The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 214: Crisis Approaches

More than 10,000 zombies are certainly not a problem for Lin Chen and his team.

According to Liu Yi and Wei Ping, these zombies should be given priority to the plant control team for processing. However, in order to shock the survivors of the other two camps so that they would not have any evil intentions, Lin Chen still sent a large number of his men to prepare for a battle to win!

A team of nearly 150 people, plus armored vehicles, light and heavy machine guns and rocket launchers, is still very intimidating.

Seeing such a team coming down the mountain, Boss Liu and the people from the Wuhan team sent "observers" one after another, intending to take a look at Lin Chen and his team's combat power.

Lin Chen, who was determined to give them some color, had no reservations and was ready to snipe the zombies early. After they entered the effective range, the distinctive clicking sound of the machine gun erupted together with the sharp roar of the rocket launcher. In the successive explosions, the zombies that rushed up were blown to pieces almost instantly!

Several level three agility zombies crossed the fire net and wanted to rush towards them!

"It's a third-level zombie!"

The two observers watching the battle were shocked and their faces turned pale. If the performance of the combatants at the garrison had not given them some confidence, they would have turned around and fled by now.

Level 3 zombies have been around for some time. After experiencing the initial helplessness, the survivors now have some experience. The most important thing is not to turn around and run, let alone be soft-hearted. Once you see them invading your own position, you will immediately use heavy weapons to destroy them at all costs. Although some people will be lost in this way, these third-level zombies can be effectively consumed, instead of being harvested by them one by one.

In the eyes of these two people, Lin Chen and the others had armored vehicles, artillery, and rocket launchers. As long as no matter the cost, we can still kill these third-level zombies!

It's just that the losses will be heavy, which is why they are reluctant to start a war with the zombies.

However, the next development of the battle was beyond the two people's expectations.

Facing the third-level zombies, the combatants at the garrison remained calm and focused on attacking the subsequent zombies as if they had not seen them. They knew very well that with the plant control team here, these third-level zombies could not threaten them at all. In addition, this was not the first time I had seen this scene, so it didn’t cause any commotion!

Their calmness made the two observers panic.

"Hurry up, it's a third-level agility zombie!" The two of them jumped to their feet anxiously, and secretly regretted why they didn't shirk it when they accepted the mission!

"What are you afraid of!"

Someone said something contemptuously, which immediately made the other combatants laugh.

This ease made the two observers despair, and they even had the idea of ​​grabbing a car and escaping. However, just when the third-level zombies rushed into the convoy's defense line a hundred meters away, a series of explosions suddenly appeared on the ground. It was the potato minefield that Lin Chen and the others had laid out long ago!


The potato mines were triggered one after another, severely injuring the fast-running third-level zombies.

Because they had no idea of ​​using their powers in front of the two of them, Lin Chen and the others mainly focused on potato mines in order to eliminate the third-level zombies. In this small area, there are no less than two hundred potato mines buried! Coupled with other rocket launchers and heavy weapons on armored vehicles, it is enough to destroy these monsters that rush in rashly!

"It turns out there are so many landmines laid!"

Only then did the two observers suddenly realize that they couldn't help but be shocked by the wealth of Lin Chen's team.

"It doesn't matter, it's just some landmines, we can afford it!" Lin Chen's indifferent attitude made the two of them even more stunned, and at the same time a little more in awe.

No matter where these weapons come from, in the end of the world, the one with the biggest fist will be the boss!

In an instant, tens of thousands of zombies were easily wiped out by the combatants at the garrison, with zero casualties. This powerful record left the two observers speechless and could not express anything but marvel. If it were them, they would probably lose a lot just to deal with those third-level zombies. When they went back and told what they saw, Boss Liu and the people from the Wuhan team also expressed surprise and disbelief.

Fortunately for Boss Liu, he had been in contact with Lin Chen after all, and he knew to some extent that he had supernatural powers. In contrast, the commander of the Wuhan convoy was really shocked. Killed over 10,000 zombies and suffered no casualties?

How much firepower is needed to do that?

The result of this battle was that the bosses of the two camps began to restrain their men, and they must not provoke Lin Chen's people!

This is exactly what Lin Chen wants to see.

For the next few days, life seemed to go by peacefully. Zombies will invade Longqishan more or less every week. If the number exceeds 10,000, they will basically be eliminated by Lin Chen and his convoy, or simply by a coalition of three companies. If the number is small, it will be handled by Boss Liu and the people from the Wuhan Team. Although there are often losses, people from outside also join in, so the people in Longqi Mountain can generally maintain stability.

Unknowingly, the time has reached February, and the beginning of spring is about to begin.

The beginning of spring is the beginning of the twenty-four solar terms, and it also means that spring is coming. Regarding this past cold winter, most survivors were eager to get over it as soon as possible. But maybe it's because of nuclear winter. Even though spring is about to begin, the temperature is still hovering around zero, and there will be small drops in temperature from time to time.

For this reason, Zhao Gang and the others complained a lot, but Lao Fan from the medical team held the opposite attitude.

"Until the zombies are eliminated, it's best to keep this winter like this!" He expressed his opinion while walking with the only cyborg in the base.


Zhao Gang was a little confused, and the biochemical man Li Qiang also turned his scary head to the side, seeming to ask for the answer.

Lao Fan looked at them and said: "Didn't I say before that although the heavy snow and low temperature brought extreme weather, they also caused certain problems for the zombies. At the very least, their movement and desire to kill were suppressed. Once As spring begins and the weather warms up, there may be a new round of attacks from the zombies that have been suppressed for a long time!”

"You're still troubled. Isn't that nonsense?" Zhao Gang retorted: "Those millions of zombies went south from the Beijing-Shanghai line, and then from Hangzhou to Jingzhou. What a long march it was! It is said that it was non-stop day and night. Attacking and moving, is this called suppression? It’s like taking stimulants!”

"What do you know?"

Lao Fan snorted and said: "Those zombies obviously have special reasons, or they are controlled by higher-level zombies. If you don't believe it, look at other bases. In addition to freezing to death and starving to death, many people were killed by zombies." You haven’t heard much about the breach, right? Moreover, although the zombies entering Longqi Mountain are not very frequent, they are not large-scale. This is an example! The same is true for the Shashi Port Camp. They don’t even have a mountainous area as a barrier, but they are the same. We didn’t encounter any large-scale attacks!”

"That makes some sense..."

Zhao Gang thought about it for a while and found that this was really the case. He couldn't help but be shocked: "A higher-level zombie animal? Is it a fourth-level zombie? It shouldn't appear so soon!"

Lao Fan shrugged and said: "I don't know if they are fourth-level zombies. Anyway, I am just talking about a possibility. In short, the zombies now entrenched in Yichang and Jingzhou are just a special case!

Lin Chen also happened to overhear their conversation and couldn't help but ask: "Let me tell you this, once spring starts, we may also encounter a larger-scale zombie invasion? However, after such a long time, the zombies outside should have been eliminated. A lot, right? Even for Yu Xi, the density of zombies should be greatly reduced!"

Seeing Lin Chen speak, Lao Fan nodded, and then expressed his opinion: "That said, captain, don't forget, human zombies are only part of it. These days, zombie animals are also gradually evolving. My personal opinion is that zombie animals are likely to be the next main threat to human survival! You know, there are far more animals of all types than humans before the end of the world! Although the probability of them becoming zombie animals is also lower, the total number is still lower. There are definitely more zombies than humans!”

"Then, this winter should be longer."

Lin Chen didn't want to be attacked by tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of zombies. In comparison, he was more satisfied with his current life. There are zombies killing every week, but the number of those zombies is not enough to threaten them.

If possible, he really hoped that this kind of life could continue for a while. At least, he has to wait until his powers are promoted to the level of senior plant control master! However, Lao Fan's words were like a heavy stone pressing on their chests. However, weather changes are controlled by nature and will not change according to their will. After the belated breath of spring, the remaining snow on the ground finally melted, and the temperature gradually rose.

Compared with the temperature in the south in previous years, although the current temperature in Andu Province is still cold, it is somewhat close to normal levels!

Many survivors who only thought about what was in front of them cheered because they finally didn't have to suffer the cold when living in tents outside. However, people like Lao Fan who have done enough research on zombies began to worry secretly. Once the zombies return to normal, the situation for humans will be even more difficult!

This worry is not unfounded. At least, Lin Chen clearly feels that more zombies are pouring into Longqi Mountain!

The most obvious thing is that there have been three waves of zombies in the past few days, and the number of one wave was around 20,000. In addition, the proportion of zombie animals has also increased significantly, everything is the same as what Lao Fan said. Among them, there are all kinds of monsters such as zombie dogs, zombie cats, zombie wolves, zombie rats, etc. It will take a long time for the survivors to recognize them!

For this reason, Lin Chen ordered his men to step up patrols, fearing that a larger group of zombies would suddenly appear from any corner and surround their villa area.

Affected by him, Boss Liu and others in the Wuhan team also became cautious. (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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