The old man was very happy, but he was still very young.

Junhe sat alone thinking, he had no idea about these things, whether it was Fishman Island or Sky Island, these were just legends to him.

Gogoya sat aside. She understood what her king meant, but she still asked, "Your Majesty, if you say so, then wouldn't it be a big target for us to go to Sky Island?"

"Sky Island has always existed in legends, mainly because no one has been there for a long time. There are only two ways to get to Sky Island now. One is through a sea area called Gaya Island below Sky Island, where there is a surging ocean current. If we catch up, we can get there directly.

The other way is to enter Sky Island through the Upside-Down Mountain, but this place is almost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Who knows when we can get there?

So the most convenient and fastest way for us is to go directly to Gaya and use the ocean current to get to Sky Island."

Chang Nuo said it directly without thinking, closing his eyes.

Junhe's doubts and his previous thoughts made him curious and asked directly, "Your Majesty, why do you know so much about the Grand Line, and you seem to know a lot about the New World?"

"That's right, Your Majesty!" Gogoya also began to ask in confusion.

It was Chang Nuo's turn to be in an awkward situation. After all, he, like these two people, had hardly ever left the Kingdom of Tru, and every time he went out, one of these two people would definitely bring him with him.

Chang Nuo continued to lie there with his eyes closed and rolled his eyes because he was embarrassed. After a long while, he said, "Anywhere in the sea, as long as I want to close my eyes, I can get there, so as long as I want to understand, there is almost no difficulty!"

Gogoya was still confused, but Junhe was completely different.

He knew that his own king had a devil fruit with spatial ability, and that being able to jump through space was not strange no matter how he thought about it.

"Do you understand what your majesty meant?"

Gogoya asked Junhe blankly.

"Well, I understand, maybe you will understand it in the future."

Junhe did not intend to tell anyone about this, but the admiration in his eyes was already about to burst out.

Chang Nuo also knew that he could only say it in this way. It was impossible to tell them that he had the Eye of God and understood the entire process of the entire pirate world, right?

Facing the two people's questions, this answer is the kind of impeccable one.

The space-based devil fruit has almost unlimited possibilities, but Chang Nuo has not yet reached the extreme of the development ability of this devil fruit.

The higher the level of the devil fruit, the more difficult it is to awaken.

In the pirate world, even those natural devil fruits can actually be awakened in the second stage, but in the many years that this devil fruit has existed, the awakening power of the natural devil fruit seems to have never appeared.

The superhuman space devil fruit can be regarded as the top existence among the entire superhuman series of devil fruits. If you want to awaken the power of the space devil fruit, at least Chang Nuo's current ability is completely unable to do it.

"Junhe, I always feel that you two are hiding something from me?"

Gogoya approached Junhe and whispered with his mouth almost touching his face.

"What are you thinking about? How could we hide something from you? Don't think too much and take a rest." Junhe hurriedly started to change the subject.

"You two should stop mumbling. How far are we from the destination now?" Chang Nuo asked in boredom.

"It's hard to tell now. There are no small islands around. It was estimated that it would take half a month to get there. We have only been walking for four or five days now, so we should still have more than half of the journey to go!" Gogoya said.

"There is one ahead..."

Chang Nuo was just about to say that there was an island not far ahead, but suddenly, his observation color directly sensed that there was something very dangerous on the island, and the degree of danger was far beyond their imagination.

He stood up suddenly, quickly leaned against the edge of the fence, and kept looking ahead at a small island that could not be seen by the naked eye.

"Gogoya, notify Barro to turn and start sailing to the right to avoid the area ahead.


Chang Nuo suddenly shouted directly at Gogoya.

Gogoya was stunned for a moment, but immediately stood up and did what Chang Nuo told her to do.

Junhe also quickly stood up and climbed to the edge of the fence, and used his observation Haki to start sensing forward, but his strength was not as good as Chang Nuo's, and he could not sense any situation on the island above.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

Junhe asked worriedly.

"Kaido!!!" Chang Nuo said to himself, and then began to say with some doubts, "Why is he in the first half of the Grand Line?"

"Kaido?" Junhe also repeated.

Looking at the alert expression on Chang Nuo's face, Junhe immediately began to be alert.

"We've been discovered, Junhe, tell Barro to head west all the way, and don't wait for me for the time being." Chang Nuo said with a frown.

"Your Majesty, how about I accompany you, if you are alone here...! "

"If I want to leave, no one in this world can stop me. Do as ordered. Your most important task is to protect the safety of the people on this ship."

Chang Nuo interrupted Jun He's words and said with a slight smile.

What Chang Nuo said was not wrong. With the space ability of the devil fruit, in this world, as long as he does not act stubbornly, no one can stop him.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, I will take good care of the people on the ship!" Jun He said seriously.

"I hope it's as you said! "Chang Nuo smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge stone flew towards the Abili.

The size of the stone was almost as big as his entire ship. Chang Nuo stood at the bow without any panic and waved his hand casually. A blue light curtain appeared in front of his whole body. The moment this huge stone hit the light curtain, it disappeared directly.

But when the boulder appeared again, it had deviated from the ship by about 500 meters, and then fell heavily into the water.

Others didn't know what happened, so they could only do what Chang Nuo told them.

In this way, it was also directly deviated from the route to Mary Geoise, but there was nothing they could do. .

After solving the problem of the boulder, Chang Nuo also disappeared on the ship.

When he appeared on the island, he saw this huge figure, which was exactly the same as what he had guessed.

In front of him was a very tall and burly man with black hair draped over his shoulders, a pair of long horns like dragon horns, a long beard like a dragon's beard on his mouth, and a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm. The upper body was naked, with an X-shaped scar on the right abdomen, a purple top hanging on his waist, two gold chains hanging from the bottom of the top, dark green wide pants on the lower body, a shimenawa tied around the waist, and a purple fluffy cloak, which looked quite domineering.

"Wuhahahaha..., I really didn't expect that an ant would dare to appear here?"

Kaido's voice sounded quite rough, and his powerful momentum directly pressed on Chang Nuo.

"Mr. Kaido, we have no intention of offending you. I don't know where I offended you, please forgive me! "

Chang Nuo directly performed a gentleman's salute, and then endured the pressure from Kaido.

The entire island is not particularly large, but Kaido is the only one on the island. He is either waiting for something, or there is something unknown to others.

But Chang Nuo could not imagine that the Four Emperors of the New World would appear in this place?

Chang Nuo raised his head and took a look. The scars on Kaido standing there were obviously new, and he seemed to have suffered a serious injury!

"Boy, you have the courage to come and face me, Kaido, which is enough to get my recognition, but this is not good enough. I finally escaped from death, and I didn't expect to meet you. I don't want to expose this place for the time being, so I can only ask you to die, so that I can feel more at ease. "

Kaido opened his eyes that looked bigger than a cow, and said to Changnuo with a stern look and a ferocious expression.

As soon as the voice fell, Kaido's attack rushed directly towards him.

With just one punch, the hill where Changnuo was originally located was razed to the ground in an instant.

Such a powerful attack is really a bit unsatisfactory.

Facing such a person, even Changnuo couldn't help but frown.

Although he has spatial abilities and his combat experience in the past two years has been improved, compared with the opponent, he is obviously not a little bit worse.

Fortunately, Changnuo dodged quickly and was not as good as this kind of person who started fighting right away.

, there is nothing to talk about at all.

But taking this opportunity, Chang Nuo also wanted to know how much he weighed. Seeing an opportunity, he quickly used the ability of space jump and punched Kaido.

But such an attack was instantly blocked by the opponent, and the two domineering auras directly conflicted. Kaido's domineering aura was black, and Chang Nuo's domineering aura was blue.

The lightning generated by the conflict of domineering auras instantly began to spread around the island.

The sea water around the island was even directly forced back by the momentum of the two people, and Kaido's shocked look in his eyes at this moment was also expressed without concealment.

He didn't expect that the little guy in front of him could actually have a domineering aura that was unmatched among millions of people, and the key was that his strength was still so strong!

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be quite strong. It's really surprising that someone like you can appear in the first half of the Grand Line!"

Kaido showed a sinister smile, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, but at this moment his expression made people look even more frightened.

"Mr. Kaido, I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't know you were here. I hope you can forgive me. For this, we are willing to offer a thousand jars of fine wine to express our apology.

And after leaving this place, we will never talk about meeting Mr. Kaido!"

Chang Nuo's eyes were alert, his fists were clenched, but he still said respectfully.

Times make heroes. Chang Nuo understood the truth in front of him very well. In terms of strength, he was not Kaido's opponent at all.

He could delay for a while now, at least he must ensure that the personnel on the Abili could be evacuated from the safe zone.

He never expected to meet Kaido in this place. This was also the biggest crisis he had encountered in his life. If he could get through it, he would have to fight hard.


After both sides stopped fighting, Kaido suddenly started to cough violently. It was obvious from his appearance that he had been seriously injured. It was unknown who in this world could hurt him so badly.

Chang Nuo saw everything, but he was not in a hurry or thought to take action at this moment.

Looking at the entire pirate world, Kaido's combat power has exceeded the imagination of too many people. Even if he is seriously injured now, Chang Nuo is not sure that he can seriously injure him.

"Boy, do you think I will believe your nonsense? But I like your attitude, Uncle Kaido, but I didn't expect that you, a little guy, actually know me?"

Kaido's sharp eyes stared straight at Chang Nuo standing in front of him, as if he would kill him on the spot if the other party said something wrong.


As soon as Kaido finished speaking, a figure suddenly emerged from his side and attacked Kaido at a very fast speed.

Several powerful attacks instantly hit Kaido's back, tearing the ground apart.

Kaido didn't even dodge, still standing there, and when these attacks fell on him, it seemed that they had no effect at all.

"Junhe, retreat..."

Changnuo saw this scene and shouted anxiously.

When the figure fell, a man in the form of a wolf stood behind Kaido. This wolf had blue mane, blood-red eyes, bared fangs, and a faint blue light. The sharp nails on both hands were at least 20cm long. With an expression of being ready for battle, he stared directly at Kaido standing there.

"Mr. Kaido, I'm very sorry, this is my subordinate, please forgive me for my intrusion!"

Changnuo didn't expect Junhe to appear.

"Wuhahaha, the Silver Moon Wolf form of the Wolf Wolf Fruit of the Animal-type Mythical Beast, it's really a bit surprising, when did such a person appear on the Grand Line, from now on, why don't you two follow me, Kaido!"

Kaido laughed and looked at the two of them and said.

Chang Nuo stood there and took a deep breath, and Junhe also came to his side at this moment.

"Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to escort them away from here?" Chang Nuo asked coldly.

"Barro has already taken them away, and I am worried about your majesty's safety, so I came here."

As Junhe spoke, he began to be wary of Kaido who was standing not far away.

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