The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 281: Advice and Optimism

Lin Chen vaguely saw Chen Gaoyang's surprise, and explained: "Only I have the original superpower. However, after my superpower improves to a certain level, I can give it to others after paying a certain price! However, this kind of gift is not given to anyone you want, but it is subject to great restrictions!"

"I see."

Chen Gaoyang nodded, and then looked at the van: "The manpower traveling with you should have subordinates who have been given superpowers, right?"

"Not bad." Lin Chen looked back at Qian Xu and said, "His strength is among the top three in my team. He can reliably defeat level three zombies alone - then, what else do you want to ask? ”

Chen Gaoyang smiled and shook his head and said: "I had some other problems originally, but they disappeared after talking to you. To tell you the truth, this time the Shanghai Base sent people to intercept you, it was me who asked to come here. At that time, I was still curious about who the possible superpower was, but I didn’t expect it to be a survivor who had appeared in my base!”

His expression seemed a bit sad, which also made Lin Chen a bit baffled.

"If nothing happens, I'll leave?" he asked tentatively. Several soldiers in the distance were already very impatient.

Lin Chen's movement of looking back was noticed by Chen Gaoyang. He smiled faintly and said confidently: "Don't worry, I have been in power for so many years. Even if I step down now, it's not like a few little guys can make trouble at will. As for you leaving, of course I have no problem with it, because I have no intention of stopping you. But before that, maybe you can listen to the advice I gave you!"


Chen Gaoyang looked at Lin Chen, who was still modest, and said with a smile: "Believe me, what I am going to say next will definitely be of great benefit to you. I remember that you just mentioned that meteorite fragments are very helpful for your powers. Right? By coincidence, I happen to know that there are meteorite fragments in two places!"


Lin Chen was immediately attracted by his words. After experiencing the surge in strength brought by the meteorite fragments, Lin Chen had fallen deeply in love with the feeling of crazy energy absorption.

Chen Gaoyang raised two fingers and said: "First, it is at the Taihu Base! However, if you want to find it now, it is too late. The meteorite fragments at the Taihu Base have been completely absorbed by the zombies. Secondly, it is at the Taihu Base. Jiecao, a small town beside the Beijing-Shanghai line!”

His words stunned Lin Chen: "I already know that there are meteorite fragments in the Taihu base, but how do you know that the fragments have been completely absorbed by the zombies? Could it be related to the abandonment of the Taihu base? Or, in other words, the four Level zombie?"

Chen Gaoyang nodded and said: "You are very smart. Yes, a fourth-level saboteur appeared at the original site of Taihu Base. At that time, the people at Taihu Base used countless methods and sacrificed thousands of people, but they could not kill them. Lose it and finally have to abandon the base! In addition, the zombie fish in Taihu Lake have also undergone abnormal mutations!"

"So, where is the Jie Cao?" Lin Chen remembered vaguely hearing about it somewhere.

"That was the place where we fought against tens of millions of zombies when we conquered the Beijing-Shanghai Line. Even now, there are still millions of zombies there. The soldiers sent out by the base at that time accidentally discovered that there were scattered meteorite fragments there, but the specifics I don’t know where it is, I can only tell you it’s in that small town!”

"All right."

Lin Chen secretly remembered this place and planned to go back and look for it. If he can find more meteorite fragments that have not had time to be absorbed by the zombies, then his abilities may be greatly improved!

"What I just told you is only part of what I want to say. Next, there is the analysis of zombie evolution by experts from the central base. Do you want to hear it?" Chen Gaoyang's voice was a little seductive, but he had to say, The topics he mentioned always scratched Lin Chen's itch.

"Of course you have to listen." Lin Chen nodded simply.

Chen Gaoyang recalled for a while and said in detail: "After discovering the evolution of the fourth-level zombies, experts speculated that there should be fifth-level zombies above them. However, no matter how powerful the zombies are, their abilities are based on certain rules. In other words, the population and individual strength that our planet can accommodate are limited. For example, the dinosaur group from 100 million years ago was powerful enough, right? Even the fourth-level destroyer was not enough in front of the Tyrannosaurus rex. Look! But when they were at their strongest, this kind of overlord-level creature was easily extinct!"

His words made Lin Chen vaguely think of something, but he couldn't figure it out yet.

Chen Gaoyang looked at the expression on his face and continued: "If you haven't figured it out yet, you might as well understand it this way. Every creature has its upper limit, and the same is true for zombies. Before their strength reaches a certain critical point, they They may continue to evolve and mutate, but once they reach the upper limit of the strongest individuals that can be accommodated on this planet, their evolution will slow down infinitely or even stop! Otherwise, they will end up like the dinosaurs, and they will eventually be eliminated. Natural destruction!"

Chen Gaoyang's explanation made Lin Chen suddenly enlightened, and he immediately asked: "So, what is the upper limit of zombies?"

This question was on point. Chen Gaoyang smiled with satisfaction and said: "The strength of the fourth-level zombies has reached a considerable level. Experts speculate that the zombies are likely to become stronger after evolving to the fifth level. Completely stagnant. Even if this speculation may not be accurate, it is close to the sixth level at most - however, the higher the evolution level of the zombies, the greater the corresponding difficulty. It is difficult to imagine how many zombie bases are needed. A level five zombie appears!"

"Been taught a lesson!"

Although the news Chen Gaoyang told him seemed insignificant, to Lin Chen it was news that was worth a fortune. That is, the strength of zombies is also endless, rather than unlimited growth!

Before this, many survivors had doubted whether humans could really successfully eliminate zombies, because their strength was always evolving, while humans were standing still. But now, Lin Chen's confidence in victory suddenly became stronger. Because, while the zombies are evolving, their abilities are also constantly improving!

When ordinary zombies and first-level zombies appeared, Lin Chen gained superpowers.

When second-level and third-level zombies appeared, Lin Chen was promoted from a junior plant control master to an intermediate plant control master.

Since the emergence of the fourth-level zombies, the strength of the zombies should have been greatly improved. Correspondingly, Lin Chen's current senior plant control master is also extremely powerful. Judging from this corresponding level, even if there are really fifth-level zombies, Lin Chen can deal with them calmly after becoming a fourth-level control master. It should be noted that Lin Chen's known level of plant control master is the fifth level of Dzogchen!

In other words, if he can continue to improve to the end, Lin Chen's potential is definitely higher than that of zombies!

This conclusion undoubtedly gave Lin Chen and all plant control experts a shot in the arm. As long as they persist until the end, the winner between humans and zombies will definitely be them!

Although Chen Gaoyang didn't know this, he couldn't help but feel a little relieved when he saw the obvious joy on Lin Chen's face. He thought for a while and then said: "By the way, one more thing to note is that the zombie virus will be suppressed to a certain extent in a hot and dry environment. According to the central government's investigation, in areas such as the Loess Plateau and the Taklimakan Desert, zombie viruses The evolution speed is obviously slower than other places. If you and your companions cannot withstand the zombie attack, you may consider retreating to those places!”


To be honest, Lin Chen had heard this news on the radio a long time ago. However, at the time, he was completely oblivious to the true significance of the message. Now that Chen Gaoyang specifically emphasized it, he finally started to face up to this characteristic of the zombie virus.

"The central government has made preparations. If it comes to the last moment, it will abandon the base and evacuate to the bases prepared in advance in those places. Of course, this is also a last resort, and a strong man will cut off his wrist."

"I understand, thank you for your advice."

Three messages in a row were very useful to Lin Chen, which made him very grateful to Chen Gaoyang. No matter what the other party's purpose was, it did help him. However, he is not related to me, so why should he help him unconditionally?

The man in front of him seemed to see the strangeness in Lin Chen's heart. He pondered for a long time and said, "I know you feel very strange now. I understand this, but please don't doubt it, because I have seen it in you. The hope of rebuilding civilization - you don't have to underestimate yourself, maybe your current strength is not enough, but I see your potential! Human technology is already a little weak in the face of third-level zombies, but with the gradual increase of fourth-level zombies. On the scene, thermal weapons in the ordinary sense are no longer effective. However, your abilities can deal with them! You know, although the central base is still powerful, the weapons reserves are still limited, although it is gradually resuming production. , but the speed of production is far from keeping up with the speed of consumption. What's more, they still have internal friction and even the development of biochemical forces that are destined to get out of control. Decline, but superpowers will not do this. Perhaps, one day, you and your companions will use your powerful superpowers to eliminate zombies and rebuild civilization!"

Speaking of this, Chen Gaoyang's eyes were full of expectation, yearning, and even fanaticism!

Although Lin Chen has had many plans, he has never thought so far or so far. He froze uncomfortably, and was about to say something, but was immediately interrupted by Chen Gaoyang: "Believe me, and believe in yourself, you have the strength! I am already old, and I have no military power. With a Ordinary people are no different, but you are different. Work hard, and sooner or later, a beautiful new world will be born on your hands! And this is why I want to help you!"

At the end, he said word by word: "Me! Look! OK! You!"

Chen Gaoyang's unquestionable tone made Lin Chen involuntarily feel convinced. (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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