The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 268: The Power of the Destruction Mushroom

"Now that the commander-in-chief agrees, let's set off. The troops outside have been waiting for a long time.  "

Seeing Lin Chen nodding, An Hai quietly took over the task.

If there were really 80,000 or 90,000 zombies, then he might hesitate. But the person who came to ask for help couldn't tell clearly. He just made a random estimate based on his feeling. Naturally, in order to attract as many reinforcements as possible, he would exaggerate the number of zombies. Based on this calculation, the real number of zombies may be only 50,000 or 60,000. With this number, the threat to them is much smaller. Even if they can't defeat them, they can still find ways to distract some of them!

Besides, there is not only one exit from the mine!

Even though those exits had been sealed from the outside since the outbreak of the apocalypse, they could have gone and re-opened them in order to save people. As for future security issues, they only need to join the alliance in Changshan Lake District, and they don't have to worry about this at all - after paying so much, of course they need to get some compensation back. After all, rescue involves risks, fuel and bullets. But what could be of value to a band of sleepy survivors holed up in a mine? I can't help but have to pay for it myself! Who said that human hands are also a resource in the end of the world!

"Isn't it appropriate?"

Of course Lin Chen understood An Hai's thoughts and said with a smile: "Rescuing brothers who are surrounded by zombies is what each of us should do. Of the more than two thousand people waiting outside, none of them seem to be from our convoy, right? Since the rescue The operation is carried out in the name of the alliance, and of course some people must be sent to each camp! "

"...That's fine."

An Hai originally wanted to say something more, but seeing Lin Chen's clearly smiling but extremely dangerous expression, he wisely agreed decisively.

"Then, let the first group and the second group pass."

Lin Chen assigned the troops, and then personally led the plant control team to set off. After all, there are tens of thousands of zombies. If you kill them all, you should be able to harvest a lot of soul crystals!


"Boss Lin personally leads the team, it's safe now!"

Knowing that Lin Chen was going to take action in person, the survivors who lined up outside couldn't help but feel boosted in morale, and some even cheered directly. These days, level three zombies are rampant, and everyone knows that going out means danger. If someone with superpowers like Lin Chen is accompanying them, they will certainly have an unparalleled sense of security! Some people who were already on standby here, but were not in the first and second regiments, could not help but feel a little regretful that they could not accompany them and show their performance.

As the first force to receive the request for help, Anhai also set out with more than 2,000 combatants. Seeing the commotion caused by Lin Chen's appearance, he couldn't help but sigh again.

The results of training every two days have been initially reflected. Not to mention how much their strength has increased, at least they are becoming more familiar with Lin Chen, the commander-in-chief. Over time, these people will habitually obey Lin Chen's orders and even ignore the camp where they are.

"Let's go, for the more than three hundred compatriots who are surrounded by zombies!"

Lin Chen shouted and set off with the leader of the motorcade, followed by hundreds of vehicles, large and small. Because the zombies for dozens of kilometers nearby have been basically cleared away, their speed is still quite fast. Roughly two hours later, the convoy arrived at the target area.

This is the former site of Eryeping Coal Mine. Because most of the available coal mines have been mined, this place was abandoned seven or eight years ago. The criss-crossing mines have been sealed, and the hollowed-out underground has been filled with waste materials such as cinders. However, in some nooks and crannies, there are still some small mineral spots that have not been mined. Coal mining companies thought that resources were limited and mining was not cost-effective, so they ignored it. Therefore, some businessmen with connections or boldness set up black coal mines!

This kind of lucrative business is not uncommon around Eryeping.

The black coal mines that Lin Chen and the others arrived at were the two larger ones. Before that, perhaps because the deep mines obscured their aura, even the zombies were not aware of their presence. It wasn't until a week ago that highly evolved third-level sentient zombies approached, that they were accidentally noticed. Not long after, a group of tens of thousands of zombies surrounded the place!

When Lin Chen and the others stopped two kilometers away, what they saw was densely packed zombies!

The entrance to the mine had already been blown down by explosives, and the survivors relied on this to prevent the zombies from entering for seven or eight days. However, under the guidance of sensing zombies, these zombies refused to leave even if they could not find anyone. Three to four hundred survivors were stuck underground in the mine. If they had not stored enough food and water and had good ventilation measures, they would have been trapped and died!

"Hey, can you hear me?"

The man who came to ask for help turned on the radio, switched to the channel he had accidentally discovered before, and started calling. However, no matter how he shouted, the channel was always full of noise and no response could be heard. He frowned and said, "Maybe the power is out? They only relied on solar cells to store a little power..."

"Forget it, let's just attack!"

Lin Chen estimated the number of zombies and found that it was roughly between 60,000 and 70,000. For the entire plant control team dispatched, this number is nothing. After quickly laying potato mines in a large enough area, ten of the fastest sports cars rushed down in one stroke.

Long before the sports car passed by, the zombies were aware of Lin Chen's presence. Attracted by the sound of the sports car's horn and firing, he rushed over with a roar. Among them, more than twenty level three agility zombies took the lead, chasing after them at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour.

"Frost Peashooter!"

"Cherry bomb!"

"A dual-launcher with a torch stump!"

A variety of plants were summoned by the plant controllers standing on the front line. Although the flame pea bullets would offset the deceleration of the frost pea bullets, the instantaneous transition from extreme cold to extreme heat greatly enhanced the damage caused by thermal expansion and contraction. Effect. Coupled with the successive explosions of potato mines, these third-level agility zombies were quickly severely damaged!

"So strong!"

"Are these guys really level three zombies?"

The combatants who followed behind were amazed and dumbfounded, but one thing is certain, that is, the strength of these plant control masters in front of them is stronger than what they have seen in previous battles! Seeing other people's strength changing day by day, but always staying in the same place, that feeling is really unpleasant!

If I could also have superpowers...

This idea came to the minds of the survivors again, and they became more and more eager. Naturally, they all turned their attention to Lin Chen. As long as you get closer to this man, if others can have super powers, you may also get them!

Thinking like this, they all plucked up their courage, picked up their firearms, and fired wildly at the zombies rushing forward.

"Leave those third-level zombies to me!"

Lin Chen did not immediately go over to attract the third-level zombies. The purpose was that he wanted to try these powerful zombies. When he entered the eighth level of intermediate plant control master, he obtained the plant Destruction Mushroom. However, he has never encountered any situation that would allow him to use this extremely dangerous plant. At this moment, facing these nearly twenty power zombies, he planned to verify the true damage of the Destruction Mushroom!

At present, level three zombies should be the monsters with the strongest defense. Facing this steel-hard monster, even the Cherry Bomb can only cause a certain amount of damage. I don't know how much the Destruction Mushroom can do.

With some anticipation, Lin Chen stopped these monsters that were larger than elephants!


Seeing someone who dared to block his way, a few third-level zombie monsters screamed a few times and slapped Lin Chen. If he were hit like this, an ordinary person would probably be knocked ten meters away on the spot, or even die or be seriously injured!

"You want to hit me too?"

Lin Chen smiled faintly and easily dodged in a flash. Then, he instantly summoned a blue frozen mushroom, freezing all the monsters that were about to surround him. Under the impact of this deadly cold aura, even the extremely powerful third-level zombies could not break free for a while, and were frozen into an enlarged version of the ice sculpture!

"Destruction mushroom!"

Seeing that no one could threaten him for the time being, Lin Chen confidently summoned the Destruction Mushroom.

In the previous experiment in the open space, Lin Chen was surprised to find that the summoning time of the Destruction Mushroom was very long. When he first summoned it, it took him a full four seconds to summon it. In actual combat, facing the terrifying speed of the third-level agility zombies, it would be impossible to have time to summon them. Even facing the powerful zombies would not be easy. Fortunately, he also has the control weapon of the Frozen Mushroom, which allows him to summon the Destruction Mushroom with confidence!

Under the continuous concentration of sunlight energy, a black-gray mushroom appeared in his hand.

"I'll go, what is that?"

Several newly entered plant control masters accidentally looked up and saw the plant exuding a terrifying aura of destruction in Lin Chen's hand, and couldn't help but asked in surprise. Even though they were separated by a long distance, the high perception brought to them by the superpower easily allowed these people to discover the power contained in that thing!

"That should be..."

Qian Xu glanced at it and roughly guessed the answer. However, before he could say anything, Lin Chen in the distance retreated and at the same time threw the Destruction Mushroom into the air and detonated it.


As everyone watched in shock, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky with a deafening explosion. The extremely powerful shock wave spread instantly from the center of the explosion, affecting all force zombies within dozens of meters. The third-level zombie in the center screamed, and the hard bone armor on the outside of the entire body was completely blown to pieces, and the body inside was also scorched black by the blazing high temperature. The third-level zombies that originally required more than a dozen cherry bombs to kill were actually severely injured by this Destruction Mushroom!

Because he misjudged its true power, Lin Chen was almost affected by the shock wave and was inevitably a little embarrassed. (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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