The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 143 Blowing up the building

For the time being, there are still too few people with supernatural powers around Lin Chen, only five.

A mere five plant control masters are nothing compared to the hundreds of millions of zombies, and they cannot change the overall situation at all. But as he continued to redeem them at a rate of one every three days, it would become more than a hundred in a year and more than a thousand in ten years. If these plant control masters join forces, they cannot be underestimated!

Perhaps, when his power level is higher in the future, the restriction on redeeming power seeds will be lower, and the number that can be redeemed may be larger!

As long as this continues, Lin Chen feels that one day the Plant Controller will become a brand new force between ordinary humans and zombies!

When the time comes, he might be able to write history as he controls the fundamental powers. In the future, historians who conduct research may produce records such as "On X month, X day, Lin Chen, the great first-generation plant control master, did XXX, which had such a profound impact on mankind."

Although Lin Chen admitted that he was thinking too much when he couldn't sleep. But as a man, who doesn’t want to name someone in history? If you are just an ordinary person, you may just think about how to survive in the end of the world. But he is not an ordinary person, but a plant control master with super powers!

With this thought in mind, he worked harder to practice his powers.

It's a pity that such peaceful days cannot last forever. When Lin Chen's superpower was about to break through to the third level of the intermediate level, he accidentally discovered a power zombie that was about to break through to the third level during an outing. At that time, the zombie's body was already four meters tall, and it was growing taller and bigger under the catalysis of some kind of force. Then, an extremely hard defensive layer formed on the outside of its body.

It took Mo about half an hour for the third-level zombie to completely complete its evolution.

However, compared to the six-meter-tall terrifying size of the third-level zombies catalyzed by nuclear radiation that we saw before, this freshly baked third-level zombie is only about five meters long, and its various strengths are obviously inferior. . .

Having said that, this was the first time that Lin Chen saw the evolution process of zombies with his own eyes, but it was by no means good news for him.

Because this is the second-level zombie evolving to the third level under natural circumstances!

This means that in two or three days at most, more third-level zombies will appear one after another! By then, not only Songping, but other provincial and municipal bases and even the central government will face the threat of zombies!

Although I just discovered that the naturally evolved third-level zombies are slightly less powerful, they are still authentic third-level zombies! Prior to this, dozens of third-level zombies combined with millions of other zombies had caused huge losses to the base. With the gradual emergence of third-level zombies, I'm afraid...

Thinking of this, Lin Chen quickly returned to the base.

"What did you say? Naturally evolved third-level zombies appeared?" Zhao Gang was shocked when he heard the news. Of course he knew what it meant. After taking a while to digest the news, he stood up restlessly, walked around the room twice, and finally said, "How about we leave early?"

"That's not necessary."

Lin Chen had already considered this issue on the way. He shook his head and said: "No matter what, the base is still safe for the time being. Maybe the base will have any countermeasures, and if we leave now, others as promised before may not follow. It’s hard for us people to do anything great if we escape! I can see that if we want to survive in the apocalypse, we need more people!”

After finishing speaking, he added: "However, we can now make some preparations for evacuation."

Zhao Gang thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, it's up to you." In his heart, he actually still had some expectations for the base. Even if you really can't hold on, it will always be no problem to break through when the time comes!

Lin Chen nodded, explained a few more words, and then stood up to leave.

After coming out of Zhao Gang's place, he immediately found people from the military and reported the news about the natural evolution of third-level zombies.

When the base's interests conflict with his own, Lin Chen sometimes has selfish motives and is unwilling to hand over things for free. But with such intelligence information, Lin Chen was still willing to help when he could help. After all, if the base had known the news, it would have made more targeted preparations, and the possibility of defending the base would have been greater!

After learning about Lin Chen's purpose and news, the soldiers who received him were equally shocked.

"Please wait a moment!"

The soldier ran out in three steps and two steps at a time, and then called his superiors from the Intelligence Department.

That was a captain. He usually liked to speak in an official tone, but now he was so anxious that he didn't care about anything. He just asked anxiously: "Is what you said true? Is there really a second-level zombie that has naturally evolved to the third level? "

To be honest, this news is not top secret to the base's senior officials, because the base has an advanced biochemical laboratory and authoritative experts in this field. From their slice analysis, they should be able to deduce the approximate time of natural evolution, but it won't be as accurate as the examples Lin Chen saw. However, even so, this is also big news!

Besides, middle and low-level officers like them may not know about this!


"It's true, I saw it with my own eyes!" As he said that, Lin Chen also took out the photo that he only remembered to take at the last moment of the mutation.

From the above, the characteristics of the third-level zombie are very obvious. It is a terrifying power zombie!

"This is really..."

The officer looked at the photo, his face getting paler and paler. After looking carefully for a while, he confirmed the authenticity and suddenly asked worriedly: "Where exactly did you find the power zombie? Are there others nearby?"

His idea was to send people to encircle and suppress them in advance if he knew where the third-level zombies were. Kill one now and there will be one less level 3 zombie appearing when attacking the base in the future!

"What did you say? Where are the zombies?"

Lin Chen didn't expect him to ask this question and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

How would he answer? Did you kill it directly after watching it evolve?

Not to mention whether the captain would believe it or not, even if he did believe it, he would doubt the specific process of his killing, and then send someone to take a look to find a relatively fresh corpse. When the time comes, it will always cause all kinds of trouble!

The best way is to tell him a vague answer!

"I met it outside X Town on the west side of the base. After confirming that it was level 3, I left in fear. At that time, there were some level 2 agility zombies chasing death nearby. It's embarrassing to say that, although I am also a lieutenant, But I didn’t even think of stopping to fight, and just ran away in a panic! Later, the zombie seemed to chase me for a long distance, and I don’t know where it went after that! ”

Lin Chen deliberately spoke vaguely, letting the military find it themselves. After a while, the other zombies will have evolved, and the base will not know who to call if they want to verify!

The officer didn't have the slightest suspicion after listening to Lin Chen's words. After all, anyone would run away if they saw a third-level zombie, right? So he reluctantly smiled and comforted Lin Chen with a few words.

Afterwards, he hurriedly reported to the top with photos.

"I hope the base can respond as soon as possible."

Lin Chen has done his part, and the next step is Chen Gaoyang's business.

These days, the defense of Songping base has also improved greatly. After experiencing the collapse of the city wall, the top management of the base demolished most of it after repeated inspections, and then completely repaired it. The various trench slopes outside are also comparable to Andu Base. These measures can play a great role in dealing with zombie attacks, but they seem to be a little weak against third-level zombies!

However, the base has obviously made other preparations.

After receiving the news from Lin Chen, the base began to cast a comprehensive net. The intelligence personnel sent out at noon the next day found another naturally evolved third-level zombie in the suburbs of Pingkang City, which indirectly proved Lin Chen's report.

After confirming this, the base began to monitor the zombie-dense area near Songping at all costs.

For now, the zombies that can threaten Songping Base mainly come from Pingkang City. Because Songping Base had eliminated millions of zombies before, and after Chen Gaoyang took over, he eliminated more than a million more. This directly leads to the fact that there are not a large group of zombies near the Songping base. If there are still third-level zombies who want to entangle the army to invade the base, then their nearest ones will undoubtedly come from Pingkang City!

Another day passed, and bad news came from the intelligence officers observing from a distance on the edge of Pingkang City.

In the urban area of ​​Pingkang, there are indeed some points where zombies gather, which is almost the same as the precursor of the two previous zombie attacks. Not only that, this is also the case in Songyang. However, Songping Beicheng District was completely burned down, and most of the zombies there were roasted to ashes, so the threat was relatively small.

Therefore, the base decided to give priority to Pingkang and adopt a plan to remove salary from the bottom of the cauldron!

After determining where the zombies gathered, the military decisively dispatched helicopters at the risk of being knocked over by zombie birds. Each helicopter carried a small team of soldiers and demolition crews, as well as a sound system. Their mission is to place sound sources on tall buildings to attract zombies near the gathering point. After a large number of zombies approached, they used the explosives they had planted in advance to blow up the building!

Even level three zombies will not be able to survive the collapse of buildings with dozens of floors. Even powerful zombies are the same. After being hit by several tons of heavy objects hundreds of meters high, they still turn into meat patties!

To take a step back, even if there are still some third-level zombies that are not dead, the large number of second-level zombies that have gathered nearby are definitely doomed!

How many zombies can be buried in a building like this?

There are countless soldiers sent out. They only know that when every building collapses, it can take away thousands or even tens of thousands of zombies! The soldiers who carried out the demolition mission felt an indescribable feeling when they thought that these symbols of human civilization were destroyed just to kill zombies. But there was no way, they had to do this in order to deal with these zombies. After all, compared to using explosives to blow up zombies directly, blowing up high-rise buildings by detonating key parts is undoubtedly more effective! (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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