The whole room was staring at every move on the screen, including the details of everyone's words and actions, and they were all listening carefully.

However, in the center of the screen, the king of Tru Kingdom, Changnuo, was sitting all the time. At the age of 16, he gave people a very mature and stable feeling.

"How many people are there in our country?"

Cobra suddenly asked the people sitting behind him. He had never thought of such a thing.

The ministers behind him also looked at each other, and they knew the answer without thinking too much.

"Your Majesty, the land area of ​​our country is too large, but most of it is desert. In terms of population, it may not be as large as that of Tru Kingdom."

A minister behind Cobra said it with a stiff upper lip.

However, when he said this, even he himself was probably embarrassed.

"Learn well, a country managed by a teenager has surpassed our country that has lasted for a thousand years.

It must be said that the Tru National Conference broadcast this time can also make us feel deeply!"

Cobra did not blame the ministers behind him, after all, he had never thought about such a thing.

Looking at those people who were talking on the screen, Cobra was already ashamed.

"Dad, what are you looking at?"

Weiwei, who was sitting next to Cobra, finally asked in a low voice, the question in her heart.

She was completely unable to understand all this in front of her, and she couldn't even understand what the other party was saying?

"Weiwei, look carefully, this will definitely become a king who leads an era. Even Dad is deeply touched when he sees these."

Cobra said calmly and with emotion.

"Your Majesty, I think the national conditions of the Tru Kingdom are very different from ours, and many things cannot be covered in one sentence."

As soon as Cobra finished speaking, the minister who had just spoken behind him spoke again.

"Do you think I don't know what you said? The key issue is not here at all."

Kobara said, turning his head to look at his daughter Weiwei, and said with emotion, "The king of Tru Kingdom, Genji Nagano, I have met his father twice. This little guy became king at the age of fourteen. He is sixteen this year, but he has cleaned up the mess left by his father before. Not only that, from the country's economy and military, it is completely different from before.

It can be said that Tru Kingdom is now under his leadership. It won't be long before it will become the most powerful country in the entire South China Sea."

"Dad, are you serious?"

Weiwei asked in surprise.

"Well..., it's just a matter of time." Cobra smiled and said.

"Don't worry, Dad, Weiwei will definitely be stronger than the other party in the future."

Looking at Weiwei's serious look, Cobra smiled with satisfaction, and then continued to look at the content on the screen.

Another place.

In a room that looks relatively dark, several old men are also looking at this scene of Tru Kingdom in front of them.

Everyone's expression was not very good, but at this time, an old man with a goatee said directly, "Let CP2 go and tell the king of the Tru Kingdom to join the World Government."

"I can't believe that such a weak place like the South China Sea can have such a shrewd king? Let CP0 investigate and see what the situation is in this country first?"

Just as the old man with a goatee finished speaking, another bald man wearing a white robe and holding a long knife in his hand also spoke.

"It seems that the wife and children of Pirate King Roger were in this country back then?" said another old man with a mustache.

"Yes, I still have a good impression of this matter. The wife of Pirate King Roger is indeed in this Tru Kingdom." said the bald old man with a knife.

"Let CP tell them to join the World Government directly, and don't worry about other things for the time being." The old man with a goatee said again.

"Then let's do it!"

The old man with a mustache didn't say anything else, and several people acquiesced to this attitude.

This time, the national conference of the Tru Kingdom did attract the attention of many kings from other countries. Of course, some of them seriously reflected on their own behavior, while others felt that the Tru Kingdom existed just to attract attention.


Everyone has different opinions, but their perspectives cannot determine the future direction of the Tru Kingdom.

The meeting is still going on, and only two things were discussed in the morning.

Chang Nuo almost didn't say anything during the whole process, just to see everyone's attitude. Most of the people on the scene were young people, and everyone was full of motivation.

He just threw the topic away, and the rest was arranged by Losta.

After all, the issues to be discussed in this meeting had already been discussed before. The purpose of holding such a meeting this time was to let the people of the country know how the next prosperous era will proceed.

Chang Nuo didn't know that there were so many people outside watching the meeting of his own country, but it didn't matter at all.

Even the old men of the World Government wanted to let themselves join the World Government, and they had already considered it before, but for the current Tru Kingdom, joining the World Government is not impossible.

After all, the national economic level is rising now. After joining the World Government, it is nothing more than a matter of paying the Sky Gold. However, for the future Tru Kingdom, the advantages of joining the World Government are much greater than now.

After all, in the future, when sailing on the sea, there is no need to worry about the pirates looting their own goods, after all, they can directly summon the navy to fight.

This is the biggest benefit of joining the World Government, and the Sky Gold provided is just a protection fee.

But all this is just a drop in the bucket for the current Tru Kingdom, and the Sky Gold is not just gold, silver and jewelry, but can also be replaced by goods, provided that the group of people at the top can meet the requirements.

"Your Majesty, should we take a break at noon before proceeding?"

In the main hall of Tru Palace, Losta Zhan looked at Chang Nuo and asked in a low voice.

"That's it for this morning. Regarding economic and commercial development, inform them immediately and the relevant persons in charge should implement it as soon as possible. Let's stop here for what we discussed this morning and continue to discuss other things in the afternoon.

Let's adjourn the meeting first. If any of you have any questions, you must communicate with Losta as soon as possible. Don't make mistakes later. In our country, leaders will never allow such low-level mistakes to occur."

Chang Nuo also stood up and spoke directly to the people in the hall.

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