The meeting was broadcast live across the country, and any carelessness could lead to criticism.

This was also the first time Chang Nuo did something like this, but he looked very calm and indifferent overall.

"Your Majesty, this is in accordance with your request, and the content to be discussed in this meeting has been sorted out."

Gogoya played the role of a secretary this time, and he looked very stylish.

He was wearing a standard professional suit, a bun, a white shirt on the upper body, a hip skirt with black stockings, and five-centimeter high heels, which made him look very elegant and professional.

"Just put your things down first, and you sit aside and be ready to record things at any time." Chang Nuo replied with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

After Gogoya left and sat there, Changnuo sat up straight and adjusted his clothes, looking more mature.

He didn't need to say anything more afterwards, as the people below started pushing the camera in front of him and stopped about five meters away.

Now all the live broadcast screens outside showed the appearance of their king.

At this moment, no one spoke, it was so quiet that only the sound of breathing and heartbeat could be heard.

Chang Nuo coughed twice, then waved his hand with a smile and said, "Hello, people of Tru Kingdom. There may be many people who don't know me. Then let me introduce myself first. I am our Tru Kingdom King Genji Chang Nuo, an ordinary person who lives in the same place as you.

It is my honor and responsibility to be the king of this country and to have you as my people.

More than two years ago, when I became the king of this country, I had always thought that I must let my people live the rich life they want in the future, at least to ensure that you will no longer have to worry about food, no longer worry about warmth and cold, and no longer worry about safety in your future life.

As the King of Tru, today, we are opening the first national live broadcast conference of our Tru country, the purpose is to let Do you understand that we can bring you the life you want in the future, and how should we do it?

Whether you are the original Tru citizens or the Luoya citizens who have just joined this big family, you will all have the same identity in the future, that is, a member of our Tru country's big family.

It is you who give us rights, status and honor. For this reason, all of us will spare no effort to create the living conditions that belong to our Tru Kingdom.

For this reason, I would like to solemnly swear here that the people will be the first important thing for our Tru country. As the king of Tru, I am also willing to advance and retreat with you.

Of course, I am also very grateful for your expectations of us. If there are any deficiencies in the future, I also hope that the people in front of the live broadcast station can give timely corrections and replies. "

After Chang Nuo finished speaking, he sat in the same place and nodded directly to show his politeness.

However, the other people sitting in the hall had already been shocked and stunned. Which king of a country would say such a thing? The key is still facing the people of the whole country.

But they don’t know at all what is boiling outside now?

After the King in their eyes finished speaking, almost the whole country was silent for a moment, and then there were shouts in front of every live broadcast station.

They shouted their own King directly, and most of them were moved to tears.

It's no wonder that they behaved like this, especially the people of Roya before. They have been treated inhumanely for many years. Now they have come out of such a devilish life. Suddenly, it seems like entering heaven. Their own King is so kind and willing to put them first. This is what makes everyone feel worthy of touching.

The King took the initiative to communicate with them and introduce himself. Indeed, many people have never seen their king before, but since this time, Chang Nuo's image has been deeply imprinted in their minds.

Such inspiring words, let alone these ordinary people, even the soldiers who are responsible for guarding the live broadcast station, are all moved and don't know what to do.


The first public appearance has caused such a sensation that even the reporters from other countries and the Grand Route showed shock on their faces.

They must have met many more people than these civilians. At least one thing that can be confirmed is that among so many countries, Chang Nuo is definitely the only king who can say such a thing.

The reporters' Den Den Mushi kept taking pictures and flipping. In addition, other people also kept communicating with the people at the headquarters through Den Den Mushi.

However, after Chang Nuo finished speaking, the photographer began to retreat quickly with the camera, and the picture locked the entire palace hall again.

This time, after the king spoke first, it was completely proved that the meeting had officially begun.

The solemn scene also made all the spectators quiet down, for fear that they would miss something if they did not listen carefully.

After sorting out all the emotions, the meeting finally began in the hall.

"This is the first national meeting of the Tru Kingdom. Let me first talk about the introduction and rules of the meeting.

First of all, the person leading this meeting is our great King Tru. A total of 176 people participated in the meeting, and the content of all the meetings was broadcast live to the entire Tru Kingdom.

The next meeting will focus on comprehensive discussions. Before the topic of discussion appears, everyone must remain silent."

Losta stood up, looked at everyone and said loudly. He was the host of this meeting, so he was naturally qualified to say such a thing.

No one sitting there spoke. These rules don't need to be said. They all understand them. It's just that it's the first time to attend such a formal meeting, which inevitably makes some people feel excited and uneasy.

In addition, there are too many people watching this meeting outside. In some ways, the number of people watching this time is not even just the citizens of the Tru Kingdom, but also broadcast to other countries by other reporters.

The key is that the content of this meeting does not need to be hidden or kept secret, and it is harmless even if people from other countries know it.

"It seems that everyone has no objection. In that case, I declare that the first national meeting of the Tru Kingdom will now officially begin..."

Lostar saw that no one responded and shouted loudly.

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