The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 14: Zombies are evolving

Huh? There's a bag on the ground?

Through the gray zombies, Lin Chen's eyes suddenly caught a black travel bag that was torn and thrown to the ground.   Combined with the faint screams and the sudden increase in zombies last night, it was not difficult for Lin Chen to infer the truth of the matter.

A guy who escaped at night unfortunately died here, and the zombies chasing him also stayed here.

Lin Chen didn't have any good feelings for the unfortunate young man who brought a large number of zombies here. Although the other party may have just passed by unintentionally, it made Lin Chen's plan to go out more difficult.

More than a hundred zombies have already raised the fear of people to a higher level.

If it was just like this, it would be fine. What surprised Lin Chen even more was that among this group of newly appeared zombies, there were actually two zombies that had been continuously mutated. Their appearance and movements were the same as the previous two zombies, as if they had evolved. The one closer to the factory had no hair on its head, which made Lin Chen look familiar.

Wait, wasn't this nearby before?

Lin Chen suddenly remembered that this zombie existed when he observed it yesterday at noon. It had not advanced yet, but now, after a night, it has actually completed the mutation.

Could it be because of the unlucky young man last night?

Looking at the fresh blood on the mouth of the bald zombie, Lin Chen vaguely had a deduction.

If it is true as he guessed, zombies should need to hunt constantly to complete their evolution. The more people they bite, the faster they evolve. As for the reason, it may be that they need new energy, or they want to complete their genes and make their bodies more stable and stronger.

Lin Chen's inference was soon confirmed.

At noon that day, the central government issued an emergency notice on the only TV channel, the main content of which was about the evolution of zombies.

"... The military first discovered some relatively powerful zombies in the early morning yesterday, and relevant experts determined that they had undergone an evolution. This kind of zombie moves faster, is relatively agile, and is roughly as strong as ordinary people. Survivors who encounter them must be vigilant. The government is stepping up the rescue plan. Please wait patiently and try not to go out."

Zombies will evolve!

Lin Chen suddenly found out where his vague uneasiness came from.

If zombies were just ordinary monsters wandering around unconsciously, then humans would be fully capable of conquering the lost territory as long as they could hold out for the first few days.   Even if it drags on for too long, natural corrosion alone would be enough to completely destroy these zombies. But once zombies mutate, it means that they already have the characteristics of a biological population. Now, in three days, one evolution has gotten rid of the characteristics of stiffness and slow movement. If they evolve a few more times in the future...

No wonder the unknown existence that caused the disaster gave him superpowers. It turns out that this biochemical crisis is not as simple as imagined!

"Oh my God, are we going to let people live!"

Zhang Qiang, who also saw the central information, was stunned. Zhang Yongxin and Tian Yao performed even worse. The two even refused to believe it for a while, thinking that the central government had made a mistake. But when Lin Chen pulled the three of them outside and climbed the metal ladder to show them, the three had to accept this fact with their heads down.

On TV, the words of the military spokesman were being replayed repeatedly, and the few people who came back from the yard just watched it steadily.

"Fortunately, although the zombies that have evolved once are powerful, they are still a little worse than humans." After a long while, Zhang Qiang comforted himself. In the food factory, he is the oldest, and his ability to adjust is better than Tian Yao and Zhang Yongxin.

"Our food can still last for a while, just follow the central government's instructions and don't go out unless necessary."

Tian Yao was obviously scared by the zombies. As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years. She was determined to stay in the food factory until the end of time.

"I'm afraid, it won't work." Lin Chen shook his head.


"Whoever wants to go out can go out, anyway, I'll stay here. If you are bitten to death by zombies, it's your own fault."

Lin Chen's words immediately aroused doubts from Zhang Yongxin and Tian Yao, and they didn't even hear his reasons, which made Lin Chen more dissatisfied with the two.

"There are so many zombies outside, even if you want to go out, you have to wait for a while." Zhang Qiang was also a little puzzled.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and scanned Zhang Yongxin and Zhang Qiang, and finally landed on Zhang Qiang: "I want to, but look at the fire in the North City District!"

"Fire? What happened?"

Zhang Qiang hadn't reacted yet.

"I remember that the substation and the power company are both in the North City District, and the fire there has been going on for almost two days."

"Power company? Fuck!"

After being reminded by Lin Chen, Zhang Qiang immediately reacted and cursed. Only then did he understand why Lin Chen had to go out, and then there would be no electricity and no water!

"The most important thing is that we don't have a radio. Once the power goes out, the TV becomes a waste. If we want to receive information from the central government again, we can only use the radio. The radio in the car can last for a while, but it can't be turned on all the time. We don't have that much oil. If we miss the military rescue because of this, hum, you will cry then!"

"Ah? This."

Zhang Yongxin and Tian Yao were dumbfounded and didn't know how to answer.

Lin Chen laughed at the two of them in his heart, and finally said: "I guess the power outage will only last today or tomorrow. Once the water and power are cut off, we must act as soon as possible."


The capital, the deepest part of the underground shelter, the temporary headquarters.

The original supreme leader was unfortunately infected in the first wave of the virus outbreak due to his old age and frail health. The current one is Mr. Zhang, the former Vice Chairman and the mainstay of the Republic.

"Academician Situ, have you finally found the virus sample that caused the biochemical crisis?"

Elder Zhang's voice was full of anxiety and haggard. In just a few days, most of the population of the Republic had been lost in the disaster, which made Elder Zhang feel unparalleled pressure. Therefore, he has been urging the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the domestic authority on biochemical viruses.

"Chief, I found it, but it's useless!"

Academician Situ, who had not slept for two days and two nights, gave a bitter smile. His eyes were bloodshot. For this reason, he was frequently checked by the guards before he came in, for fear that he might accidentally be infected.

"What do you mean? Didn't you say that something was discovered two days ago?"

Mr. Zhang frowned and was very dissatisfied with Academician Situ's words. Now is no different than before the apocalypse. It is a critical moment for the existence of the nation and race. Countless people will die at the hands of zombies every second. If a few days of contact hadn't made him realize that Academician Situ was not that kind of person, he might have slapped the table.

"Three hours after the disaster broke out, we started extracting and processing virus samples. Two days ago, we had roughly obtained the results, but the zombies suddenly mutated, and the original virus samples were immediately useless. After we Further research found that the virus itself is very unstable and mutates very quickly, which means it is extremely difficult to develop a vaccine based on virus samples.”

"That's it..."

Mr. Zhang felt a headache more and more. If a vaccine could not be developed, it would be too difficult to completely eliminate the zombies and end the biochemical crisis.

"However, we have identified how the virus attacks, which may help future vaccine research efforts."

Academician Situ's words caught Mr. Zhang's attention again. He thought about it and said, "Tell me about it."

"According to our analysis, it takes approximately ten minutes to half an hour for the virus to invade the human body and then attack. After entering the human body, it will first destroy the human immune system, and then damage the respiratory system, vision and brain. In this process "The virus needs to consume a lot of energy and water, so people may feel thirsty after being infected with the virus. From this, we can also infer that the virus will be suppressed in a dry and hot environment and its survival time will be shorter."

The conclusion of the last sentence has not yet been determined, but it made Mr. Zhang's eyes light up.

If this is the case, then people near plateaus and deserts will have a lower chance of being infected into zombies. According to the information obtained from the Loess Plateau, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, deserts in Xinjiang and other areas, it is consistent with this inference.

Perhaps, when all other means fail, that is humanity's last chance.

"Very good. Your research will be very helpful for our next actions. I hope you can continue to work hard. If you have any requests, the central government will give them priority as much as possible and strive to develop a virus vaccine as soon as possible."

After waving to his secretary to send Situ off, Mr. Zhang immediately called the lieutenant general sent by the military to report.

"Lieutenant General Li, how is the rescue plan for the capital going? Why is there no result yet!" There was an obvious questioning meaning in Mr. Zhang's words.

"Feel sorry."

The nearly fifty-year-old lieutenant general saluted with shame, and then said: "In the past two days, we have dispatched 200,000 troops for rescue, and dispatched most of the mobilizable helicopters and armored units, and rescued a total of 700,000 people. Citizens. As of now, the rescue is still in progress, and nearly one million people have been collected in three temporary resettlement bases on the ground.”

"Are you telling me that one million people were rescued out of the 20 million people in the huge city of Beijing?"

Mr. Zhang was very dissatisfied with the progress of the army.

"It's not that we don't work hard, it's that the actual rescue is too difficult. Various logistical supplies cannot keep up, traffic is paralyzed, and soldiers are generally fearful. Moreover, the population density in the capital is too high, and the number of zombies is even higher. Remember. This number is too huge, and the only weakness of the zombies is their heads, and they will not die if hit in other places... However, we have continued to clear a safe corridor, and we will start the largest scale attack tomorrow morning. rescue."

"Tomorrow? Alas!" Mr. Zhang muttered to himself, but in the end it just turned into a sigh.

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