The king of the kingdom of Alabasta also accompanied him, and each of them was eager to learn something.

Originally, it was just to go to Marijoa to perform the ceremony of joining the World Government, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing in the middle.

Sometimes, I have to say that King Cobra of Alabasta is still very sensitive in some aspects.

After everyone sat down, Chang Nuo and Cobra met face to face. No matter how they discussed this time, in the end, they only reached a preliminary agreement between the two kings. As for more detailed things, these need to be communicated slowly by others in the future.

"Your Majesty King Tru, our King has mentioned it just now, saying that you are interested in reaching a preliminary economic and commercial cooperation with Alabasta. I wonder if you can tell me the details?"

Alabasta's Left Minister asked.

After hearing this, Gogoya quickly took out a notebook, holding a pen in his hand, and began to prepare to record what his king was going to say next.

The other party also prepared a video recorder for recording.

After everything was ready, Chang Nuo looked at the others, then sat up straight and said, "King Cobra, I have mentioned it just now. Our Kingdom of Tru and Alabasta will only communicate in the economic field next, and will not involve national military, politics, and people's livelihood."

Cobra listened and nodded directly.


Vivi was about to say something, but Cobra covered her mouth with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"Little princess, this is not the time to make trouble or talk nonsense. We should either leave or sit here and don't talk." Gogoya reminded with a smile.

Although this was a bit unpleasant, no one in Alabasta thought that Gogoya was wrong.

In such a formal occasion, it was already very unruly for Princess Vivi to appear here at such a young age, and more importantly, she interrupted when the other king was speaking.

"Sorry, King Changnuo, please continue."

Cobra said awkwardly without considering Vivi's little emotions.

"It's okay, King Cobra, I'll continue." Changnuo smiled and didn't mind what happened just now.

"Regarding the economies of the two countries, we can build related enterprises in Alabasta, which can include the current perfumes, handicrafts, cloth and other related products of the Tru Kingdom, and strive to meet the employment and living security of 50% of the citizens of Alabasta within five years.

For this purpose, we can provide infrastructure construction, environmental transformation, desalination projects and other basic livelihood projects that are beneficial to your country.

Correspondingly, Alabasta needs to assist the Tru Kingdom to build sales channels and freight security for the Grand Route and the New World.

The enterprises we build will act in accordance with your country's taxes and laws. For the specific infrastructure costs required, Alabasta can deduct taxes or pay directly. As for the remaining matters, relevant domestic personnel can communicate and deal with them at that time."

Chang Nuo directly told the slightly detailed things.

Gogoya, who was staying next to him, kept recording, but Junhe behind him was already stunned.

Although he was the captain of the king's guard, he had been following Chang Nuo for a long time, so he could understand these things more or less.

Although the commercial reputation of the Tru Kingdom has increased, it has no sales channels on the Grand Line. After all, the transportation costs here are completely disproportionate.

Originally, the main purpose of joining the World Government was to exercise the right to sell on the Grand Line, but in this way, for them, the transportation costs will be greatly saved, and a large number of people will be saved in terms of safety.

If this is the case, both countries can indeed maximize their benefits.

Such commercial rhetoric, especially the development of economic systems between countries, has completely entered another era ruled by the bourgeoisie.

In the field.

Not to mention the people in the Tru Kingdom, even the princes and ministers in Alabasta were surprised at the fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy in front of them.

No one could have thought that at such a young age, he could master the formalities between countries so skillfully. Even those who have lived for a lifetime have never thought of handing over such a good thing to others.

But now it is different. A small Tru Kingdom is willing to put its domestic production economy in other countries, but the return it needs is just for safety.

It is incomprehensible that they are too one-sided and have not considered this issue from the essence of the matter.

For the country of Alabasta, at least it can solve the current state of people's hunger, but the benefits of the Tru Kingdom are obviously greater.

After Changnuo finished speaking, the ministers of Alabasta quickly withdrew to a farther place, and then whispered to communicate.

Cobra also fell into deep thought. What Changnuo said was very attractive, especially the current state of their country. If they really had these supports, they would definitely be able to change the national economic level.

With such a great temptation, Cobra was still thinking, mainly because he felt that these problems could be digested by his country?

"King Changnuo, what you said is indeed very helpful to our country. Since we have already discussed the preliminary intention today, as for the remaining details, your country will send people to communicate in detail at that time." Cobra thought for a while and said.

He could feel the benefits these things brought to his country, but for Tru country, it seemed that the benefits obtained were much greater than his own country. Cobra knew very well that if it was not the case, why would the other party come to his country to invest?

In fact, these things did not require any large investment for Changnuo at all. The most massive human resources were all in this country, and it could also develop all the economic undertakings on the Great Route. This was the problem he had to consider first.

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