The sound of the voice was so loud that the speaker was still awake.

You don't need to listen carefully to know whose voice it is. Junhe asked at this moment. Even if he stayed on the sky island, he couldn't fall asleep again when Abona contacted him, and he was in a state of anxiety.

Zhiya showed a helpless expression. He didn't know how to answer, but he stood at attention and said seriously, "Captain Junhe, Abona is still blocking the front and keeps saying that it is the order of His Majesty that no one is allowed to enter the back mountain, and Gogoya is here too!"

The Den Den Mushi showed an urgent expression with a frown on his brows. After a long pause, the other party's voice came over and said, "Give the Den Den Mushi to Abona..."

Zhiya did not refuse. He directly reached out and handed the Den Den Mushi with a crown in his hand to Abona who was standing there calmly.

"I am Abona..."

Abona said directly after he got it.

Then he looked at the crowd and turned to walk a few dozen meters away from the mountain.

"I have left the crowd. Talk!"

Abona still said calmly.

"What happened?"

Junhe asked.

Although he didn't completely believe Abona, he had been anxious for two hours on Sky Island. During this time, he had recalled a lot of things. Abona might not be as bad as he imagined, and Junhe was very clear about the strength of his own king.

The reason why he asked this question was that only the two of them knew the strength of his own king so far, so it was normal for Changnuo to contact Abona at a critical moment.

Abona stood there in silence for a while, frowning, but still sensing the situation in the square on the mountain, and then sighed and said, "It may be more serious than we thought. I have never seen this happen!"

"What did you sense?" Junhe asked again.

"Your Majesty, it seems that you have taken two devil fruits..."

"What did you say..."

Junhe yelled directly. He was too clear about the side effects of the devil fruit. The key was that this thing was told to him by his own king, but the other party used two devil fruits, which was impossible to happen.

He couldn't believe what Abona said at all. His mind was full of doubts, so he shouted and asked directly.

"I don't dare to confirm it now, but His Majesty the King is fine. It seems that he just fainted due to fatigue. And the breath he exudes makes me afraid to get close to him, so you'd better tell them to wait here until His Majesty the King wakes up."

Abona explained.

"I understand!"

Junhe didn't ask any more questions, but when he heard that His Majesty the King was fine, he finally let go of his worries.

No one knew how long this situation would last. After receiving Junhe's instructions again, Zhi didn't force Abona too much, and didn't ask to go to the back mountain to check.

Now it's not just one person guarding this place, but more than a hundred people guarding the entire back mountain at the same time to prevent anyone from appearing in this place.

At this time, one or two hours had passed, and no one felt tired. However, Chang Nuo, who had been in a coma on the mountain, finally began to move his fingers.

The nine chains behind him also began to spread instantly, and then directly inserted straight into the surroundings of the huge square. They were distributed very evenly, and then a blue light curtain instantly filled the entire square.

Each chain was connected to this place, but in the end, these chains were able to break away from Chang Nuo and completely formed a barrier with another scene, just like an umbrella opened here.

Chang Nuo still hadn't regained consciousness, but he was suspended in the air, just in the middle of the ground and the top of the barrier.

He was lying flat and suspended there, but a storm had gradually formed in the barrier. In the huge barrier, a tornado-like shape swept the entire ground. The ground, which was already in ruins, was now accompanied by gravel and floor tiles in the entire barrier space, wantonly.

, began to rotate.

However, as the central area, Chang Nuo's location seemed to be the center of this vortex, and was not affected at all.

Abona has been observing and sensing the situation in the square on the mountain. He still hasn't figured out what happened. What is his own king doing that can make such a big noise?

Fortunately, there is now a barrier to protect, and the internal space storm has not affected the situation outside. It is estimated that even Chang Nuo himself can't figure out what happened.

Why would such a big change occur in the state of two devil fruits? Even if he is awake, he may not understand this thing.

This space storm did not stop in a short time. It lasted for nearly a whole day. The group of people standing under the steps at the foot of the mountain also guarded it for a whole day. No one left on the way or went to eat.

Although no one knew what happened, it was not the time to study these situations.

Abona could really feel the power of the space storm in the square on the mountain. Even if he went in now, he might not be able to guarantee that he could come out intact.

This was a preliminary judgment of the strength of his Majesty the King. He had only been exposed to the ability of space jump before, and he could not explain or understand the rest.

After all, everything seemed too weird and incredible, even beyond his cognitive understanding.

But now the whole country is still operating normally. Even if Chang Nuo comes back or not, the country will not cause any problems in a short time.

Although the Tru Kingdom is not as powerful and beautiful as imagined, among all the countries in the world, this country can be said to have entered the forefront. Whether in terms of life or strength, it can completely achieve this point.

However, he did not stop moving forward. More of everything is developing, and everything is moving forward in an orderly manner.

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