The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 184 Carrots and Establishing Authority

Faced with the little trap in Uncle Ling's words, Lin Chen would certainly not be fooled.

"We are all survivors, and of course we have no intention of killing them all."

His denial made Uncle Ling feel happy, but before Uncle Ling could say anything, Lin Chen continued to speak: "However, your people took the initiative to start a war, and even if they suffered heavy casualties, they were only to blame themselves. For self-defense, we also did the same We also paid a heavy price, so how should we calculate this?”

The implication is that since so many of you have died, the responsibility for starting the war will no longer be held. But those who died on Lin Chen's side should be compensated, right?

This is asking for benefits!

Uncle Ling felt nervous at first, but after he understood what he meant, he immediately relaxed: "So, what does Brother Lin mean? If compensation is needed, we can try our best to provide some supplies!"

Some supplies?

Seeing his understatement, Lin Chen couldn't help but laugh in his heart. Since you have brought so many people to your door, how could you let some of the supplies go? He has a huge appetite and wants to swallow Uncle Ling's entire convoy!

"Why bother? Why don't we merge the two fleets? This way, there will be more people and we will be more powerful when resisting the zombies!"

"What? Merge?"

Uncle Ling was shocked at first, and then cursed in his heart! To put it nicely, a merger is clearly an annexation!

Of course, these words are only in my heart. He tried hard to control his emotions and said with a forced smile: "No need, right? Although our two teams have a good relationship, the team members don't know each other. If we merge rashly, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble."

This was declined.

However, Lin Chen pretended not to hear what he meant and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. The people in our team are all strangers to begin with. It doesn't matter. When everyone gets along for a long time, they will naturally become familiar with each other, so there won't be any trouble." No trouble.”

"Brother Lin, why do you need to make things difficult for others?" Being pressed repeatedly by Lin Chen, no matter how hard he could control it, Uncle Ling couldn't help but get angry. His face turned cold and he hinted at his men to prepare for battle. The muzzles of the more than 40 people were moving quietly, and the armored vehicle also moved forward a few steps, quite obviously indicating its existence to Lin Chen!

"It seems that Uncle Ling is not going to give this face any more!"

Lin Chen saw the action on the other side, he frowned, and also signaled his men to prepare for battle.

Uncle Ling said coldly: "I really want to give you this face, but your conditions are too harsh and you have no sincerity at all. Even though our team cannot compete with you now, we are not that easy to bully. If Brother Lin is stubborn, Maybe we can only fight to the death!"

He still has some illusions about his own strength!

Lin Chen lengthened his voice and said in an indifferent tone: "Oh? Fight to death? What do you want? Just the person behind you and the armored vehicle?"

"So what?"

Uncle Ling remained silent and didn't speak, but it was clear from his eyes and actions that this was what he meant.

"Okay!" Since you think you still have something to rely on to support yourself, just smash it!

Lin Chen snorted coldly and activated his powers to the maximum. Under the astonished gaze of Uncle Ling and his men, Lin Chen rushed over at an unimaginable speed. When facing their trench, he stepped over it with a single click, as if he ignored gravity. In maybe two or three seconds, or as if in the blink of an eye, Lin Chen broke through the barrier on his own and appeared in front of their armored vehicle.

"You, you are?"

Uncle Ling stared blankly for two seconds, then suddenly came to his senses and shouted to his subordinates: "Why are you still watching? Shoot!"

Under his urging, the people around him came to their senses and pulled the trigger on Lin Chen next to the armored vehicle. Unfortunately, before the gunfire sounded, Lin Chen jumped to the other side of the armored vehicle, causing Uncle Ling's men to lose their target.

Then, two cherry bombs were thrown into the bottom of the armored vehicle!


The two bombs that exploded almost at the same time blew the armored vehicle into several pieces from the middle. Because the fuel tank was also detonated, the entire armored vehicle suddenly burned violently. The burning kerosene splashed out dozens of meters, turning Uncle Ling's men to petrification.

How could an armored vehicle that they regarded as a magic weapon be destroyed so easily?

Neither Uncle Ling nor the people around him could believe it, but the survivors brought by Lin Chen cheered loudly, and their morale suddenly reached its peak!

Lin Chen was satisfied when he saw that he had successfully established his authority by calling on his superpower, and jumped onto the earth wall in front of them. Looking at Lin Chen standing on the earth wall more than three meters high, Uncle Ling and the others suddenly had the idea of ​​being a head shorter than him - of course it was not a physical height, but a psychological feeling!

He looked at Uncle Ling, smiled and asked, "How is it?"

"How did you do it?" Uncle Ling thought about many possibilities for a moment, but he always found it unbelievable: "Yes, Xiaoba was defeated by your perverted skills!"


Lin Chen laughed dumbly, shook his head and said: "It's just a superpower."

"Superpower!" In front of this not unfamiliar term, Uncle Ling acted no different from Zhao Gang and Qian Xu. After being in a daze for a while, he finally recovered from the shock: "Are there really superpowers in this world?"

Lin Chen smiled and said: "I have heard this question several times! All I can say is, since there can be zombies, why can't there be super powers?"

"That's wonder! Xiaoba and I both lost unfairly!"

Uncle Ling sighed. Under Lin Chen's strong authority, he had to bow his head. After watching the armored vehicle turn into scrap metal in a matter of seconds, most of his men had lost the courage to continue fighting. Even if you barely resist, it is absolutely impossible to win. It will only push everything to the point of no return!

Although he felt unwilling to do so, Uncle Ling was not ignorant of current affairs.

"Have you thought about it?" Lin Chen finally confirmed.

Uncle Ling nodded and said: "Starting today, the convoys will merge. Everyone, put down your guns!"

He clearly stated his attitude. Although he did not say who would be the captain of the merged team at all, everyone knew it clearly. Apart from Lin Chen, there could be no one else. After receiving Uncle Ling's order, the survivors behind him breathed a sigh of relief. After all, fighting zombies is usually a last resort, but now when facing compatriots, it is naturally best not to fight. They put down their guns one after another, then lowered the suspension bridge, waiting for Lin Chen's men to collect them.

The battle that might have broken out before ended in peace.

However, there is much more to do next. How to deal with the aftermath and how to arrange the new arrivals, Uncle Ling and the others, are all issues that Lin Chen needs to consider. After repeated discussions with Zhao Gang and Qian Xu, Lin Chen finally decided to let Uncle Ling and more than a dozen of his confidants move to their villa, and the remaining bungalows there would be just for them. As for the remaining thirty people, they will continue to stay in this villa and guard a large amount of immovable materials and cars!

As long as he takes away all the guns and car keys, and leaves a few others to watch, Lin Chen is not afraid that they will cause any trouble.

Uncle Ling had no objection to this arrangement. He knew that as the defeated party, he had no right to make demands. Moreover, Lin Chen didn't do too much, he just put him next to him to keep an eye on him temporarily.

However, before the specific execution, Lin Chen first summoned all Uncle Ling's men and gave a speech.

The content of the speech was quite old-fashioned. It was nothing more than telling them not to worry. The new team would treat them equally and treat them no worse than before. Moreover, if you perform well, you can also get Lin Chen's superpowers. This immediately aroused everyone's cheers, and then suspicion!

"Can super powers also be taught?"

Not to mention these survivors, even Uncle Ling didn't believe it. However, after Lin Chen's team of plant controllers came out to testify and demonstrated his powers one after another, they believed it no matter how skeptical they were. After all, they saw it with their own eyes!

"Long live Captain Lin!"

When the survivors thought that they might also become superpowers, their resistance to Lin Chen, the new captain, suddenly dropped sharply. In this regard, Uncle Ling was helpless and had to admit that Lin Chen had the means to easily seduce their hearts with his supernatural powers!


Seeing that the carrot he took out took effect, Lin Chen smiled and looked at it for a while, then said with a straight face: "I still have something to say! Of course, if you perform well, you may learn supernatural powers, but if someone has trouble with the team, , or if you have evil intentions after gaining superpowers, I will never be polite!"

With that said, he waved and signaled his men to pull up Xiaoba, who had been hungry all day.

In the last days, food is very precious, and no one will waste it on a dying person. Therefore, Xiaoba was unlucky enough to not get anything after being caught. Although his expression was still a bit unruly and dissatisfied, he looked much more embarrassed, completely losing his previous sharpness and spirit!

His appearance caused a commotion among Uncle Ling's former subordinates.

However, those who supported Xiaoba basically died due to the battle at dawn yesterday. Most of the people left behind were Uncle Ling's men. Seeing Xiaoba like this, they only made a commotion and had no bigger reaction.

"This person is familiar to everyone, right? He led people to attack us for no reason before, but later failed and was arrested. We will never forgive such people. Please also remember that there will be no one who goes against our team. Good ending!"

"Kill if you want, why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Seeing his current appearance by so many of his former subordinates, Xiaoba felt ashamed and annoyed, so he simply asked for death. In this case, Lin Chen was not polite and directly pulled him into the middle and shot him!

With the bang of a gunshot, these murderous words made the still excited survivors calm down and gain a little more understanding of Lin Chen, the new captain. Xiaoba's scream before his death and the blood stains on the ground made them feel more in awe of Lin Chen.

Only when a captain has his subordinates supported and awed can he have a firm grasp on them!

As he continues to mature, Lin Chen is trying to do better. (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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