The more he looked at the more he saw, the more he realized that he was in trouble.

Chang Nuo was almost dumbfounded now. The sci-fi scene in front of him was too exciting.

Everything seemed unreal, but everything felt so real. After all, he suddenly came to this world from the native world, and everything felt too unreal. But what appeared now made him unable to tell where the reality was.

But despite this, Chang Nuo was still quite nervous and excited. He asked with a trembling voice, "What does the Wanjie system do?"

"Answer: The host can purchase Wanjie products according to his own situation, or use equivalent items for exchange. The mall includes items, abilities, skills, self-protection and self-attack."

Listening to this mechanical voice, Chang Nuo has been deeply immersed in it and can't extricate himself at all.

The most important thing is that this thing actually fell into his possession. I was very happy just thinking about it. The important thing is that as a prince of a kingdom, if I use money to buy things, this thing is probably still very simple.

After staying in the system space for a while, the excitement began to slowly dissipate. At the end, Chang Nuo asked curiously, "System, are there any initial rewards, or novice gift packs?"

"Answer, all items in the system mall need to be purchased with money. Do you use one Bailey to open the novice gift pack?"

"One Bailey?" Chang Nuo was stunned for a moment because he had almost never encountered things that needed to be purchased when he grew up to the age of five or six. Now he didn't know how to calculate the expenses in this world, but suddenly this happened. He remembered that in the world of One Piece, all expenses were settled in Bailey.

Thinking about it, he was a little excited and immediately said, "Begin..."

Although he didn't have Bailey, the key point was that there were too many valuable things in this room, and the mall didn't have to use Bailey for exchange. Equivalent items could also be exchanged, that is, all items were equivalent. As long as they were directly exchanged in the mall, the cost he incurred would be directly displayed.

Before Chang Nuo exited the space, he saw the balance on the space, and the remaining Bailey was 353.4 million.

In addition to being surprised, Chang Nuo was also quite curious. What on earth was worth so much around him?

But just after thinking about it, he immediately realized one thing, that is, the devil fruit that stayed by his side!

But now it's too late, the system will identify the items closest to him and use them for exchange.

Until now, he still doesn't know what the devil fruit is like? What series does it belong to? But one thing that can be confirmed is that the devil fruit must be related to the plant system, or plants.

Originally, I was still thinking about such a good thing. Even if I don't use it myself, it would be nice to give it to others.

But now it was too late, but Chang Nuo was not discouraged. Now he was looking forward to seeing what was in the novice gift package.

As the sound of a Bailey being consumed sounded, a golden door suddenly appeared in front of him. When the door slowly opened, the system voice sounded again, "Congratulations to the host for getting an initial gift package. Do you want to open it?"

When he saw this thing, it was emitting a golden light. No matter how he looked at it, it looked like a valuable item. Chang Nuo hurriedly said, "Open..."

"Congratulations to the host for getting a One Piece World Package, which includes the top three-color domineering and the Navy Six-style training method."

The system voice sounded, but Chang Nuo was not very happy or surprised at the moment. The most important thing was that there was a huge bracket at the end of the words prompted by the system, which contained another content, that is, running 10km every day for ten years, doing 500 push-ups, and 1000 frog jumps.

Although these things are not too complicated, the key is that they are now required to be maintained every day. The key is that for him, running 10km every day can almost kill him, not to mention push-ups and frog jumps.

Is this a novice gift pack or a novice torture? This is really a question to be discussed.

After seeing these things, Chang Nuo was completely

I was dumbfounded. Thinking about the life in the next ten years, I was in dire straits.

But at the same time, he also understood that the people in this world were all strong and abnormal. If he didn't work hard, he didn't know what he would become in the future.

He was still pretty good now. At least the old king was still healthy. He didn't have to worry about anything in the next few years. But if a few years later, when the old king was in poor health, the country would be handed over to him. How should he complete this handover commission at that time?

After thinking about this, Nova smiled. Although the novice gift package given by the system was a little abnormal, it was not unacceptable.

After exiting the system space, Chang Nuo smiled bitterly and looked at the empty bed next to him. The devil fruit had disappeared long ago. Although he was prepared in his heart, he suddenly felt a little lost.

But at this moment, the old king suddenly pushed the door open, hurried to Chang Nuo, and asked with concern, "Chang Nuo, where is the devil fruit just now?"

Because we don't know what the effect of that thing is, and what type it belongs to? The old king was afraid that his son would eat another very useless devil fruit, and then it would be terrible.

Chang Nuo smiled, and then said, "Dad, don't worry, my son didn't eat that thing, but this thing stayed with us, and my son felt that it should be a disaster, so I threw it away."

"It's better to throw it away, it's better to throw it away. This thing is indeed a disaster. For a country like us, we can't afford the conflict caused by this thing."

The old king said with lingering fear, and didn't feel that his son was deceiving him at all.

The Kingdom of Tru belongs to the South China Sea in the world of One Piece. It can almost be said to be the weakest among the four seas. Chang Nuo is quite clear about this.

Since knowing that he is in the world of pirates, at least one thing is certain, that is, the weakest of the four seas is the South China Sea, while the strongest existence should be the East China Sea!

But as the weakest South China Sea, it has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that staying in this South China Sea, it is almost rare to encounter so-called pirates, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, every time the pirates come, they can almost rob a country.

"Dad, what did the navy come here for just now?"

Chang Nuo asked curiously.

The old king thought for a while, and still smiled and said, "It seems that it is because the wife of the Pirate King is not clear in our country, and their navy wants to arrest her, so they came to inform her."

"The wife of the Pirate King?"

Chang Nuo couldn't help but start shouting. The key is that when he knew about pirates before, he almost used the Age of Discovery as the time standard, but he never knew about this time point, how many years and so on.

He never thought that when he knew about the world of pirates, the time point would actually be at this time?

But this is also good, at least it proves that the protagonist of the future pirate world has not been born yet, so next, there will be much more room for him to play and display.

But although he was excited, Chang Nuo didn't want to care about these trivial matters. What he wanted to do now was to seize the time to enrich himself for ten years. Thinking about it made him crazy.

"Dad, starting tomorrow, my son will start to exercise and become a strong man. At least in the future, we can't be bullied by others casually, and we can't let anyone come to our country at will." Chang Nuo said seriously.

When the old king heard his son say this, he was really relieved. At this moment, his white hair seemed to have turned black. He grinned and laughed, then patted Chang Nuo on the shoulder and said, "Good son, if you have an idea, as long as you want to do it, then do it well. Now I am old and strong, and I won't let you take over this mess in a short time."

"Look at what you said, you can live at least another 20 years!" Chang Nuo also said with a smile.

Let's not talk about what kind of situation this old man is in, but for Chang Nuo, after coming to this world, his old man has taken care of his situation in every possible way.

Chang Nuo has never seen his mother since he was born, and he has seen everything this old man has done.

In fact, there are not many people in the huge palace. The Tru Kingdom is not only poor in military strength, but also in economics. It is almost in a state of not being able to eat enough, but also not starving to death.

The country has always been like this, since

There has been no good development in the future. After all, no country in this world is better off. However, being in the South China Sea, there is no good way out not only in economic trade, but also in other aspects.

Before reaching this point, Chang Nuo did not want to worry too much. Now all he could do was to wait well. The specific situation could only be discussed later.

Starting from the second day, Chang Nuo had gotten up early to prepare. He was now fully prepared to meet the next challenge.

Fortunately, the Tru Kingdom was relatively safe and there was no need to worry about any situation. But even so, when Nova was running outside, the old king sent a few people to follow him, fearing that he would encounter any accidents in the middle.

His daily routine was almost the same. He got up early in the morning and first ran around the forest for a 10km distance. For this child, it took almost a long time to run.

Under such intense exercise, especially in the first few days, after exercising on the first day, he didn't want to get up at all on the second day, and even had the idea of ​​giving up, but in the end he still persisted.

After a month, the lazy look that was originally every day seemed to have eased a lot. At least after running 10km every day, he could finish it in one breath.

Day after day, year after year, Chang Nuo repeated the same action every day. Even the people in the palace did not understand why he could live a very leisurely and comfortable life, but chose to abuse himself in this way.

But his performance was also appreciated by many ministers. At least from him, we can see a kind of perseverance that will not admit defeat. He is not so weak. In terms of perseverance, Chang Nuo has been recognized by everyone.

But this situation did not last for a few years.

In the seventh year, the old king's health was getting worse day by day. After all, by now, the old king is over 80 years old, and it is normal for his health to reach this level.

After exercising, Chang Nuo also began to gradually get involved in these state affairs. At least in this Tru Kingdom, there is nothing worth paying special attention to.

After all, this country has almost always been like this.

They are poor, have no trade, no economy, and almost nothing, but because of this, they will not be missed by anyone.

But everyone understands that if this continues, who knows what the country will become? Now the people are already living in poverty, and even worse than before.

Five years ago, the whole world has changed. The Pirate King was executed in Rogue Town, but a word before his death shocked the whole world.

Many pirates have appeared in the South China Sea one after another. Even in the Tru Kingdom, where pirates are not seen all year round, pirates often appear in the sea.

This has led to a serious decline in the economic strength of the entire kingdom.

Fortunately, most pirates are composed of ordinary people, and the only army in the kingdom can play a suppressive role for most pirates.

But sometimes you will encounter a stronger existence, and heavy casualties are inevitable.

The Age of Exploration has come, and many people's dream is to become pirates, which has caused the entire Tru Kingdom to become miserable.

When he first came into contact with state affairs, Chang Nuo had already discovered all this, but the current situation is still a bit difficult for the entire Tru Kingdom to achieve the prosperity of the entire nation, at least in the short term.

But as a modern-minded Chang Nuo, it may not be very difficult to deal with all these matters, not to mention that he also has the system.

In the eighth year, Chang Nuo is now 14 years old, and it is also the seventh year of the Age of Exploration.

Chang Nuo is now about 1.8 meters tall, with a well-proportioned and strong physique. Even though he has not participated in any kingdom affairs, his lofty status still attracts the attention of most people in the entire kingdom.

The old king can only lie on the bed dying every day, and he doesn't care about the outside world. In addition to exercising and dealing with state affairs every day, Chang Nuo spends almost all his time accompanying the old king.

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