The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 211: Defeat and Quasi-Level 4 Zombies

Outside Jie Cao County, somewhere in the zombie army.

A third-level sensory zombie was excitedly slaughtering several survivors hiding in the outskirts of the county. They had not received the central government's move to conquer the Beijing-Shanghai line before, and they had not had time to escape. Unfortunately, they were surrounded by thousands of zombies. Right!

In this situation, not even Lin Chen could be spared, let alone a few ordinary people?

After killing all these unlucky guys, the third-level sentient zombies seemed to be satisfied. It roared angrily at the sky and actually started to evolve again. Threads of red threads gushed out from its body, intertwining a layer of blood-red special skin on its body and head!

The surrounding zombies seemed to be very afraid of this guy, and the nearest third-level zombie was thirty meters away.

This third-level sensory zombie was originally in a small village on the east side of the Beijing-Shanghai line. There is nothing special about that Zhuangzi, except that there is a meteorite in the center. That's right, it's the same thing as the two meteorites Lin Chen obtained. Since there were not many zombies around, this lucky zombie almost exclusively enjoyed most of the meteorite's energy. As early as when the nuclear weapon explosion in Nanxiang gave birth to a third-level zombie, it was already a third-level alien zombie!

Not long ago, it suddenly underwent a mutation and became the current third-level sentient zombie!

Later, the central government’s plan to conquer the Beijing-Shanghai line was launched. This third-level sensory domain zombie was alerted, leading a large number of zombies to attack the army at the central base. Because it killed a large number of survivors and even ate two biochemicals, this highly evolved third-level sentient zombie actually gradually evolved into a fourth-level zombie!

This speed is more than half a year faster than the normal emergence of level 4 zombies!

The evolution of the third-level sentient zombie is still continuing, and it stands there motionless. The color of the body surface is getting redder and redder, and the aura on the body is becoming more ferocious and powerful. Unfortunately, the military no longer has satellites, and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and helicopters are afraid of the large number of zombie birds and no longer dare to dispatch them. Otherwise, if you see this scene in front of you and directly use missiles to strike at a fixed point, it will definitely have a wonderful effect!

Unfortunately, because it was catalyzed too much, the energy in this third-level sentient zombie was not enough to support the completed evolution. The whole process was almost 90% completed, but it stopped at the last moment!

If successful, the horns on its head should become larger and look like a pair!

The current situation is that the original horn on the zombie's head has expanded a lot. But the newly emerged horn only showed a little, and it was unable to continue. This quasi-fourth-level zombie was spinning around anxiously, and finally it could only shout angrily to the sky to vent its anger!

Compared with the intelligence of the third-level zombies, its intelligence is undoubtedly a bit stronger, and it can vaguely understand preliminary thinking!

If evolution has not succeeded, it certainly knows that it is not good for itself. And once you don't evolve this time, it will be even harder to evolve again in the future. Therefore, it vents its anger wantonly, and the shock of the high-level zombies to the low-level zombies also makes the surrounding zombies retreat further and further away.

However, even though it failed to complete the final evolution, its strength is still far different from that of the third-level sentient zombies!

The most critical point is that second- and third-level zombies can only guide surrounding zombies. But it can forcibly control the surrounding zombies and completely turn them into its subordinates!

Among the tens of millions of zombies besieging Jie Cao County, only one of them has embarked on the path of evolution to the fourth level. Therefore, no zombies can compete with it for control of the zombie army. After this blood-red monster vented for a while, it finally began to control all the men it could control, and began to launch a crazy attack on the troops at the central base!

There is a complete command, which is completely different from the third-level zombies fighting on their own instincts. Even though this quasi-fourth-level zombie only has a little intelligence, it is enough to change the situation of the battle!

Moreover, the quasi-fourth-level zombies also know that every time they suffer, they gain wisdom!

As a result, the troops at the central base suddenly found that the pressure on themselves was increasing. Zombies from all walks of life seemed to have taken stimulants, attacking one after another, barely giving them any time to relax. What's more, the third-level agility zombies are also completely united, using all kinds of tricks to launch a surprise attack on the weak points of the army!

This tactic already has the meaning of attacking the enemy unprepared.

Caught off guard, several lines of defense were breached one after another. Under the command of that quasi-fourth-level zombie, the surrounding zombie army quickly followed up and swarmed up from the gap, putting tremendous pressure on the defense lines and soldiers inside!

Suddenly, a flurry of emergency news and requests for support arrived at the headquarters where the frontline commander was located.

"Don't worry, this is just the last madness of the zombies!" Although the frontline commander felt a little bad, he still had great confidence in the strength of his army, and the consequences of the failure of the plan also prompted him to continue to take risks: "Let the two wings shrink the defense line, and move the rear team to the front. Be sure to break through the zombies blocking the front in one fell swoop, and join up with the troops at the Shanghai base!"

He wants to concentrate his strength and launch the strongest attack!

Of course, to put it another way, he is going to make a desperate move!

The quasi-fourth-order perception zombie seemed to notice this, and it made the most correct response with the little wisdom and instinct it had evolved. Under its control, the zombies in front slowly retreated, while the zombies on both wings concentrated their strength to launch an attack. The most important third-order zombies directly inserted from the already empty rear defense line, giving the already very tired central base army the most fatal blow!

The front-line commander who saw hope kept urging his men to press forward, and the continuous breakthroughs seemed to prove the correctness of his decision-the zombies couldn't hold on!

Unfortunately, when the sniper zombies in front were suppressed to the last degree, the zombies' mortgage strength suddenly became firm. The tanks and armored vehicles in the front almost crushed the bodies of countless zombies and rushed forward, but there were still more zombies coming forward one after another. Moreover, from time to time, more zombies would come to support from other places. The soldiers were about to break through the zombies' defense line, but the last line just couldn't!

Why is this happening?

The soldiers on the front line experienced hope, then numbness, and finally despair. After a long battle, the high morale they had when they set out had been worn out. After fighting on this last line of defense for so long, they no longer had the faith to persist!

At the same time, the third-level zombies rushing up from the empty rear line also rushed in like a no-man's land!


"Encountered a third-level zombie attack, requesting the S.H.R. team!"

Just when the front-line commander and the headquarters thought that they could successfully break through with a little more effort, the sudden attack and request for help on the rear line broke their good dream. At the beginning, the front-line commander tried to ignore the fatal blow from the quasi-fourth-level perception zombie. But soon, a large number of casualties and even collapse made him unable to sit still!

However, the pressure was too fierce before, and there was no back-up left. When the commander wanted to make up for it, he found that he could not withdraw enough combat power for a while!

At the same time, the zombies on both wings also launched the final attack, and this round of attack became the last straw that broke the camel's back!

The so-called defeat is like a mountain collapsing. In an instant, thousands of soldiers were devoured by zombies, and the whole situation was in chaos.

"How could this happen?"

Not only him, but also other soldiers and officers raised such questions. Although the people in the command center tried their best to coordinate, they only managed to maintain the defense line for a while, and then they could no longer sustain it.

The cruel reality finally made the front-line commander sober up. He realized that it was impossible to complete the plan to conquer the Beijing-Shanghai line. Not only that, he now has to consider how to withdraw. If decisive measures are not taken, I am afraid that the more than 200,000 troops that have a trend of complete collapse will all be handed over here!

You know, more than half of the military forces of the central base are here. If they are destroyed by zombies like this, it will be an extremely heavy blow to the central base!

Whether it is for the base or for himself, the troops must be brought back as much as possible!

Thinking of this, the front-line commander did not hesitate. Although he had made mistakes of being careless and self-willed before, he was still quite capable. After realizing that things were impossible, he quickly calmed down and began to issue retreat orders one by one, and ruthlessly let five divisions of people stay as the rear guard. He could no longer consider how many of these people could survive in the end. Now, the most important thing is to rush out of the zombie army!

After a fierce battle, supported by the will to survive, the soldiers finally rushed out of Jiecao County along the original route.

At this time, the original army of more than 200,000 people was less than 170,000, and a large amount of arms and supplies were abandoned everywhere!

Although this army killed countless zombies, it was also brilliant in terms of the results of the battle. But the most critical goal, to conquer the Beijing-Shanghai line, was not achieved. If this expected fundamental goal cannot be achieved, it is useless to kill more zombies. The Central Base spent so much material and effort on this operation, not to let them go out and provoke zombies everywhere!

However, even knowing this, the battle situation is almost settled. It is impossible to change in a short time.

The commander of the front line knew this, so he could only return to the central base with the severely injured expeditionary force. And this moment was also the time for Lao Si to set out to find Lin Chen!

The news that the central base army returned empty-handed was not covered up. The major bases and survivors along the route soon got the first-hand news, and gradually spread it through various channels. At this time, the newly evolved quasi-fourth-order perception zombie had already entangled the remaining nearly 10 million zombies and began to sweep around! (. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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