The two of them were still lying on the ground, and only three people in the entire Nine Snakes Pirates were still able to chat.

No one would be polite to these pirates now, and they all seemed to have returned home.

Hancock watched all this, but didn't say anything in the end. Although she hated these men, she couldn't do anything about it.

However, the two sisters of Gorude were chatting well with Changnuo now, and there was no hostility at all.

However, those lying on the ground were still lying on the ground. In the entire Nine Snakes Pirates, only three people were still able to chat.

Hancock stood on the deck, and the snake that belonged to the mount was still lying on the ground calmly. In her eyes, those people on the Abili were constantly carrying things to their ship. Even with a look of disgust on her face, she could only do this.

On the ship, Junhe was still wary of Hancock, and the other people on the ship were busy moving things. Although the Abili would not sink in a short time, the people on the ship would treat it as a ship that was about to sink. Everyone hurriedly began to move the things on it to the Nine Snake Pirates one by one.

Until the last person boarded the ship, Junhe counted again, and then walked to Changnuo who was chatting with two women and said, "Your Majesty, everything has been prepared and there are no missing people."

"Okay, let's get ready to go!"

Changnuo said with a smile.

At this moment, the people who fainted in the Nine Snake Pirates were also waking up one after another. Although they were still a little shaky after standing up, everyone was immediately on guard the first moment they woke up, and took the weapons in their hands and prepared to attack.

If Hancock hadn't been standing on the deck, the conflict between the two sides would probably escalate again.

"What do you mean by departure or not? Please don't give orders at will on my ship!"

Hancock walked to Changnuo and heard what he said to Junhe. She said with a hot temper.

"Why bother about this kind of thing? We are now considered people on the same ship. Anyway, your ship has such a large space. After we arrive at the next stop, the two parties will be at peace."

Changnuo said with a slight smile.

Hancock stood there, hesitant to say something, but in the end she didn't know how to open her mouth.

"Sister, King Changnuo has no bad intentions. Besides, after we send him to his destination, he will pay the corresponding expenses. I think this is also good!"

Gorud stood up and said.

"Gorud, what benefits did this man give you? Don't forget that we are together!" Hancock said.

"Don't divide us so clearly. If your country of women can provide us with a ship, then we can also go out on our own. It's not what we want to encounter such a special situation."

Chang Nuo said.

"There is an island only two ways away from here. We can only send you there. You can figure out the specifics by yourself."

Hearing what Hancock said, Junhe didn't have any good face. He looked at the other party seriously and coldly and said, "Do you think we are negotiating with you now? Please don't pull your status to the same level as us. If you continue to talk to our Majesty with the same attitude, I don't mind making this ship a private product of our Tru Kingdom!"

"Junhe, we are all a group of girls, don't say it so bluntly. We will spend a long time together in the future. Maybe she will become the princess of the Tru Kingdom in your mouth in the future!"

Chang Nuo was scolding Junhe on the surface, but everyone could understand the words behind it.

Can this kind of words be called scolding? He was speaking leisurely, speaking so slowly, with a smile on his face, not taking Junhe's words seriously at all.

One of them played the good cop and the other played the bad cop, but they got the balance just right.

"Let Barro control the direction of the ship and check the island closest to us, especially the one where we can find ships. If it doesn't work, turn directly to the Seven Waters City." Changnuo said to Junhe again.

"No, we don't have that much time to accompany you. The Seven Waters City is too far from here. I hope you won't go too far!" Hancock said coldly.

"That's right, King Changnuo. It will take at least half a month to get to the Seven Waters City from here.

Da, the people in our country are still waiting for us to go back. If it takes too long, they will definitely worry. "Sonia also said.

"Then how about we go to your country?"

Chang Nuo touched his chin, thought for a while, and said with a smile on his face.

"But our country does not allow men to get close, otherwise my sister will be angry." Sonia said.

"Your Majesty, why bother talking nonsense with these people, the worst thing is to die with them."

The women who had woken up on the boat, each of them cast angry eyes, especially when they heard that Chang Nuo was going to their country, they couldn't help but shout at Hancock.

"Are they a little too noisy? If it really doesn't work, how about letting them sleep again? "Chang Nuo said to Hancock with a smile.

The other party was already in fear and embarrassment, and now he was caught between his subordinates and Chang Nuo, who he could not defeat.

She could only stand there and clench her fists, frowning but not saying anything.

"Junhe, tell Barro to head towards the nearest island. If he encounters other ships on the way, just approach and dock. We can't make things too difficult for this group of people."

Chang Nuo said.

"Okay, Your Majesty."

"After all, there are differences between men and women. Tell them not to walk around on this ship casually." Chang Nuo ordered again.

Junhe nodded, and then began to do as ordered.

"You should be satisfied now, right?" Chang Nuo looked at Hancock and said helplessly.

The other party is now just like a little girl. She has no opinion and even no intention of resisting. She understands the strength of the other group of people, and can only maintain the status quo for the sake of her country's people.

"Do you really have something that can remove the scars on our backs? "

Hancock asked cautiously, her voice was not very loud and she seemed afraid that others would hear her.

Some shyness was reflected on her face at this moment, which made her look quite cute.

Being able to say this meant that she had mustered up her courage, and even this matter itself was the thing she least wanted to face.

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