The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 186: A Bigger Meteorite

"Serving the country, how long will it take to get to your home?"

Lin Chen was getting up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night and found that the boat was still sailing slowly on the edge of Dongting Lake.At this rate, it might take longer than planned to arrive, so I couldn't help but find Xiong Baoguo and ask.

"It's hard to say, it will take at least five hours, right?"

Because it was dark and there was no reference point, Xiong Baoguo was not sure and could only make a rough estimate: "Don't worry, we will definitely arrive before dawn. And captain, don't be dissatisfied. If you go by land, it will be enough." I don’t know how long it will take!”

"That's true!"

Lin Chen nodded. He didn't expect that this trip would go so smoothly. Ever since he saw the existence of zombie fish in Ping'an Town, Lin Chen had always thought that the water was dominated by zombie fish and should be a restricted area for humans. Who would have thought that ordinary zombie fish can't do anything to an iron-hulled boat? Only the sea where countless perverted sea monsters lurk is the real place of death!

"By the way, since we can enter the water, the fleet in the center should be fine!" He suddenly thought of this.

"Oh, you said warships!" Xiong Baoguo laughed after listening to Lin Chen's words: "At the beginning, I did hear about the mobilization of warships. Later, I don't know why there was no movement, but I know it after thinking about it. Those large-tonnage warships are either sealed in the military port, or they have been sunk by the zombie sea monsters in the sea! As for the small-tonnage warships, I heard that there are quite a few in Nanjing base and other places!"

He added an accent to the word "heard", indicating that he was not sure either.

Despite this, these words still solved a lot of Lin Chen's confusion. It is estimated that in the early days of the Central Committee, the idea of ​​using warships to mobilize in major bases was considered. However, with the emergence of the zombie sea monster, this contact was cut off. However, this doesn't seem to have much to do with Lin Chen. He was just passing by and took the meteorite by the way!

After sitting quietly for a few hours, the speed of the cruise ship gradually increased.

"We're almost there, these are waters I'm familiar with!"

Xiong Baoguo seemed to see Lin Chen's doubts and confidently explained to him. Sure enough, when the morning star appeared vaguely on the horizon, the cruise ship zigzagged to a piece of water surrounded by a long embankment. In the distance, a small island formed by sedimentation is isolated in the middle of the water. The island is not large, less than a thousand square meters, and a collapsed house can be vaguely seen on it.

It's good to be on the island in the middle of the lake, there are no zombies around.

If it were placed on land, there would be tens of thousands of zombies surrounding the collapsed house.And after such a long period of catalysis, the proportion of them evolving into third-level zombies will probably be astonishingly high. In this regard, Lin Chen could only say secretly that he was lucky!

After waking up Zhao Gang, the three of them had some breakfast and then set foot on the island with the help of a beam of sunlight that just appeared.

No one has taken care of it for several months, and the island in the middle of the lake looks much bleak. The collapsed house was covered with a layer of snow, and on the shady side it was so thick that it could reach the calf. After circling the house, Lin Chen found that everything was exactly as Xiong Baoguo said. The house was indeed collapsed by something falling from the sky. Moreover, from the moment he set foot on the island, he felt that the flow of superpowers in his body was accelerating until it seemed to be soaring!

This feeling is very strong, even more than the feeling at Wulijie Grain and Oil Station!

Zhao Gang also noticed the accelerated flow of supernatural powers and couldn't help but glance at Lin Chen in surprise. After Lin Chen indicated that he was fine, he felt relieved.

"Come on, get ready to move!"

Lin Chen gave instructions, then took two steps forward to move away the collapsed bricks. At this moment, he was surprised to find some strange footprints on the snow in the center of the house. He didn't know what they were left by.

He was shocked and said quickly: "Be careful, retreat first!"

"What's wrong?" Although Zhao Gang didn't understand, he still took a few steps back as he was told.

Seeing that the two plant control masters Lin Chen and Zhao Gang were so careful, Xiong Baoguo took three steps at a time and fled behind them.

Lin Chen instantly summoned his dual-shooters and said in a deep voice: "I saw footprints on the ground. There may be some zombies on this island!"

"Really?" Zhao Gang was also startled and immediately became more vigilant.

Only Xiong Baoguo expressed doubts and said: "Can't you? I don't raise anything on this island, no dogs or cats, and I'm the only one! Could it be that some zombie bird flew by and happened to stay here? Paw print?"

"Zombie bird?"

Lin Chen thought about it and felt that it was not impossible. However, the zombie bird shouldn’t have such big paw prints, right? Just when he was still doubting, the collapsed house that had been silent suddenly shook, a few broken bricks slid down, and the snow also fell to the ground.

The three of them were all taken aback. They retreated and stood ready.

As they watched in shock, an extremely large zombie rat emerged from under the collapsed house. Its eyes were blood red and its tail looked like a python. From a distance, it looks even bigger than a smaller tiger or leopard!

If it were changed to the level of human corpses, I'm afraid it would be at least a third-level thing!

Such a big rat puts a lot of pressure on people. Lin Chen swallowed his saliva and asked: "Xiong Baoguo, didn't you say there is no other creature on the island except you? Where did this zombie rat come from?"

Xiong Baoguo turned pale with fright. Hearing this, he said, "Maybe he came with the boat. How could I know?"

"It's too late to say anything now, let's find a way to kill it!"

Lin Chen didn't care about teasing Xiong Baoguo anymore. He raised his hands and summoned various Piranhas, Frost Pea Shooters, Nut Walls, etc. to form a line of defense in front of him. If it wasn't for the fact that it was already light and the Big Ejection Mushroom couldn't be used, he would definitely summon the Big Ejection Mushroom that could corrode the zombies' armor!


The huge zombie rat crawled all the way over, stretched its body, and then pounced on Lin Chen and the others. Although its body was bulky, its running speed was not slow at all, much faster than the second-level agile zombies. A series of Frost Pea bullets hit it, which slowed down the zombie rat a lot, but did not cause any damage.

The next moment, it jumped over the Nut Wall and wanted to jump in.

Unfortunately, under Lin Chen's control, the height of the Nut Wall instantly extended by more than one meter, just blocking the zombie rat outside. The zombie rat, who didn't expect this, almost fainted, and shook his head before reacting. Then, it began to scratch the nut wall under the attack of pea bullets.

The defense of this zombie mouse seems to be very high!

"Blow it up!"

Lin Chen directly used his trump card and threw out several cherry bombs in succession. The zombie mouse didn't know what a cherry bomb was. When it saw something flying over, its tail twitched violently, trying to hit the thing back!

If it was an ordinary delayed explosion grenade, it would have succeeded this time. Unfortunately, Lin Chen's cherry bomb is more advanced. It has both triggered explosion and can be directly controlled to explode not far away. At the moment when the zombie mouse's tail hit the cherry bomb, the huge explosion blew its tail into several sections!

This immediately angered the zombie mouse, and its sharp claws scratched a few points faster, so that Lin Chen needed to constantly use his supernatural power to make up for it. However, the next cherry bomb also made it uncomfortable.

Soon, several large holes were blown on the back.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the oversized rat quickly dug the ground with its hind paws and dug a hole in an instant. Before Lin Chen and his team could take the opportunity to kill it, the zombie rat disappeared in a flash. When the three of them got closer, they found that several tunnels had been dug under the island. The rat was standing on the top of the tunnel just now. After digging the soil layer on the ground, it quickly drilled into the ground and escaped!


The three of them were a little dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the dead rat would retain some of its nature after becoming a zombie.

Thinking of the Andu base that had been dug by rats before, Lin Chen and Zhao Gang looked at each other helplessly, and finally gave up the idea of ​​chasing the rat.

"Forget it, go move the meteorite."

Lin Chen said to Zhao Gang, and then continued to dig the ruins. However, this time they were both much more careful, fearing that the big rat would attack from somewhere again. However, perhaps because it was scared by the explosion, the zombie rat never showed its head.

Soon, Lin Chen and Zhao Gang found what they wanted.

It was a big pit seven or eight meters deep, with a basin-sized meteorite in it. Unfortunately, probably because it hit the house when it fell, the meteorite was broken into two pieces, one large and one small. At this moment, Lin Chen could feel the overflowing energy contained in it.

"That's it!"

Lin Chen jumped lightly and landed steadily at the bottom of the pit. He first felt the energy contained in the two meteorites, and then threw it to the top of the pit with force.

"Let's go, let's get on the boat first."

Lin Chen was worried that the zombie rat would come back, so he prepared to return to the boat with the meteorite. But at this moment, the zombie rat rushed out again driven by instinct, wanting to fight with the three people who took the meteorite!

Dare to come out?

Lin Chen sneered in his heart, and the plants he had summoned before fired at it together. At the same time, the cherry bomb in his hand appeared again. This time, the zombie rat didn't dodge and was blown into pieces! Although it has some basic intelligence, it is not a human after all, and it still acts on instinct!

This zombie rat dropped a broken piece of gold crystal, which obviously reached a certain level of evolution, but was killed by Lin Chen and Zhao Gang before it was completed.

"By the way, I still have a lot of food at home, take it together."

Xiong Baoguo seemed to have thought of something and hurried back to look for it. Under his guidance, Lin Chen found a whole bag of flour, as well as some grains such as millet and mung beans, so he did not return empty-handed. (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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