The two sides of the ship were in a state of panic, and the two sides of the ship were in a state of panic.

Almost all the women on the ship were holding bows and arrows, either on their backs or in their hands, and the other weapon they were holding was a spear.

In this modernized world of pirates, the weapons they all used were still relatively primitive, but their specific power could only be known after trying them.

As the two ships got closer and closer, the people on the Abili had no worries at all, and many people even began to gather on the deck, ready to seize the other pirate ship at any time.

There are about 80 people on Changnuo's ship, including 20 King's Guards. Each of them is extremely powerful. Those who can follow must at least be able to use Haki, otherwise it will be useless.

Changnuo continued to lie quietly on the rocking chair on the deck, looking at the ship in front with his eyes open.

As early as when he could sense the other party, Changnuo was a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet the Nine Snakes Pirates in this remote place.

"Your Majesty, as this is the first battle, I hope Abona can take action this time!"

Abona stood next to Changnuo's rocking chair and said respectfully.

But before Changnuo started to say anything, Junhe immediately said with some dissatisfaction, "Abona, you just joined the kingdom, there are some things you can't fight for. As the captain of the king's guard, I have no choice but to do this kind of mission!"

"Captain Junhe, let me go forward once. His Majesty the King saved me, and I must show my value!" Abona said again.


"Don't fight with the two of you. Can't you stay here quietly? Don't do anything. Take a good look at each other. The woman on the other ship is known as the most beautiful woman on the entire sea. Let me have a good look first."

Changnuo looked leisurely and interrupted the two people's continued argument.

He wanted to see the other party now. What does the so-called most beautiful woman in the pirate world look like? How could he let these two guys disturb his interest!

"Your Majesty, how do you know that the other party is beautiful? I have never heard of such a thing!" Junhe asked.

"Why do you care so much? Tell them not to do anything unless necessary, but be sure to protect yourself. These women are not as simple as you think." Chang Nuo said.

"Your Majesty, do you know them?" Abona asked with some surprise.

"I don't know them. Stay here and listen to my orders. Don't do anything to hurt the harmony between the two sides. We still need to borrow their boat to a safe place!"

Chang Nuo was lying on a rocking chair, tapping the armrests next to him with his hands, speaking slowly.

Others are now curious about what happened to their king. Could it be that because the other party is beautiful, she has become like this?

"Your Majesty, the other party is the Nine Snakes Pirates, the only country on the Grand Line that is dominated by pirates. The most important thing is... the other country is dominated by women, and they hate all men they see!"

Gogoya was a little jealous, holding a notebook, wearing black glasses, and introducing the other party to Chang Nuo in a serious manner.

"Your news came too late. We already knew it at the beginning. The other pirate captain, Boa Hancock, is also the Queen of the Kingdom of Women.

And the other party also has domineering power, is familiar with armed knowledge and domineering domineering, and is also a devil fruit ability user, with the ability to petrify people."

Chang Nuo said leisurely while lying there.

The other people were speechless when they heard it. How could His Majesty the King seem to know everything? They were usually together, and they really couldn't understand when he came to know these things.

"Okay, we will meet soon. Everyone, get ready and come to see the savior who can help us next!"

Chang Nuo smiled slightly, then stood up and lay on the guardrail, supporting his head with both hands, quietly looking at the pirate group not far away in front.

At this moment, everyone on the Nine Snake Pirates was so surprised. Why did the other party come straight to their ship, as if no one had discovered their people.

"Sister, should we attack with artillery fire first?

"All?" Sonia asked.

Everyone in the Nine Snakes Pirates is now on full alert, and everyone is ready to attack.

"Not for now! "

Boya Hancock stood there, her eyes no longer the same as they had at the beginning. The most important thing was that she found that the people on the other ship seemed to be coming for them.

They were not panicked at all. In their perception of observation, they even had quite a few people on the other side, and they were lying on the deck railing and looking at them.

Hancock didn't know why, but she always had a bad feeling in her heart.

The distance between the two ships was only about one mile, and if the vision was good, they could already vaguely see the figures on the other ship.

On the Abili, because they had received the order from their own king, none of them maintained any fighting state. Instead, when they learned that the other side was from the Kingdom of Women, many people lay on the fences around the ship, looking at each other with expectation.

"Abona, you are a swordsman, and there is nothing good to give after joining us. From now on, this sword will be given to you! "

At the edge of the deck, Chang Nuo casually threw a long sword to Abona, which he had just purchased from the system space. The key point is that this time he bought the supreme sword in the world of One Piece.

Because the current state of this world cannot be changed, the sword he bought has disappeared many years ago. There is nothing wrong with it reappearing here now.

But the price of this thing is really not cheap. A sword has consumed more than 200 million Baileys. At least Chang Nuo is an absolute local tyrant at this moment. With the gold, silver and jewelry he has, it is not a problem to buy 100 more!

It's not that he has to act so rich. After all, this guy is now his subordinate, and the welfare status that should be given should still be given, otherwise what can he expect to let him work hard for himself.

It's not known what kind of situation he will encounter next, so Chang Nuo thought about arming Abona.

In the short time together, Abona has also begun to slowly gain his trust.

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