The king of a country should be able to understand the situation.

Chang Nuo doesn't care what Alabasta will become in the future. The only thing he cares about now is the interests of his country, which should be understood by the king of any country.

Cobra didn't have any outstanding performance as a king, but on the other hand, he has been a king for so many years and has a good grasp of people's hearts.

He should understand such things, but even so, he can't do anything about it. This is a win-win policy for both countries, and Alabasta can't refuse it anyway.

As for the future when his country begins to improve and perfect, then at that time, the economy can almost be used directly to check and balance the lifeblood of this country.

Losta stood here obediently, listening carefully to what his king said. Everything he used now was given by the other party. Although he had the talent for business management, it was Changnuo who really put it into practice.

"Losta! I don't want Alabasta to have money, so after we get there, even if all industrialization is completed, I need you to build various entertainment venues including casinos. It would be best if you can borrow some money from them in advance. Do you understand this?"

Changnuo said leisurely, with an undetectable smile on his face.

Losta stood there blankly. He didn't understand what his Majesty the King meant. He asked him to go there to promote the development of Alabasta, but why did he say such a thing?

It was precisely because he didn't understand that Losta asked with a dazed look on his face, "Your Majesty, I wonder what your purpose is in doing this..."

"Who will work if they are all rich? We used to give them hope, not a high-quality life. I just hope to see the people of this country working hard to have three meals a day, when all we have to do is to feed them."

Chang Nuo said.

"Your Majesty..., will this cause dissatisfaction in the country of Alabasta?"

Losta asked with some surprise.

"Dissatisfaction? How can there be dissatisfaction if we don't steal or rob? All we have to do is to provide them with economic support and ensure that they have three meals a day, but at the same time, we need to consume them spiritually, but the final choice is in their own hands, and no one will force them."

What Chang Nuo said was completely in accordance with the experience he had received in his previous life. If you want a group of people to work for you steadily, then what you have to do is not to let their pockets bulge, but you can't treat them badly.

This is life, giving them hope and making them despair. Otherwise, if everyone is full of money, who would have the heart to work hard again?

Losta nodded somewhat vaguely. This topic was the first time he had come across in his life. However, as a businessman for so long, although he could not understand this topic for a while, if he carefully considered it in the end, he would always get unexpected results.

However, for Losta, he did not know what words to use to express this experience. He could only stand there and did not know what to think in his mind.

"Do you think this method is a bit too vicious?" Chang Nuo asked with a smile.

"No, it's just that this topic is the first time I have come across it. I need some time to understand it!" Losta said.

"You will take your people with you tomorrow. I will let Barro accompany you. After that day, when everything is settled, we will communicate the situation here through the Den Den Mushi. Then let me see your ability!"

Chang Nuo walked in front of him, patted him on the shoulder and said.

Losta's expression was very solemn at the moment. With such a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, he didn't know if he could complete it perfectly.

After all, Alabasta was different from the Tru Kingdom. He didn't know the specific situation of that country, let alone whether it could be as he thought.

Although he showed such an expression, Losta still said respectfully, "Your Majesty, I will definitely do my part."

"Go, after the dust settles on your side, the Tru Kingdom will usher in a new wave of reforms. All the hope may fall on your shoulders, and the responsibility and burden will also be given to you. I hope you don't

Let the people of this country down! "

This time, Chang Nuo did not use his identity to talk to the other party, but instead put the entire Tru Kingdom on the other party's shoulders.

Losta is very capable and knows how to adapt, but this guy is too ambitious, but Chang Nuo is confident that he can control this guy well.

For Losta, even if he has ambitions, if his strength does not match his ambitions, there is no room for operation at all.

Now Chang Nuo wants to give him this opportunity and let him go out and show himself.

After Losta left, Chang Nuo smiled instantly, and his sky-blue eyes looked very strange at this moment.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Losta, but he trusts him very much, so he chose to hand this matter over to him, not only giving him a chance to show himself, but also an inspection of him.

The Tru Kingdom has now begun to lay a solid foundation for itself, and then began to build towards it. The whole country is now considered to be thriving.

In addition, and most importantly, after the country's strength has risen, there is no need for the people to grow flowers and plants at all.

After all, this kind of industry is not a long-term solution. , in the short term or within a few years, Changnuo can use his system space to buy food products, but if it lasts for a long time, if the king of his country is not here one day, how can these people survive?

After transferring all this industry to Alabasta, the country began to officially move on the right track.

"Your Majesty..."

Not long after Losta left, another person appeared at the gate of the palace again.

This person also looks like a gentleman, wearing a suit, but he is not as delicate as Losta, and looks very strong.

"Comoro, come in!"

Changnuo stood in the center of the hall and shouted to the man standing at the door.

This man is the next Minister of Commerce of the Tru Kingdom, and a man who will take over Losta's job.

But unlike the latter, Comoro does not have as much ambition as Losta. Although he may not be as capable as Losta, Comoro can beat the other in many aspects.

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