The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 199: The First Spring Festival

"Tell me, why did you let the five of them go? Did they all forget my instructions?"

After no one answered the first sentence, the anger on Sun Chuanzhong's face reached the point where everyone could see it. Facing his unabashed murderous intent, cold sweat suddenly appeared on the backs of the two slightly confused guys.

"It's unfair. We also moved those five people according to your order. When we got here, we suddenly fainted for some reason...Really, how could we dare to let them go privately!" The two people quickly explained loudly. , for fear that he would be killed by those guys with guns around him if he was too late.

"Who told you we were going to be transferred?"

Sun Chuanzhong just thought that these guys were making up nonsense to avoid responsibility, and the murderous look on his face couldn't help but become more and more serious.

The two people in charge of guarding were stunned and looked at Fang Wen who was still lying on the ground. They couldn't help but pointed at him and said: "Fang Wen said that Zhaoxue and his people were coming to rescue them, so they decided to move the place. We were He also doubted it, but he insisted that it was you who gave the order, so..."

"Fang Wen!"

Sun Chuanzhong was furious. He didn't expect that this guy he looked down on would have the courage to destroy his good deeds. Thinking of this, he looked bitterly at Fang Wen, who was still relying on him, and couldn't help but step up and stamp his feet. The huge force caused the unconscious Fang Wen to open his eyes, but to everyone's surprise, there was no look in his eyes, and no expressions such as fear or fear could be seen on his face, as if he was mentally retarded!

"How dare you pretend!"

Seeing Fang Wen like this, Sun Chuanzhong's embarrassed opponent waved, and several people immediately rushed forward like tigers and wolves. But no matter how they fought, Fang Wen always looked dumb and stupid. After struggling for a long time, the stunned Sun Chuanzhong finally confirmed that the guy in front of him had really become an idiot!

Damn, how could this happen?

He originally planned to vent his anger on Fang Wen, but now that Fang Wen has become like this, he is too lazy to argue with an idiot. Depressed, he had no choice but to give the two of them a hard scolding, and then said: "Gather the men and chase them down the road as soon as daybreak. We must catch them back!"

Under his command, the entire self-rescue camp was mobilized.

When it was just getting dark, no less than two hundred people followed the ruts left by Lin Chen and others and chased them out. But at this time, Lin Chen and Zhao Xue's two cars had already driven more than 100 kilometers overnight. Moreover, under the command of Lao Si, they ventured in a circle and passed through villages and towns with many ruts, which greatly increased the trouble for those who were tracking. When it finally stopped, it was almost impossible for the people at the Yichang base to catch up. After all, they also have to guard against zombies on the road and have people to guard the camp!

"Okay, now that everyone has been rescued, it's none of my business."

Taking advantage of the vehicle's brief stop, Lin Chen also got out of the car, preparing to say goodbye to everyone. Of course, he still needed Lao Si to sail a boat to send him back. After all, Lin Chen couldn't sail a boat himself.

"Aren't you going to stay for a few more days? Isn't it too hasty to leave after staying for less than a day?"

It was rare for Zhao Xue to take the initiative to persuade him to stay, but Lin Chen still declined.

"Thank you very much for what happened today!"

The former boss of the camp and Zhaoxue's father already knew the cause and effect, and couldn't help but express his sincere gratitude to Lin Chen. Of course, it would be better if Lin Chen could help him win over people from Yichang, and he wouldn't mind paying some price. However, Lin Chen had no such plan, so he had no choice but to give up his idea.

"It's nothing. I'll take my leave now. I'll see you again later."

With that said, Lin Chen and Lao Si got into the same car and drove towards the place where the boat was parked before, under Zhao Xue's gaze. A day and a half later, Lin Chen, who was traveling upstream, got off the boat at the Shiqi River Pier and returned to the Longqishan Villa Area.

"You came back pretty quickly!"

When Lin Chen came back, Zhao Gang was taking a shower with cold water.

"How long do you think it will take? I just went over to help save someone."

After he finished washing quickly, Lin Chen briefly asked about what happened in the past few days. Because everything went smoothly, nothing happened to him during the past few days in the convoy, and the spread of paratyphoid fever was gradually contained. Except that zombie birds appear slightly more frequently, everything else is normal.

"The frequency of zombie birds is a little higher?"

Lin Chen still paid a little extra attention to this news. Although this thing is probably just a chance, Lin Chen still feels the need to pay more attention. After all, before the human zombies penetrate deep into the Longqi Mountains, the most likely threat to them is the zombie birds from the sky.

"Well, in the past few days since you left, we encountered three incidents in total!" Zhao Gang thought about it and said simply: "We encountered two incidents yesterday, and there were more than a thousand zombie birds in total. There was also a wave this morning, There are about three to four hundred. Fortunately, after the loss last time, our warning was much more timely, and everyone responded quickly enough, but no one was infected. "

"That's good!"

I heard there were no casualties. Lin Chen's worries immediately dissipated a lot. In the next few days, the convoy rarely encountered zombie birds, which also made Lin Chen and Zhao Gang relax. It seems that the past two days were just an accident.

In such an ordinary life, time has finally arrived during the Spring Festival!

As the most solemn festival in China, even if it is the end of the world, the survivors of the convoy are quite looking forward to it.

From the morning of New Year's Eve, many survivors started to get busy. Some people used the gunpowder in the bullets to make a few simple firecrackers; some people took out paper and pen to prepare some Spring Festival couplets; others tried to chop ham and canned meat into dumpling fillings, and started kneading dough to prepare dumplings. Qian Yuwei and some other women in the team simply prepared a few programs, just as a party. In order to ensure electricity, the solar photovoltaic power generation system began to accumulate electricity very early. In the past few days, the accumulated electricity is enough to ensure the power supply of the villa on New Year's Eve.

Of course, the most anticipated thing here is the fresh vegetables in the greenhouse vegetable shed.

To be honest, because the temperature is not high, the growth of vegetables is very general. Among them, most of the vegetables are far from being edible, but vegetables with a shorter growth period such as cabbage and spinach have grown a few leaves. Considering the special nature of the Spring Festival and everyone's expectations, Lin Chen made up his mind and asked the people in the logistics department to pick a small amount of leaves that were far from mature, ready to give everyone a feast.

"Is there any vegetable to eat?"

The whole team was excited when they heard the news.

One month after the end of the world, the survivors of the team had hardly come across green vegetables. After eating rice, canned food, ham, etc. for so long, even people with good appetites would vomit. Now they can taste the taste of vegetables again, which naturally makes them look forward to it. For dinner, everyone is full of energy!

Unknowingly, the sky darkened.

New Year's Eve!

Because the weather outside was not good, Lin Chen and his team held a grand dinner on the first floor of the villa. For this Spring Festival, the logistics department also made a lot of efforts and took out all the good things in stock. Not only did they ensure that everyone had two dishes in front of them, but they also cooked several pots of beef vermicelli stewed with vegetable leaves!

Although it was not much, it was guaranteed that everyone had a spoonful.

The rich aroma easily permeated every corner of the villa, making the survivors salivate one by one, and their stomachs began to protest.

However, as usual, before the meal, there was a string of firecrackers. Because there were no zombies near the villa area, Lin Chen and his team were not afraid that the explosion would attract zombies. Perhaps the craftsmanship of the firecrackers was not up to standard. The firecrackers that were supposed to have 100 shots only stopped after a few dozen shots. At least half of the firecrackers did not explode. Fortunately, everyone was just celebrating, and no one cared about the duds. Some pungent sulfur smells drifted away, evoking everyone's nostalgia for the Spring Festival in previous years.

"Dinner is ready!"

At this moment, Zhao Gang, Qian Xu and others shouted, and all the survivors rushed to eat.

At this moment, smelling the fragrance of the dishes in front of them, thinking about the firecrackers just now, and watching the simple entertainment programs of the team, many survivors in the team were a little dazed.

Being able to live such a life in the end times where zombies are rampant is something they never thought of before joining the team. If it were some survivors from other bases, I'm afraid they would be willing to lose ten years of their lives in exchange for such a day of life! Thinking of this, they looked at Lin Chen with more support and support.

In fact, it was not just Lin Chen and his team. Today, other capable bases also held some celebrations.

Although the pressure of zombies is always there, people have to live well after all. If you always think about the painful things in your life, what is the point of living? Of course, there are also some bases besieged by zombies who have no time to care about so many things and can only treat today as an ordinary day. When the members of Lin Chen's team thought that the survivors might welcome the New Year on the city wall under the attacks of zombies and were nervous, they couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness!

What is happiness?

Compared with the past, the current conditions are naturally extremely difficult. But compared with others, the feeling of happiness suddenly became stronger.

"It's almost twelve o'clock!"

Because everyone had to stay up, the survivors of the team rarely went to bed early, but waited for the arrival of 12 o'clock at midnight. Although they still don't see the possibility of rebuilding civilization in the new year, everyone still has a beautiful hope in their hearts. Maybe this year humans can really conquer the lost land and completely eliminate the zombies!

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

I don't know who shouted first, and everyone in the team began to count down together.

When the last one was shouted, it seemed as if an invisible bell rang in the air, reminding everyone that a new year had passed. Many survivors made a wish silently, and Lin Chen also made one with Shi Xuanxuan.

I hope that the new year will really be better! (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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