The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

It was already noon, and the meal hadn't started yet, so there was no need to discuss other things.

Cobra also smiled, after all, this was the beginning of easing the awkwardness just now.

"King Changnuo said, let's eat first, and then we can talk about the rest." Cobra also said directly.

No one cared about what Princess Weiwei said, even Cobra himself seemed to have never heard it.

For them, what Weiwei said was just childish talk, and no one would care.

As for what the person involved thought, no one cared.

Everyone stood up together and walked directly to another hall.

After going around a few corners, a room that didn't look very big appeared in front of everyone.

Although this place is not very big, it should not be a big problem to accommodate a hundred people.

In this room, what caught the eye was a dining table that was more than ten meters long, on which various foods were already placed.

Changnuo and Cobra sat at the two ends of this huge rectangular dining table, while the others sat down casually.

In fact, this feast was just a formality. The people sitting here might not even be full in the end. Even if there were so many delicacies on the table, they were completely unable to let go of their hands and feet.

Eating was eating. No one said a word during the process, and there was no toasting. The overall look was very gentle and elegant.

Changnuo was essentially more handsome and handsome. With the king's crown and a very gentle outfit, he was different from Cobra.

As members of the royal family, they still had to show what they should do.

The meal was awkward. No one said a word during the whole meal, not to mention Changnuo and Cobra. Even Princess Vivi, who was always talkative, seemed quite quiet during the whole meal.

Half an hour later, after waiting for the meal to end, Cobra didn't even take a break. He called Changnuo and said, "King Changnuo, it's rare for you to come to Alabasta. How about taking you to visit our palace?"

"King Cobra is polite. Since you invite me like this, I, as a junior, should obey." Changnuo said with a smile.

This was actually his opportunity. In his previous impression, the main text of history was in this palace, but he didn't remember where it was exactly. He just took this opportunity to take a good look.

When he started to set off, Changnuo also made a special look at Junhe. Without words, the other party knew what his Majesty the King was thinking.

There were about ten people from the king to the ministers in Alabasta, but Changnuo brought Gogoya and Junhe with him in the Kingdom of Tru.

The palace of Alabasta is relatively large. No one knows what King Cobra is thinking. They just met for the first time and have been in contact for less than two hours, but they are so friendly that people have to think too much.

After leaving the palace, Cobra and Changnuo walked side by side. As for the ministers and entourage behind them, they were at least ten meters apart.

The two kings in front took this opportunity to talk about things. As for those behind them, they naturally didn't want to disturb them.

"King Cobra, what do you think about joining the World Government?" Changnuo said as he walked.

None of them were in the mood to appreciate these beautiful scenery. Let's not talk about whether there is one or not. Even if there is one, everyone has their own ideas in their hearts and is not in the mood to consider and watch these things around them.

From Cobra's side, Chang Nuo can at least get some inside information about joining the World Government. Although he already has the God's Eye and can see the whole picture of the pirate world, as a bystander and as a person who actually becomes a part of this world, the experience is completely different, and he doesn't even know how many changes there are.

Cobra didn't hide anything either. He turned his head and looked at Chang Nuo, then thought for a while and said, "The World Government is now completely different from before, and has even deviated from the track we expected before. For many countries, joining the World Government is a great opportunity.

Government is not a good start, but a nightmare.

The World Government currently has 175 member states, but there are nearly 300 countries in the four seas alone, not to mention the countries on the Great Route.

There are nearly 500 countries in the world now, but those who are willing to join the World Government have more or less gained some benefits from it, but for those poor countries, joining the World Government means paying a high amount of Tianshangjin fees. For such countries, just this fee can make their entire country fall into the quagmire.

Although I don't know why you are so persistent in joining the World Government, I think you should have your own reasons and reasons. "

What Cobra said was quite pertinent. Even though he was a member of the World Government, the only difference was that this country was the only one among all the member countries of the World Government that did not need to pay the Celestial Gold fee.

As for the reason, Chang Nuo knew it very well, but even so, this huge country was still in a state of poverty after hundreds of years of development.

Before coming to Alabasta, Chang Nuo had been wondering why the king's ancestor of Alabasta was unwilling to choose to become a Celestial Dragon hundreds of years ago. This position is the ceiling level in the entire pirate world, and it is already at birth. It has reached the pinnacle of all human beings, but what exactly Alabasta is guarding is still unknown.

But all this is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. Alabasta must have secrets that he doesn't know.

The original plot also did not tell about the things in the middle. I am afraid that the answer to this secret will still need to be understood in the future.

However, facing what Cobra said, Chang Nuo did not explain too much. As for why he chose to join the World Government, although there was pressure from the World Government on the one hand, the other was the treatment he enjoyed after joining the World Government.

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