The gold in this place, if all converted into Bailey and stored in the system space, Chang Nuo felt that he could really become a god at once. In the future, not to mention in this pirate world, even if he went to any place, he could become a god-like existence.

It is impossible to sell so much gold in the pirate world. A small amount is okay, but such a large amount is almost impossible to think about.

Now the two people have not walked in, just the gold at the door is enough to make people smack their lips.

Chang Nuo walked in front, and Enelu followed behind a little timidly. After all, in his impression, there was a big guy inside, and his strength was not very good. If he rushed in and was bitten into the stomach by someone, then this thing would not be very good.

The entire gate opened a gap, enough for two people to pass through. The thickness of this golden gate is at least 1 meter, and with such a huge thickness, compared with the golden lion, this thing is probably at least tens of billions of Baileys, and it is just one of the doors.

For ordinary people, even if such a golden gate is placed here, he has no way to take it away.

The heavy golden gate has already seemed extremely precious at this moment.

However, after just walking in, there was no candlelight in the golden palace underground, but relying on the glittering gold and silver jewelry, and the degree of reflection of these gold in this spacious hall, all the situations in the underground palace can be vaguely seen.

After this scene appeared in front of Changnuo, he had already doubted his life. Such a large amount of gold was really hard to believe.

"Brother Changnuo, you have to be careful here. There is another big guy here!"

Enilu stood behind and reminded quietly.

Although it was a bit hard to see the end of this empty hall, when he came in, Chang Nuo had already used his observation Haki to sense the scope of the entire underground palace. There were no living creatures here. I'm afraid that the huge python of the Sky Island God should be on the periphery now.

The entire underground was very quiet, so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard, and the sound of every step was particularly clear here.

This golden palace was larger than everyone's imagination, and even the whole was already under the Shandora. However, the entrance to this underground palace was one kilometer away from the ancient one.

It was still a little dim in the palace, but you could still clearly see the golden pillars that were tens of meters high. The diameter of this thing was at least 3 meters thick. Anyone who took it to the pirate world would definitely become an absolute rich man.

Not only was this palace built with pure gold, there were also some gold products in the palace, including chairs, decorations and a series of other things.

The shape of each pillar was completely different. Just standing at the gate, you could see such a scene. Chang Nuo slowly began to walk forward, and kept looking around.

"It seems that these golds are not made by human hands. Only the Gold-Gold Fruit can achieve this level!"

After looking around, Chang Nuo finally understood. After all, even if a kingdom puts all its efforts into it, it is impossible to find so much gold.

Now he can only think of this possibility, but the Gold-Gold Fruit cannot create gold out of thin air. It can only dispatch the gold hidden underground in this world, and then condense it into the state we see now.

But even so, in this pirate world, gold products still have their price.

In such a magnificent underground golden palace, the total amount of these things added together can definitely make Chang Nuo take off completely.

Originally, he was still thinking that the gold, silver and jewelry he got from Mary Geoise were enough to make him fly, but he didn't expect that this underground golden palace really subverted his three views.

Not to mention his future self, even in the future Tru Kingdom, I am afraid he will never have to worry about any money again.

"Brother, what are you observing?"

Enelu looked at Changnuo who was in a daze and asked with some concern.

"Nothing, but seeing the state here reminds me of what this prosperous city looked like hundreds of years ago.

? "

Chang Nuo said with a smile.

"Anyway, they have declined by now, and there is no information left at all. Only this empty palace is left. I think it's nothing!"

Enelu said with a puzzled look.

"Something is left behind!"

Chang Nuo said, and then began to stride towards the front of the hall.

The reverberating sound produced by each step was clearly visible. The entire underground palace, including the floor under the feet, was made of gold, but in the center of this hall, there was something out of place.

Because he placed a cube of historical text that was about 5 meters high and 5 meters wide.

Just after coming down, Chang Nuo had already sensed the existence of this thing. At the beginning of the official plot, this huge historical text was on the ruins of Shandora. Thinking about it, it can be understood that this must be the later period after Enelu became a god, in order to clear this golden underground palace, so he put that The huge thing was thrown out.

Not far behind the historical text is a huge staircase that extends to about 10 meters high, with a golden seat on it.

And on both sides of the seat, there are four golden sculptures. As far as the eye can see, everything except the historical text is made of gold.

The amount of gold is so much that it is completely unbelievable. Chang Nuo no longer needs to care about the amount of gold at this moment. Anyway, from now on, everything here belongs to him,

Including the historical text placed in front of the two.

"Brother Chang Nuo, what is written on it?"

Enelu also saw the text on the historical text and said.

The words engraved on it are very clear and have not been polished by the years. They are quite neat and perfect. Compared with the historical text in the Alabasta Palace, this one looks much fresher.

"Enelu, this thing is called the historical text. It records a lot of things, but this kind of text is almost unrecognizable now." Chang Nuo said leisurely.

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