The two sides of the battle were in chaos, and the two sides were in chaos.

Originally, the priests of the temple looked at each other, not knowing what kind of situation they were in.

But from the conversation between the two parties, they could understand a lot of things.

They were not fools. The conversation took only a moment, and they fully understood that this group of people came to compete for the control of the sky island.

"My lord, who are they?"

Finally, a priest couldn't help but asked Gan Fuer loudly.

"Everyone will obey their orders from now on. No one should resist or make unnecessary resistance. I will personally explain the specific things to everyone tomorrow."

Gan Fuer said calmly.

His thoughts now did not have any complicated emotions, but he just wanted to stabilize these people before meeting Chang Nuo, so as to avoid any conflicts at that time.

Gan Fuer knew the strength of the people on Sky Island very well, and he did not want any of his priests to have any accidents.

"From now on, everyone will rest in three shifts, and everything will be discussed after His Majesty comes tomorrow."

Junhe immediately began to shout at his people, not caring about the priests in the temple at all. Let them handle the matters of Sky Island. Junhe believed that Gan Fuer would be able to properly handle the conflicts that might arise next.

The fact is indeed as he said. Gan Fuer gathered all the priests together. Although no one knew what they were talking about, everyone could imagine what kind of results he would tell them.

The people on both sides were also at peace, and they waited until the next day.

After dawn.

Chang Nuo, who was sleeping on the white clouds, felt such a comfortable environment. This was the first time in his life that he lay in such an open-air environment, but it was much better to lie down and rest here than on the boat.

After waking up, Chang Nuo sat up and stretched directly, but when he turned his head to look over, Enilu had already disappeared.

Chang Nuo didn't feel much doubt. Just when he was about to stand up and wanted to find Jun and them, Enilu came out from nowhere again, holding a lot of wild fruits in his hands.

"Brother Chang Nuo, are you awake?"

Enilu said with a smile.

It seems that after chatting last night, Enilu seemed to have opened his heart to Chang Nuo at this moment, and the whole person at least looked much more sunny.

But he was still wearing that ragged clothes, and he didn't even wear a shirt. He appeared here with bare arms and ragged pants and bare feet.

The tattered clothes on his shirt were now used to wrap fruits picked from somewhere.

"Where have you been?"

Chang Nuo asked curiously.

"Let's eat something first, brother. I just ran to the holy land. There are many strange things there, and there are also delicious fruits like this. Try them."

Looking at Enel's appearance, Chang Nuo couldn't help but laugh.

But he didn't refuse the other party's kindness. Although the clothes wrapped in these fruits looked tattered and a little dirty, the fruits inside had obviously been washed with water.

Chang Nuo simply sat on the white cloud again, picked up a green apple and bit it directly.

It is estimated that few people eat fruits on Sky Island, so even if the sourness is greater than the sweetness, they can feel fresh and delicious.

"You haven't been eating this thing for the past few years?"

Looking at Enel's thin figure, Chang Nuo raised his head and asked directly.

"It's okay, not all of it. I just eat this occasionally. There's not much to eat on this island. Most of the time I go to the sea to catch those fish."

Enelu said without any concern.

"It doesn't matter. Now that you have recognized me as your big brother, I will definitely let you eat and drink well in the future!"

Chang Nuo directly rubbed the other's messy hair, smiling and saying kindly.

However, these green apples are really hard for Chang Nuo to swallow. Even the sour taste in his mouth when he just bit it made him a little unacceptable.

In this day and age,

In such a huge sky island, Enelu is indeed the child with the worst life.

"Brother, why don't you eat?"

Enelu watched Changnuo pick up a green apple, but he just took a bite of it and didn't even touch the rest.

But what he ate looked very sweet, so he wondered if what he found didn't suit his appetite. It was rare for a big brother who could talk to him to bring a ray of hope to his boring and sad life. Enelu was very worried about this happening, so he asked with a sudden look.

"Don't think too much, I'm just not hungry, eat quickly, and I'll take you to a place after you finish eating!"

Changnuo said with a smile.

At this moment, Enelu does look stronger, which may be related to the fact that he has always lived alone, but he is more thin, and he doesn't look like he has more than three taels of meat on his body.

But in terms of appearance, Enelu's image at this moment is not much different from that of a few years later, especially the long earlobes, which still hang above the shoulders even without the gold earrings.

When he heard Chang Nuo told him to finish eating quickly and was willing to take him to other places, Enelu immediately began to eat voraciously, and even did not spit out the apple core, and ate the apples one by one.

In less than a while, there were only two or three apples left in the original pile. He looked up at Chang Nuo, smiled a little embarrassedly, and then picked up the remaining three apples and handed them to Chang Nuo.

Probably because there were too many apples in his mouth, Chang Nuo hummed for a long time, and he didn't hear clearly what the other party said.

The key is the meaning of his action, Chang Nuo is still relatively clear.

"Eat these things yourself, don't worry too much about me, since you have eaten them, let's go!"

Chang Nuo stood up with a smile, and the half-eaten apple in his hand was still in his hand.

There is no land or plants on this sky island. There are only some trees in the so-called holy land. Now it has become a holy land on the sky island. Ordinary people have no way to set foot in it at all. For them, being able to taste the flavor of fruit in this lifetime is already a fantasy.

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