The whole warehouse was filled with more than 20 small square boxes, which was a lot, but for the Celestial Dragons, these things were just toys.

Not many of them were stupid enough to eat these devil fruits. It was useless to have such strong strength, and they didn't have to worry about getting hurt anyway.

Since they were already at the top of this world, these devil fruits were dispensable, and they couldn't swim after eating them. This was totally a loss for these people who were born at the top.

So since these devil fruits in front of them could appear in Bokuroi's room, they shouldn't be very simple.

He just picked up a box, which contained the devil fruit. Chang Nuo put it on the ground and picked up another one. As expected, it was the same thing inside.

As for the gold, silver and jewelry scattered on the ground, he didn't care how much Bailey they were worth.

But the number of these devil fruits can indeed greatly increase the specific strength of the country.

Chang Nuo looked at the boxes of devil fruits scattered on the ground, and put them directly into his space ability. Everything should be used to its full potential.

And he still has a devil fruit that gives him the most headache. It is a spiritual devil fruit obtained from CP2 before. If this thing is used well, it is okay. If it is not used well, it is likely to have a great impact on himself.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't eat the second devil fruit, Chang Nuo might have eaten it directly.

"Use the second devil fruit?"

Chang Nuo looked at the gold, silver and jewelry on the ground, and suddenly thought of something in his mind!

Then he smiled, and the whole person disappeared in the king's treasury in an instant.

When he appeared again the next moment, Chang Nuo had returned to his room. There was still a maid standing outside to guard him. It would be better to say that the maid came to serve him.

In the room, Chang Nuo opened the door and said to the little girl at the door, "Gogoya should have come back, right? Then she will come to see me tomorrow morning!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing what the other party said, Chang Nuo closed the door of the room and lay down on the bed. Immersed in the system space.

At present, he is also in a difficult situation. Up to now, he has no teacher to guide him. The only thing he can rely on is his own system space. Although he needs to spend money no matter what he does, he has a lot of money now!

"System, tell me how to eat the second devil fruit?"

Chang Nuo asked decisively, as if this system is omnipotent.

He had to think so. After all, the things created by this system have refreshed his three views. Now it is understandable that such a thing suddenly occurs.

The entire blue screen in the system space was spinning non-stop, as if the network was disconnected.

After waiting for a long time, the screen in the system space began to display a paragraph of text: "500 billion Baileys, eliminate the side effects of the previous devil fruit, and continue to eat the next devil fruit!"

This short paragraph of text made Chang Nuo speechless and vomit blood.

He had just received more than 1 trillion Baileys, and now he had lost more than half of it for no reason. Just because of the answer to such a question, he had already started to make trouble.

But he was really curious. 500 billion Baileys to eliminate the side effects of the devil fruit seemed to be nothing wrong to him. After all, for improving strength, these efforts were worth it.

Now the Tru Kingdom is not as short of money as imagined. The gold, silver and jewelry in the king's treasury can be worth at least more than 100 billion Baileys. Solving the current urgent needs is definitely not a big problem.

The most important thing is that according to the current situation, the Tru Kingdom will only have a two- to three-month window period at most, and the financial resources will naturally roll in later, so there is no need to worry too much.

Chang Nuo hesitated for a long time in the system space. He didn't know whether he should pay such a high price. 500 billion Baileys is not even enough.

It can already support him to become the top figure in this world.

Although the space-type devil fruit is invincible on the surface, it still has certain defects for those who are relatively strong.

Among the four emperors, Whitebeard's real fruit can easily break the space barrier, so the space-type devil fruit ability is not as invincible as imagined.

After struggling for a while, Chang Nuo seemed to have made up his mind. He took a deep breath and shouted to the big screen of the system, "Deduct 500 billion Baileys to remove the side effects of the space devil fruit!"

In fact, after this side effect is removed, it is nothing more than being able to use the second devil fruit, but the side effects of the second devil fruit cannot touch the sea water.

But this is enough. Maybe when there is more money in the future, it can really remove the side effects of all devil fruits again.

But how many such cases can there be?

The entire pirate world combined is probably not enough to eliminate the side effects of the devil fruit ability several times.

As Chang Nuo finished speaking, the system balance displayed on the screen suddenly became only more than 500 billion Baileys, but this was completely enough for him at the moment.

But after eliminating the side effects of the devil fruit in the system space, Chang Nuo felt almost nothing.

After all, the side effects of the devil fruit can only be reflected when it comes into contact with sea water, and it has no effect on itself at ordinary times.

But since things have come to this point, Chang Nuo must have wanted to try it out as soon as possible to see if the side effects of his devil fruit are really eliminated.

Until it was dark and almost midnight, Chang Nuo maintained a considerable spirit. With a wave of his hand, a space vortex appeared in front of him. When he jumped in, he appeared at the seaside in the next second.

In this dark night, the sea water blew on his face with a slight wind and waves, and Chang Nuo tentatively touched the edge of the sea water.

He only dared to do this now, for fear that if the side effects were not eliminated in a while, he would fall into the dark sea water and drown, which would be a loss.

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