The iron chains on his body began to fall to the ground slowly. Even when he stood up, he looked disheveled. In the dark night, it was impossible to see his face clearly. "Is it done?" Chang Nuo turned his head and asked in a low voice in the direction of Junhe. "It's done, Your Majesty." The empty space in the room was now filled with various small boxes and exquisite decorations. At least now they didn't want to measure the value of these things. Time was not very abundant for them. "Abona, let's go back first. As for the seastone handcuffs on your hands, the two of us can't help you get rid of them now, otherwise the noise caused is too big." Chang Nuo said in a low voice. "Master is right, Abona understands!"

There is nothing he is not satisfied with now. Since he took off the collar, he has felt like he has been reborn. Facing his new master's words, he was very moved.

Chang Nuo waved his hand casually, and the collected items on the ground disappeared instantly. As a newcomer, Abona did not feel any surprise. This should be a matter of course.

"We don't have much time now, hurry up and leave!"

Chang Nuo said to the two of them, and then waved his hand directly, and the blue vortex in front of him appeared again.

Before Abona left, he took another look at Bokuroi who was lying on the bed and was dead. The anger in his eyes made him want to go up and cut the body into pieces, but he would not choose to do so now.

Junhe was the first to jump into the vortex. Abona looked back and jumped in immediately. As for Chang Nuo, he left a gift here before leaving.

Their ship had been sailing all the time. It had already left the control of Marijoa in a day, and it was not going in the original direction. If there was no signal left in the room, Chang Nuo probably would not have been able to use the power of space to jump to this place directly.

The three of them appeared again and returned to the room on the ship. This moment was the real freedom.

In just a moment, they had jumped hundreds of kilometers directly. As for anything that happened on Marijoa, no one would think about them at all.

The ship had left in the morning, so how could no one think about the people on the ship of the Tru Kingdom hundreds of kilometers away.

After returning to the room, with the help of the light, Chang Nuo finally saw Abona clearly.

The other party was a man about thirty years old. He looked very thin. If there was no clothes to set off, his body would probably have become skin and bones.

His face was dirty, his hair had fallen to his shoulders, and was very messy, covering most of his face. He was wearing gray clothes, and I didn't know whether it was the original color or it looked like he hadn't changed for a long time.

Now Abona still wore seastone handcuffs, but from his appearance, this guy didn't look like a person with the power of a devil fruit at all.

After all, the power of seastone can directly make the devil fruit ability user collapse on the ground, not to mention being able to stand up and communicate normally.

"Your Majesty, isn't it too risky for us to take such a person with us?" Junhe said.

"Don't worry."

Changnuo said, and then looked at Abona, who was now disheveled, and didn't immediately remove the seastone handcuffs on his hands.

"Now you can introduce yourself well. This place is at least hundreds of kilometers away from Marijoa, completely out of the control range of the other side. If what you say is the truth, then you will be free in the future and live in this world again!" Changnuo said calmly.

After he finished speaking, he sat directly on a chair behind him, wanting to quietly wait for Abona's answer.

Junhe also looked at the other party with curiosity and some caution. After all, this person was also of unknown origin. In Mary Joa, even a slave could have a special identity.

Abona understood that he needed to explain his process. He did not refuse. For the sixteen or seventeen-year-old guy in front of him, Abona was very grateful for being brought out by the other party.


The years of slavery in Qiaoya had worn away almost all the edges and corners of him. Leaving that place had become his biggest luxury, but even so, this luxury was so slim that it could not be slimmer.

Abona knelt slowly on the ground, but at this time, Changnuo said directly to Junhe next to him, "Look at his appearance, he was once a hero. Give him a chair. I don't want this behavior to become his habitual life in the future."

Junhe didn't say anything, but directly picked up a chair and put it behind him. Abona was still shocked.

He was indeed used to this. After all, kneeling was something he had to do almost every day. Except for sleeping, his face could be facing upwards, and the rest of the time his whole face was facing the ground.

"Sit down. We don't have so many rules here, but I still hope that you can truthfully explain your situation next. You should know what it means to take you out of Mary Qiaoya? This is definitely not a more cost-effective business!"

Junhe said with a serious expression.

"My name is Abona. I was born on the Grand Line. I have been sailing on the sea since I was born. I can say that I have been a pirate since I was born. I started sailing on this sea independently when I was fourteen years old.

At that time, the entire sea was not as rampant as it is now. At that time, we were just chasing freedom and adventure.

Until later, a group of more than a dozen of us formed a pirate group called the Sunshine Pirates. But at that time, we were almost walking on the road to the new world and never thought of hurting anyone.

12 years ago, just because I helped Luo After Jie escaped once, the Navy began to offer a bounty on him. My bounty was 170 million Baileys.

My captain at the time was called Monfu, and of course he was killed by the Navy's current Admiral Zefa in a later operation.

Four years ago, we were all captured by the Navy, but on the way back, we met the current Celestial Dragon Bokuroi.

That's why you see what you see today. All my partners died one after another in the past few years, leaving only me, barely surviving. If I hadn't met you, Master, I'm afraid I could only hold on for another two months at most. "

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