The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 272 Shanghai Base

After wiping out thousands of zombies along the way, Lin Chen and the others drove onto the highway leading to the Shanghai base.

When we got here, the road conditions were obviously much better, and the number of zombies we encountered quickly decreased. Zombie corpses can be seen everywhere on both sides of the road, many of which were recently killed. When they were only twenty kilometers away from the Shanghai base, they encountered the patrol team at the outermost edge of the base.

Seeing the team composed of two infantry vehicles and two fire support vehicles, Lin Chen actually felt nothing.

I remember that when he saw similar firepower equipment at Andu Base, he was still a little shocked. But with the improvement of his strength, he is no longer afraid of such things. With deliberate arithmetic and unintentional calculations, he can take action in an instant and destroy such a seemingly majestic team!

The patrolling soldiers didn't know what Lin Chen was thinking, and they were a little surprised to see a survivor driving back in a solitary car. After all, people who dare to go out alone these days are almost extinct, at least dozens or hundreds of people, otherwise it would be impossible to escape if they encounter a third-level zombie. Of course, there is another possibility that there were many people when they went out, but they were accidentally attacked by zombies, and in the end only one car was lucky enough to escape!

The latter one may also be very common, and these patrol soldiers have seen it more than once.

"You're lucky, you have a good destiny."

One of the lieutenant-looking officers sighed with emotion, perhaps out of sympathy, and let Lin Chen and the others drive in without any obstruction.

After passing three similar warning lines, Lin Chen and the others arrived outside the formal defense line of the Shanghai Base. Because there are as many as three million survivors in the entire base, it is impossible for them to build high steel walls like the Andu base. However, this does not mean that the defense of the Shanghai base is poor. They made clever use of the terrain when building their base, with two sides facing water and only needing to defend the other two sides. Therefore, this line of defense after concentrating strength appears more indestructible!

Thousands of tanks and armored vehicles, dense artillery and heavy machine gun positions, hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers...

The combination of all these factors has created the Shanghai Base's supreme status second only to the Central Base, and has also allowed the people here to sustain themselves until now despite the successive attacks of countless zombies!

"Please show your temporary residence certificate from the Shanghai base."

Once here, the inspections became more stringent. After testing the zombie virus with an instrument, the person who stopped them asked Lin Chen for his ID, preparing to register a routine entry and exit record.

Lin Chen smiled politely and said: We are from out of town. I heard that a friend is in the Shanghai base, so I wanted to find him! "

"New here? Just a few of you?"

The person in charge of registration was stunned. In the days when the Resident Evil Crisis first broke out, a large number of new survivors poured in every day. But in recent days, new survivors have been almost invisible, especially such a few people. Because the third-level zombies running rampant outside are too dangerous. Once discovered, unless you are very lucky, you basically can't escape.

"Okay, for the new arrivals, we will conduct a comprehensive health examination and then give you temporary residence permits."

This is to prevent outsiders from bringing in infectious diseases, and Andu Base does the same thing. Lin Chen naturally knows the health of his body very well. However, this is their territory after all. Lin Chen didn't deliberately cause any trouble, and he complied with others' requests smoothly. It just took a little more time.

The results of the examination came out quickly. Needless to say, all the qualities were absolutely top-notch, and some of the data even exceeded human limits. Fortunately, the physical fitness of ordinary humans has improved to a certain extent after the end of the world, otherwise they would all be curious. Even so, the person responsible for the inspection was still full of praise.

In his words, he has never seen anyone stronger and healthier than Lin Chen!

In comparison, although Qian Xu's was worse, it was definitely the best. Moreover, this is the result of them not using any superpowers. Otherwise, I am afraid that some related data will be doubled indefinitely!

"By the way, are you looking for someone?" The man asked enthusiastically after distributing the certificates.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "I'm looking for my brother!"

He smiled, pointed to a hut to the east of the entrance and said: "Since we are relatives, it will be easier to get familiar with the situation. Go to the population registration office over there and have a look. As long as the person you are looking for is definitely in the base, basically You can find it anywhere.”

Lin Chen thanked him and walked over with Qian Xu and Xiong Baoguo.

Perhaps because no new people have arrived for a long time, this population registration office looks very empty. There was only one person left sitting boredly in front of the computer, looking sleepy. His body is very thin and his complexion is yellow, probably due to long-term malnutrition. Along the way, except for the soldiers who were in pretty good condition, everyone else seemed to have some corresponding symptoms. Obviously, the food supply in the Shanghai-Haihai base is not that abundant.

"Are you looking for someone?"

Seeing Lin Chen and the others come in, the weak clerk finally found something to do and barely cheered up.

"Looking for my younger brother, his name is Lin Xing, he is about the same height as me, and he is twenty-three years old..."

Lin Chen's description of the conditions was very detailed. In fact, it was almost useless. The man quickly found the answer he wanted based on his name and age.

"There is this person, Lin Xing, who once went to Singapore to study. His family is from Songyang City, Andu Province."

Hearing his words, Lin Chen was overjoyed. Before this, although he had great hope in his heart, he was not sure after all. But after listening to these materials, he had no doubts and was sure that his brother was in the Shanghai base. Moreover, since Lin Xing's information was still there, it proved that he was still alive, otherwise their information would be changed to missing or the file would be directly cancelled.


Perhaps Lin Chen's joy infected him, and the staff member also smiled a little and said: "His temporary residence is in Unit 6, Area F, No. 0526, you can go to find him."

Lin Chen nodded, asked about the approximate location, and took the two people to find the address all the way. It is said that the three of them were also assigned a temporary address, but the number was very far back, and Lin Chen didn't even look at it. Anyway, he didn't plan to live here.

It must be said that the Shanghai base is worthy of being the largest survivor base in the south. There are many survivors coming and going in it, which is more prosperous than the Andu base. However, perhaps because they no longer had the initial hope of quickly rebuilding order and eliminating the zombie virus, the survivors who came and went looked quite numb and mechanical. They seemed to be busy just to stay alive, and there was no hope at all, let alone any spirit.

After running for more than half an hour, the three finally found their destination, which was a chaotic tent area. The not-so-large area was densely packed with thousands of tents of various types. Clothes drying racks made of sticks and bamboo poles could be seen from time to time in the narrow aisles, and a few broken cars were parked in the open space on both sides.

"This is it."

After wandering around here for a while, Lin Chen stopped in front of a tarpaulin steel frame house made of blue waterproof cloth. He suppressed his excitement, took a deep breath and asked, "Is Lin Xing here?"

Perhaps because he was excited that the brothers who had been separated for almost a year could finally meet, Lin Chen's voice trembled a little. He had a good relationship with his younger brother, and they had grown up together since childhood, so it was understandable that he was a little out of control. After all, he had seen too many wives and children being torn apart and relatives being separated from each other in the end times. Lin Chen, who had great power, did not want to encounter such a situation himself!

A few seconds later, the curtain of the tarpaulin room shook, and a slender person poked his head out from inside.

"Who is looking for Lin Xing?"

Her voice was a little hoarse, but it was gentle. She was a pretty woman. It was just that in the end times, there were no cosmetics and jewelry for her to dress up, and her clothes looked shabby. Otherwise, she could be considered a little beauty with a good makeup.

It turned out not to be Lin Xing?

Lin Chen was stunned, looked her up and down, and asked: "I am Lin Xing's brother. I came from another place to find him. I wonder who you are?"


Lin Chen's answer was obviously beyond the woman's expectations. She was stunned and said shyly: "You are his brother, Lin...Lin Chen?"


Seeing Lin Chen nod, she hesitated and said: "I am Lin Xing's girlfriend..."

"Hey!" Although Lin Chen had vaguely prepared for this, he couldn't help but whistled when he saw the woman admit it. I didn't expect that the younger brother who had always been a good student before the end of the world would actually get together with a little beauty half a year after the end of the world. I really didn't see it!

He was happy for his brother's growth in his heart, and after a while he remembered to ask: "Then, where is Lin Xing?"

Hearing Lin Chen's question, the woman, who was originally a little surprised, suddenly changed her expression, full of worry and anxiety: "He went out."

Lin Chen was shocked and asked: "Where did he go?"

The woman sighed and said: "Recently, the food supply standard of the Shanghai base has dropped by 20%, and people with ordinary appetites are almost not full. Lin Xing had no choice but to go hunting with a convoy of more than 600 people yesterday. I heard that they went to Changning District."

"Changning District?"

Lin Chen had never been to Shanghai before, and was not very familiar with the area of ​​Shanghai, so he had no impression. However, Qian Xu behind him changed his expression: "Changning District is already a relatively central district in Shanghai. The number of zombies there..."


Lin Chen's face changed, and he took out his mobile phone, which was fully charged when he came, and opened the electronic map. Needless to say, when he saw the location of Changning District, he was worried and angry and asked: "Why do you have to go there? Wouldn't Qingpu District and Jiading District, which are further out, be better? Or you can go somewhere else, why do you have to go to the center of Shanghai?" (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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