The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 141: Prepare Early

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"Just rush over and the soldiers won't be able to stop you in time!"

Lin Chen's words were filled with evil spirits, as if he meant to hit anyone who dared to stop him.Qian Xu also knew that the stakes were high, so he gritted his teeth and quickly increased his speed to the maximum.

Fortunately, there is no one near the base gate yet. Under the driving of Qian Xu, the truck drove all the way to the west gate of the base. The soldiers carrying the barricade were a few steps late, and after a slight hesitation, Qian Xu rushed out.

"Hey, are you guys in a hurry to reincarnate?"

The sergeant choked on the dust raised by the speeding car and shouted at Lin Chen dissatisfiedly, but in the end he did not ask them to stop. He just squinted and then waved the barricade down.

A minute later, there was a sign next to the roadblock.

"Stop for inspection and requisition fuel for a fee!"

The two cars behind, also carrying gasoline, drove out in a hurry. They were dumbfounded when they saw the roadblock and the sign. Before they could go back, the sergeant waved his hands and rushed over with the soldiers.

The driver was crying without tears...

In fact, there are many well-informed and smart guys among the 700,000 people in the base. Before Lin Chen and Qian Xu came out, several groups of people had already driven out. However, Lin Chen had better luck and became the last person to successfully transport the oil out of the base before the requisition inspection!

The next thing is easy, just find a hidden place to hide the oil.

If that doesn't work, you can dig a hole and bury the oil somewhere no one knows and it's easy to identify.

Soon, Qian Xu drove the car to the town closest to the Songping base. Lin Chen and the others had been here before to kill zombies and basically cleaned up the zombies here. Now he is revisiting his old place with the intention of hiding these oil barrels in the cellar he accidentally discovered in a resident's house.

As the town closest to the Songping base, the food and oil here have basically been plundered by the survivors. Therefore, few people would rummage through boxes and cabinets looking for things in this town. In addition, this cellar is very hidden, so it is almost impossible to be discovered. Besides, they are only storing it temporarily and may move it to a safer place in a few days!

After making sure that no one was following them and that there was no one else near the town, Lin Chen and Qian Xu carefully stored the fuel inside.

After completing all this, the two of them seemed to have lost a heavy burden. When they went back, they felt much more relaxed and relaxed.

When they returned to the base again, they were indeed stopped for inspection.

"From now on, all types of fuel have become special military supplies and are included in the scope of controlled requisition. The military will requisition 80% of all fuel brought into the base. Of course, we will provide equal weight of food as compensation." Soldiers blocking the road While reading the expropriation plan to them, they searched carefully. Unfortunately, to their disappointment, the entire van was empty except for some sundries that had not been unloaded.

"Okay, let's go in."

After the virus test also passed, the soldiers found nothing and had no choice but to let them go.

Qian Xu drove into the base with a nonchalant expression, and then looked at Lin Chen, feeling very happy in his heart. When they drove out before, it was indeed the time when the base's top brass was preparing to requisition fuel. If they were a step slower, they would have to hand over 80% of the fuel according to the regulations just now!

What they don’t know yet is that if the remaining 20% ​​exceeds 20 liters per person, the excess will have to be paid!

As soon as this mandatory rule came out, countless survivors in the base shouted that they were cheating and expressed their dissatisfaction. Combustible fuel is too important to the base, and Chen Gaoyang will never compromise on this matter. Soon, people from the logistics department cooperated with the military and began to search house to house, especially those survivors who had cars!

"Anyone who secretly hides fuel will have all the fuel confiscated and the supply of food stopped for three days; in severe cases, the supply will be cut off for a month and they will be forcibly recruited to build defenses outside the base!"

This punishment is severe for those who rely on the food distributed by the base to survive. But for those who have cars and guns, as long as they are not shot directly, they can take risks. Many people try to hide the gasoline in their hands under the two thoughts of luck and in case. However, the people at the base are not stupid. Although they did not have the help of military dogs, they still found most of the hidden gasoline after careful search!

"Remember, this company hid eighty liters of gasoline!"

"You, cut off the food supply for three days!"

Sounds like this appear from time to time in the base, often accompanied by quarrels and even violence. Of course, the survivors would not dare to shoot, so in the end such a confrontation would be 100% won by the base!

At this time, the few people who had transferred their gasoline in advance, as well as the unscrupulous businessmen who had sold the gasoline at a high price early, were all smiling. They all took their time and just sat back and watched others suffer misfortune. As for Lin Chen and Qian Xu, since most of the oil has been hidden, they went home and waited. When the gas tanks of several vehicles were filled to the overflow level, they handed over the extra ten liters of gasoline.

For Lin Chen, who had hidden more than a ton of gasoline, this loss was nothing!

Because there were trucks and vans parked in Lin Chen's yard, as well as big oil consumers like Dongfeng Warriors, the people sent by the military were obviously suspicious of their oil volume. However, even if they searched the courtyard three times, they could not see where the excess fuel was hidden. In the end, the logistics staff who led the team could only give them more than ten kilograms of food, and then left angrily.

His look made Shi Xuanxuan and Qian Yuwei laugh for a while.

Compared to Lin Chen and the others' happiness and luck, some other survivors suffered a lot.

In the evening, the base even discovered that a team had secretly hidden three tons of fuel, and then handed it all over, and a team of people were pulled out. What's even more amazing is that the oil also includes a ton of high-quality aviation kerosene used in aircraft. I don't know which airport those talented guys got it from. I'm afraid I will cry to death because of my heartache!

Such a large-scale oil requisition intensified the conflict between the base and the survivors, but it had to be said that it was very effective and greatly eased the oil pressure on the base in a short period of time.

However, such actions also allowed some survivors to see the weakness of the base.

Compared to the Andu period when level three zombies had not yet appeared, the Andu military at that time had strong firepower and complete base defense facilities. But since the forced relocation, the base has been forced to abandon many things, and the defenses that took two months to perfect are gone. After arriving at Songping, my vitality was severely damaged by the third-level zombies, and now I have even run out of fuel. Some people who were already pessimistic couldn't help but have other thoughts. Now is the base finally unable to bear it?

You know, once this is started, the base can forcefully requisition fuel today, and more things can be requisitioned tomorrow!

Taking into account the famous saying of not putting all your eggs in one basket, some people have begun to consider retreat. A cunning rabbit has three burrows, let alone a human being?

Among them, Lin Chen and Qian Xu also had some ideas.

You must know that the current third-level zombies are just a special case that appeared in advance under the catalysis of nuclear radiation. Andu is not India. The entire province was hit by only one nuclear weapon, so the impact was not too great. But even so, dozens of third-level zombies still overwhelmed the base. In the future, with the natural evolution of second-level zombies, more and more third-level zombies will appear, and the base may really be doomed!

From this perspective, it is necessary to prepare a retreat in advance. If the base is really destroyed, they can move immediately!

Zhao Gang and the others had the same idea. During the previous requisition of oil, they did not have time to transport it out. Needless to say, the result was heavy losses. Affected by this, Zhao Gang and Lin Chen hit it off immediately, and began to consider preparing another place to stay outside the base!

However, everyone has different opinions on where to set up such a foothold.

"First of all, it must be hidden, and secondly, it must be safe. There must be no zombies nearby! Otherwise, if you encounter a third-level zombie, it is better to stay in the base!" Gangzi, who had come out of the hospital, was the first to speak and put forward his own point of view. .

Although his body and mouth are still far from completely healed, normal activities are no longer a problem. In his opinion, his body seemed to be much better than before the end of the world. Normally it's not noticeable, but now I'm vaguely aware of it after being seriously injured. Of course, this required Lin Chen and the others to get him a lot of medicine from the municipal hospital. He came today for the same reason. He wanted to come and say thank you to Lin Chen!

At that time, Lin Chen risked his life to drag him back, which was considered a life-saving grace!

"Yes, I agree with that!"

Qian Xu agreed with several conditions put forward by Gangzi. After all, safety was the first priority. If there is a possibility of encountering level 3 zombies nearby at any time, then this foothold doesn’t make much sense!

However, this point is the most difficult. In the apocalypse, where can I find a place with few zombies?

Qian Xu himself, including the two girls, worked together and proposed several locations but all were rejected. Finally, Lin Chen thought for a while and suddenly said: "Otherwise, let's go back to Longqishan!"

It was a barren mountain with almost no zombie animals, and there were no zombies even for a very long distance around. The safety is definitely in line, and there is no need to worry about concealment. Who would run around in the mountains in the apocalypse? They had been to the Longqishan shooting range before. At that time, they just went for the bullets. After taking the bullets, they left without thinking too much. Looking back now, I realize that it was quite appropriate to have a backup place to stay there. There are also relatively obvious disadvantages, that is, there is a lack of resources there, it is not suitable for long-term living, and it is relatively far from here!

"Long Qishan?"

Zhao Gang thought carefully for a while and his eyes lit up: "Liu Yuhu has a cousin whose family is very rich. He has an independent villa in Longqi Mountain! The villa is also a high-walled compound with complete facilities. If Songping There really was an accident at the base, so we can take shelter there temporarily!” (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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