The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 167: Cold Wave Strikes

PS: There is a third chapter before twelve o'clock, please subscribe and recommend.

The opposite of exchange is robbing.

Uncle Ling's exchange is of course based on the powerful force of Lin Chen's team!

If it were another team, with only a few kittens, more than seven or eight broken guns of various colors, and without those fortifications, Uncle Ling would never be so polite to discuss with the other party now. With his personality, he would more likely smile and leave, and then go back to draw up a detailed attack plan to occupy the entire villa area!

On the other hand, it is precisely because of his confidence in his own strength that Lin Chen is not afraid of him knowing.

"If there are extra vegetables, of course you can exchange them!"

Although it is unknown how much supplies Uncle Ling has, from his tone, it must be not less. In this case, Lin Chen does not mind exchanging some fuel.

"Then it's settled!"

After seeing off Uncle Ling and his party, the people in the villa area returned to their posts in an orderly manner. With the team gradually getting on the right track, many things do not need Lin Chen to say much, and the survivors will naturally act according to the rules drawn up in advance.

Half a day later, the roar of the engine was heard again from under the villa.

With the return of Huang Keqin and his team, the team's large-scale collection of materials was successfully completed. With sufficient manpower, the construction of the bungalow next to the villa began to accelerate, and eight rooms have been quickly built so far. However, the newly repaired rooms cannot be lived in for a while and need to be aired for a while.

In addition, the straw mats for the other two greenhouse plastic vegetable sheds were also obtained, which further ensured the cultivation of vegetables.

Lao Fan, who has been explaining theory to apprentices since its establishment, also smiled. He finally got a full set of medical equipment and surgical tools. In addition, he also received a lot of commonly used medicines, which were obtained by Huang Keqin and his team from looting a maternal and child health care hospital.

What surprised everyone was that after entering the end of the world for so long, there were still four survivors in the maternal and child health care hospital. Among them were two middle-aged men, a woman and a child of seven or eight years old, but they were all pale and thin, and the child was even skinny and skinny!

When they saw them for the first time, Huang Keqin and his team felt a little bit reluctant to look at them.

Fortunately, after Huang Keqin and his team rescued them, these survivors who had reached their limit finally survived. It just takes some time for them to return to their normal level. However, what made Lao Fan and Lin Chen very happy was that one of the four people was a middle-aged man who was also a doctor!

A convoy of more than 100 people can be equipped with two doctors, which is undoubtedly a great thing for many survivors.

In the next two days, Lin Chen found himself idle again.

Taking advantage of his free time, he took people to visit Uncle Ling. Although the two convoys have reached a verbal agreement, Lin Chen felt that he still needed to increase his understanding of them. In this way, no matter what happens in the future, it will be much easier to deal with.

Unlike the location of Lin Chen's villa, the villa occupied by Uncle Ling and his team is halfway up the mountain.

Their villa is only more than 300 meters from the foot of the mountain, but there are two ways down the mountain. This means that when they encounter an attack, they need to divide their troops for defense. Of course, they have more choices when they retreat, which can be said to have advantages and disadvantages.

Knowing that Lin Chen was coming, Uncle Ling was very considerate and brought people down to greet him in advance.

The two people following behind him, one was Xiao Ba whom Lin Chen had seen, and the other looked familiar, but he couldn't call out his name for a while. After Uncle Ling's reminder, he remembered that the man was Wu Guozhen, the armed policeman who got the bulldozer in Ping'an Town at that time. I remember that at that time, Wu Guozhen and a few of his men were still the second largest force in Ping'an Town. I didn't expect that after not seeing him for a few days, he actually became Uncle Ling's men!

"Welcome! Brother Lin, come here, that will make our camp prosperous."

Uncle Ling politely let Lin Chen into the villa, and then entertained him warmly.

In general, the atmosphere between the two sides was still very harmonious. However, what made Lin Chen uncomfortable was that the young man named Xiao Ba always had a vague hostility towards him. Although he concealed it well, Lin Chen, who had achieved some success in his supernatural powers, now had a much sharper perception. He could feel the occasional flash of murderous intent in Xiao Ba's eyes!

This discovery made Lin Chen a little uneasy.

If he hadn't been so confident of his supernatural powers, he might have left immediately.

However, another discovery also eased his mind a little. That is, he didn't feel any hostility towards him from Uncle Ling. On the contrary, although the friendliness he showed couldn't be said to be from the heart, at least most of it was real!

In this regard, Lin Chen could only understand that there were differences of opinion within Uncle Ling's team.

Thinking of Uncle Ling's gloomy expression when he mentioned Xiao Ba before, perhaps, the differences had accumulated to a certain extent!

For him, this was both a good thing and a hidden danger. Because if Xiao Ba opposed cooperating with Lin Chen and the others, his opinion would more or less affect Uncle Ling. The good thing is that if the two teams are in a hostile relationship in the future and the opponent is unstable internally, they should be able to give them some opportunities.

After a casual meal, Lin Chen took a brief look at their camp accompanied by Uncle Ling.

The villas of the two families are about the same size. Lin Chen and his people can't live in it, and Uncle Ling's place must be more crowded. You know, their convoy has 150 to 160 people. A rough calculation shows that at least 100 people are forced to stay outdoors. However, it should be because they have not moved in for a long time. They have just started to build fortifications and there is no sign of the expanded house. There are messy tents everywhere around the villa. It will take some time to settle down.

Perhaps this is also one of the reasons that prompted Uncle Ling to be friendly to them!

"I really envy you!"

Uncle Ling sighed slightly. He was referring to the bungalows that Lin Chen had built one after another. Although it has not been fully completed, you can still live in it directly in emergency weather such as rain and snow. In comparison, they are under greater pressure. After all, it is winter now, and no one can tell when the weather will suddenly drop!

His words made Lin Chen roll his eyes: "What is there to envy? I envy your resources!"

As he walked along, he clearly saw more than a dozen trucks full of food, and two large tankers. Lin Chen went up and knocked, and found that it was almost full. With so much fuel, no wonder Uncle Ling dared to say that he would use food and fuel to exchange for vegetables!

In response, Uncle Ling just laughed.

Although he didn't say anything else, Lin Chen could feel his pride. Well, it was just like when he saw his greenhouse plastic vegetable shed before, except that the two of them exchanged positions!

After lingering for a while, Lin Chen got up and said goodbye.

After returning from Uncle Ling, the convoy has been developing steadily. In the middle, except for a wave of about three or four hundred zombie birds attacking, there was nothing serious. However, due to the initial negligence, two combatants in the garrison were infected by zombie birds. What's more depressing is that several zombie birds accidentally broke through the plastic cloth of the greenhouse shed while diving, and opened a big hole on it!

The loss of manpower and the shed was also broken, which made Lin Chen and others angry and regretful!

The two people who knew they were unfortunate had pale faces. Even if they had seen level 3 zombies, who would have thought that they would fall into the hands of a group of zombie birds today! After saying goodbye to their family and friends, they committed suicide before turning into zombies. For people who have been infected by the virus, even if Lin Chen gave them basic body enhancers, it would be useless. After all, that thing only improves physical fitness and immunity to a certain extent, and it is not a real virus vaccine.

Fortunately, they still have spare plastic sheets, and it is not too cold now.

The survivors who received the alarm quickly dispersed and killed these zombie birds, and then quickly replaced the shed with new plastic sheets.

After that, the convoy added a new rule.

When someone finds a zombie bird, everyone must hide in the house immediately. If they can't find prey, the zombie birds will at most hover for a while and then leave. They are not like ordinary zombies that have to chase. The unlucky ones who were unfortunately infected today were also careless, otherwise these zombie birds would not threaten them.

From another perspective, this accident also sounded a wake-up call to some survivors of the team.

Even though Longqi Mountain is relatively safe, it is by no means a complete paradise. When on guard, you must not be careless, otherwise it would be irresponsible to all of them! As for the two guys who died first after entering Longqi Mountain, Lin Chen and Qian Xu discussed for a while and decided to dig a grave far away to bury them. After all, the traditional custom is to be buried in peace, and doing so can also give other survivors a sense of belonging-if they are left to expose their bodies in the wilderness, everyone will definitely have opinions!

On the day they were buried, the sky became gloomy, as if it was also taking care of everyone's feelings.

In response, the survivors did not show any abnormality. However, when this haze lasted for two whole days and the temperature dropped again, everyone began to panic.

"Is it going to rain or snow? At this time of year in previous years, there should be a cold wave heading south!"

Someone's words sounded a warning to Lin Chen. Under his urging, all the survivors who were available in the team were drawn out to speed up the construction of all the reserved houses. In this way, even if the weather really changes suddenly, the survivors can guarantee that there are enough houses to live in!

It turns out that Lin Chen's preparations are still very far-sighted.

After two days of gloom, the sky covered with leaden clouds finally turned gloomy and dark, and raindrops fell from time to time. After half a day of intermittent rain, the cold wind blew and the temperature outside suddenly approached zero degrees. In the sound of the whistling wind, the barren mountains in the distance gave the survivors a strange feeling of desolation.

The work was forced to be interrupted before the last house could be capped! (.If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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