The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 203: Confrontation with Boss Liu

One day later, a small fleet of four ships sailed through Yichang and slowly arrived at Shashi Port.

Because they were going downstream, even if Xiong Baoguo and the others deliberately controlled the speed, the fleet was still moving very fast. Fortunately, most of the flight sections did not require any operations, and occasionally there were sections with complicated water conditions, which were successfully navigated under his command.

Many people in the convoy were taking a boat ride on the Yangtze River for the first time, so it was inevitably a bit new. However, the survivors were not in such a good mood when they saw the zombie fish that tried to attack them from time to time. Even though they knew that the boat they were on was strong enough to resist ordinary zombie fish in the river, they still felt a little worried.

"Welcome friends from Yuxi Longqishan!"

Seeing Lin Chen's fleet arriving, Zhaoxue's father and camp boss personally led people to greet them at the dock of Shashi Port. Following him were forty or fifty survivors whose expressions were mixed with curiosity, confusion and depression.

Obviously, the situation of the Shashi Port self-rescue camp is not good now.

In comparison, Lin Chen and his number 120 were more energetic. The garrison's combatants, which expanded to ninety people, were fully armed, all equipped with rifles and nine light machine guns in between. In addition, there is a team of more than ten plant control technicians, as well as the accompanying medical team, logistics department, Xiong Baoguo and others. Such strength not only surprised Zhaoxue's father named Liu, but also greatly shocked the people in the Shashi Port camp.

Of course, the more than fifty cars that drove off the ship were even more surprising to Boss Liu and regretful to Sisi.

"You're welcome, this is the third time we've met."

Lin Chen shook hands with him. Although he had hijacked him at the beginning, he later rescued him again, so it was considered a bit of a friendship. This time, the two came as cooperative allies.

After some pleasantries, Boss Liu enthusiastically welcomed them into his camp, and at the same time said to his subordinates: "These are our allies who have come from afar. Everyone must treat them well!"


After hearing Boss Liu's words, his men all let out a sigh of relief. The hundreds of people who came put too much pressure on them. Now that he was confirmed to be his ally, the pressure suddenly disappeared, and instead turned into a sense of security. Judging from their posture, it seemed that they planned to stay in Shashi Port for a few days. In that case, people in Yichang should not dare to take action!

Thinking like this, a bit of joy appeared on their faces.

However, compared to the pure joy of his subordinates, Boss Liu's happiness was mixed with some other emotions. For example, there is a little awe and concern for Lin Chen and the others. He originally thought that on his own territory, even if he invited Lin Chen and others to come, he would be able to control the situation to some extent. But now, the opponent's strength is far superior to his, and Lin Chen's personal strength also makes him greatly afraid. In this way, the other party can turn around at any time, but he has no choice!

If Lin Chen had any strange thoughts, he would just lure the wolf into the house.

Unfortunately, his daughter had already made an agreement with others, and Lin Chen also fulfilled it. After being saved his life, even if Boss Liu wanted to regret it, he couldn't. Now he could only hope that Lin Chen's appetite would not be so big and he would be able to leave some of the benefits to them, instead of swallowing them up with Arms Library.

His opinion is based on the performance of other bases near Jingzhou. But he didn't know that Lin Chen's team was not the kind of people who would do anything to expand their own strength. Although he can be greedy, the appearance of eating is far less ugly!

Suddenly there were so many people, and Boss Liu's self-rescue camp was a little underserved. Fortunately, the self-rescue camp is right next to the pier. There are many places in the container area, and you can easily open any one to accommodate people. After asking his subordinates to arrange the people Lin Chen brought, Boss Liu took a few confidants to hold a real meeting with Lin Chen and the others, just to decide how to divide the piece of cake!

"Let's talk about the secret arsenal first."

Considering that Lin Chen and the others didn't know the specifics yet, Boss Liu motioned to the fourth child who was listening to tell them in detail.

"Okay." Lao Si cleared his throat and introduced: "Baling Mountain is located 20 kilometers northwest of Jingzhou City. Because of its excellent environment, it is regarded as a geomantic treasure by the old friends. There are a large number of ancient tombs. Among them, Guang There are more than ten kings in the Chu Kingdom, and even more in the Five Dynasties, Ten Kingdoms and Ming Dynasty. However, most people only know that it is a scenic spot, but they don’t know that there is a restricted area behind the mountain! "

"Is that secret weapons depot right next to the scenic spot in Baling Mountain?" Zhao Gang asked in surprise.

The fourth child smiled and said: "The more people there are, the safer it is, right? When we usually supply supplies, outsiders only think that they are supplying people in the scenic spot, and never think that it is no more than five kilometers away from there. The weapons library. Of course, the military has blocked the perimeter of the weapons library far away, making it impossible for ordinary people to enter."

"That's true." Zhao Gang nodded.

Seeing that everyone had an impression, Boss Liu continued: "We are ready for the computer experts to crack the password. We are waiting for you to come and set off together. As for the distribution ratio after opening the arsenal, I originally said that it is up to you. Pretend, the rest belongs to us, but...ahem, our camp has been having a hard time recently, and the people in Yichang are having trouble with us. Otherwise, we can divide it into sixty-four, and you can take the bulk of it and take care of us."

He originally wanted to take the big head himself, and the earliest proposal was also based on this purpose. But after seeing Lin Chen's strength, his idea couldn't help but be shaken, and the numerous vehicles that came with the ship made him have to change his mind.

Sixty-four points!

This ratio has exceeded Lin Chen's bottom line, but seeing how weak the Shashi Port self-rescue camp is, he doesn't mind raising this ratio even higher. Moreover, these people in Isa City Port would not be able to eat even if they were given too much. In this case, it’s better to make it easier for yourself!

"We want 80%!" Lin Chen's tone was unquestionable and he made his request simply.

"Aren't you too bullying?"

Hearing Lin Chen's seemingly excessive distribution ratio, one of Boss Liu's confidants couldn't help but speak out angrily. He had never seen Lin Chen hold their boss hostage as if he was in a deserted place before, and he lacked a deep understanding of his strength. Therefore, in his opinion, he must take half no matter what, and maybe they can take most of it - after all, they provided the address of the secret weapons depot, and the hacker who cracked the access code is also one of theirs!

"Oh? Is this too much to ask for?"

Lin Chen's smile was meaningful, which made Boss Liu's heart skip a beat.

He still remembered Lin Chen's erratic speed like a third-level zombie at that time, and the mysterious method of controlling Fang Wen. Moreover, his daughter also told him about Lin Chenhui's extraordinary abilities. Facing such a person, he really has no confidence!

"How about seven or three points?" He asked tentatively and made a concession.

Every bit of this is enough ordnance to arm nearly a thousand people! Boss Liu couldn't help but salivate when he thought about the miscellaneous equipment under his command and the contents of the arsenal. At this moment, he couldn't help but blame the fourth child in his heart. If he could have told him about Wu Beiku earlier, before the people from the Yichang base broke into the camp, why would he have given up such a big piece of fat to others?

"Eighty percent!"

Lin Chen shook his head, not giving him any room to bargain. The more Boss Liu gave in, the more he saw the weakness of the self-rescue camp. Since it is what he deserves, Lin Chen will certainly work hard to get it.


Boss Liu hesitated, but in fact, under Zhao Xue's eyes, he already somewhat agreed. I just worry about the feelings of my subordinates and haven't made a decision yet.

"Actually, you don't suffer that much!" Lin Chen saw what he was thinking and said in a deep voice: "Although you have temporarily driven away the people from Yichang, who can guarantee that there will be no spies from Yichang in the camp now? By then, , once we have arsenals in front, the people in Yichang will definitely know about it, and most of them will stop it at all costs, and even pull in nearby allies. By then, our people will inevitably be dragged into the battle just by you. If they can't stop them, they will definitely need our help. Based on this, we can't overdo it!"

"If people from Yichang dare to come, of course we will fight to the end. We will not be afraid of them just..."

One of Boss Liu's confidants argued, but he himself felt that his words were unfounded.

"Okay, then I'll give you 80%!"

Boss Liu gritted his teeth and finally made a decision. He couldn't help it. Who would have thought that Lin Chen and the others would prepare everything properly? He originally thought that relying on his local advantages, he could lend his fleet and ships to Lin Chen and the others, so that he could take advantage of the opportunity to gain more benefits. But now, his plan has been completely shattered. The only thing he could comfort himself with was that there were enough weapons left in the arsenal. Even if it is 20%, it can arm nearly 2,000 people!

For the Shashi Port self-rescue camp with less than a hundred people, this small amount of ordnance is also a huge wealth!

“Happy to work with!”

Lin Chen shook hands with Boss Liu, setting a tone for tomorrow's actions.

After a casual night's rest, Boss Liu mobilized most of his subordinates early the next morning. As long as the arsenal can be taken down, even if the self-rescue camp is lost, it will be easy to get it back. As for Lin Chen, the 120 people who came got into the car with high morale and followed Boss Liu and his people to the ancient tombs in Baling Mountain.

In order to keep it as secret as possible, Boss Liu didn't tell his subordinates what they were going to do even before setting off. He just said that he would accompany his allies who came from afar to do something.

Naturally, his mysterious attitude aroused the imagination of many of his subordinates.

What on earth does the boss of his family want to do with so many people? Several people with ulterior motives were inevitably suspicious and wondered whether they should report the news immediately. (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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