The reason why he said this is that they had thought about this eight hundred years ago. Such loose and soft things can definitely become a very popular commodity for people in the pirate world below. At the same time, they don’t quite understand why their king said such a thing. It’s normal for these people not to understand. For the Tru Kingdom, the main reason why Changnuo issued such a strict ban is that he is worried that if too many products of Sky Island flow out, it will easily expose the information that the Tru Kingdom has a military base on Sky Island. After all, in this world now, almost everyone thinks that Sky Island only exists in fantasy. Once these things really flow into real life applications, Sky Island will become a place that many people pursue and choose. Even the Navy and the World Government are probably unwilling to let go of the existence of this place.

In fact, the Navy and the World Government may have known the location of Sky Island for a long time. It is nothing more than because it is too troublesome to go up and down, and it is not worth the loss to do anything, so they are unwilling to own such a place.

But now this place is a treasure land for the Tru Kingdom, and it can continuously supply powerful talents to the Tru Kingdom.

Staying in your own country, you can't avoid the eyes of the outside world, but staying here is completely different.

Even if there are suddenly more than 10,000 people on Sky Island now, which is even more than the natives, no one outside knows what has happened to Sky Island now.

They still maintain their original lifestyle and pace of life. For ordinary people, Arpaiado is essentially a restricted area. Now it is just more strictly banned. Anyway, most people have hardly ever been to this place. Whether it is banned or not has no effect on their lives.

But there are so many more people on Sky Island. It is impossible to hide it for a long time. As a native of Sky Island, the first one to know is Enelu.

He is now hanging out with Jun and them almost every day, and he is also receiving high-intensity training every day.

When he finished today's training, he just walked into the military base and was instantly attracted by the noisy sound.

Obviously, he already knew that many people would come here next, but suddenly standing here and watching so many people in black clothes appear, Enelu still found it unbelievable.

Obviously, he was fine when he got up in the morning, why did he suddenly come back and there were so many more people?

Not everyone knows about the space portal, at least Enelu is not clear about this situation at present.

"Everyone, prepare to assemble!"

Jiye stood in the center of this huge training ground, holding a loud speaker in his hand and shouting directly.

Almost everyone within a radius of one or two kilometers could hear it, because he shouted loudly with a loud speaker. Although not everyone could hear it, it could be heard by the guy who controlled the microphone of the entire military base.

He stayed in the control room and repeated the other party's words after Jiye finished shouting.

And most of their training content is also in these aspects. In addition to the practice of the six styles of the navy, more of them are all training assemblies and team operations.

So within less than two minutes after the order was issued, tens of thousands of people quickly rushed to this huge training ground.

"Don't stand there stupidly, come with me!"

When Enelu was still surprised at the performance of these people, Junhe just passed by him, and then glanced at him and said.

"Brother Junhe, what's the situation?"

Enelu asked puzzledly.

"You will know later, assemble quickly!" Junhe said again.

"Yes...!" Enelu answered loudly.

At this moment, when he lay down and carefully observed the team of tens of thousands of people, he could clearly notice that there was a group of people who were also wearing black combat uniforms, but the only difference was that they were wearing a peaked cap on their heads, which made the black cap stand out in the crowd.

And they were not standing in the team, but all of them were standing in front of the crowd.

In less than three minutes, the originally noisy and chaotic training ground had become completely quiet. Tens of thousands of people were divided into hundreds of rows, and everyone

The distance between them is just right, and if you look from the front, you can only see one person.

Zhiye stood at the front of all the groups. He also put on a black cap and faced the front of the training ground, where the flag of the Kingdom of Tru was already flying.

Behind Zhiye stood three rows of hundreds of people, each wearing a black combat uniform and a black cap, which was completely different from the tens of thousands of people behind him.

Junhe led Enelu and his group from the periphery and slowly walked towards the training ground. Except for a few people who needed to guard the space gate, all the people from the Kingdom of Tru who came to the Sky Island Military Base had now gathered here.

When he walked to the front of the crowd, Junhe stood at attention with a very serious expression, and then slowly took out a black cap from his waist and put it on his head.

"Report to the army commander, the former captain of the palace guard of the Tru Kingdom, Zhiye, the major general of the special military of the Tru Kingdom, has been ordered by His Majesty the King to lead the special forces of the Tru Kingdom to report to you!"

Zhiye's voice was high-pitched. He stood in place and took a step forward, then saluted and shouted loudly.

In the huge training ground, there was almost no sound of wind at this moment. Although it was not so quiet that you could hear a pin drop on the ground, at least there was no noise.

Junhe also saluted in return, with a serious expression but said crisply, "Begin reporting."

"Report to the army commander, there are a total of 11,500 people coming to the Sky Island Military Base for training, including 500 training instructors and 11,000 people participating in the training. At present, all the people have arrived. Please give instructions!"

Zhiye said again in a high-pitched voice.

"Okay, the Air Force Military Base will accept your report!" Junhe said sternly, and then looked at the tens of thousands of people behind him.

It would be a lie to say that this scene was not shocking. Tens of thousands of troops were so well-organized. Even the navy might not be able to find many people with such a large training scale.

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