this glimmer of light continued to extend outward, Hancock and Boni were surprised to find that they were in the deep sea that they had just felt extremely quiet.

Around the ship, there are already many strange shapes, sharp teeth, sharp mouths, and incomparably huge deep-sea monsters around them.

Each of their water monsters has a terrifying body size ten times or even more.

It seems that in their eyes, this ship has become a delicacy and prey in their eyes.

“Oh my God, that’s too much.

Jinping looked at the huge people around the hull in amazement, and among them, there were even some sea monsters that had been silently tearing and wrestling in the deep sea because they collided together.

Blood splashed in the sea, and under this silent sea of thousands of meters, chaotically twisted together terrifying limbs were entangled, like gods and demons dancing in people’s eyes, giving people a thick and terrible sense of oppression.

And in the center of this fight, around Clark, who emitted a faint red light, no one dared to approach him.

Because the sea water around him is boiling rapidly!

The deep sea, where the water temperature has become polar because it is in the depths of the seabed where the bottom is not visible, now has a rare and terrible artificial heat flow.

Due to the drastic difference in temperature, in this deep sea, the collision between the hot and cold currents, a huge vortex gradually formed, pulling all the surrounding sea monsters in.


Whether it is a huge octopus with teeth and claws, a terrifying sea beast with strange shapes, or a terrifying shark with sharp teeth, all of them are destroyed under Clark’s scorching rays at the center of this vortex0…

A large number of corpses began to rise and fall under the collision of hot and cold water.

The smell of blood emitted by countless blood made more terrifying sea beasts rush to come.

Under this boundless sea, there is a terrifying world that is far more terrifying than the world imagined.

However, in front of Clark, no matter how terrifying the deep-sea behemoth, in the face of this scorching ray, it can only face the end of the brain being penetrated, the corpse sinking into the depths of the seabed, and becoming the nourishment of countless seabed microorganisms.

Looking at one sea beast after another that can cause huge losses to the fleet on the sea, it was easily killed by Clark, and the rich smell of blood accompanied by the rise of sea temperature, the boiling of the water, and quickly spread out to the surroundings.

And after a short period of horrific killing, the blood of this sea area has become extremely thick to the point of shocking.

In the back, the sea beasts that were attracted to it because of the smell of blood had almost all been slaughtered by Clark.

More and more killings have made these sea beasts living at the bottom of the sea and almost have a strong survival instinct start to be afraid.

This is no longer a place where 5.4 people can freely enjoy flesh and blood and get food, but a terrible slaughterhouse that will turn countless sea beasts into corpses.

Gradually, a large number of sea beasts were frightened by this area that was so rich that the deep sea appeared a strange bright red color.

Since they were born, they have never seen such a terrifying scene.

They were so frightened by the rich blood that they did not dare to approach the area, and they could feel that there was a terrifying existence there, wantonly slaughtering the giant beasts in the ocean.

Moreover, what made them even more uncomfortable was that the cold sea water around them began to gradually heat up, which made most of the sea beasts that had adapted to the icy deep-sea environment very uncomfortable. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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