The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 300: Migrating East to Taihu Lake

"Evacuate here and find a better base!"

Lin Chen's conclusive words made the survivors even more shaken. Most of them had already made their decision. Only a few survivors who had been living nearby since the end of the world were still hesitant. But under the general trend, they have to follow the trend even if they are somewhat reluctant!

After all, the familiarity and nostalgia for this place will never be more important than your own life.

"So, is there any good place for the Commander-in-Chief to go?" Some survivors who agreed to relocate asked again.

Among them, the largest number of survivors came from the Liuzhou base. Because they joined the alliance last, the resources and status they obtained were naturally at the bottom. Therefore, faced with this opportunity to reshuffle the cards, the survivors from Liuzhou spared no effort to promote this matter.

In fact, Lin Chen had already determined the target with other senior officials, which was Xishan Island in Taihu Lake. However, he did not directly state his plans now, but first laid out a few rules: "I haven't thought about it yet, but it is obvious that the place we are going to move to must meet several conditions. First , that place is best to be an island, so as to avoid the threat of land zombies to the greatest extent; secondly, there are enough resources and survivors in the nearby area to allow our alliance to continue to develop!"

"The commander-in-chief is right!"

These two conditions can't help but resonate with other survivors. Not knowing who would take the lead first, the survivors began to think about the best location for the relocation target.

"How about going to Qinghai Lake? The islands there are not small!" A young man said quickly.

The friend next to him sneered and immediately retorted: "Pull him down, there are so many zombie birds on Qinghai Lake. You can see hundreds of thousands of them anywhere. I don't want to die!"

"What about Hongze Lake?" Some survivors who escaped from the east mentioned their hometown.

Some people shook their heads and said: "I know that the islands on Hongze Lake are not much bigger than our Anshun Island, and they are definitely not enough!"

Someone else suggested: "How about Weishan Lake? Weishan Island is famous throughout the country as the hometown of the railway guerrillas!"

This is a good place to go and has attracted the approval of many people. However, Weishan Island is in Shandong Province, so it is too far away from here. Moreover, it must have been occupied by survivors!

When he saw that it was almost time, Lin Chen stood up and said, "If you ask me, just go to Taihu Lake!"

"Taihu Lake? Xishan Island?"

Some survivors who knew the situation there immediately called out, and the place name Lin Chen said instantly attracted the attention of all the survivors. Several people who had been to Xishan Island even boasted proudly under the eager eyes of others: "Xishan Island is located in Taihu Lake, with a total area of ​​120,000 acres. Not to mention that we have more than 10,000 acres. People, even if it costs another thirty to fifty thousand, it’s just a piece of cake, and there’s still a lot of open space to grow food!”

"so good?"

After learning that Taihu Lake is a good place, the survivors gathered here couldn't help but be surprised and doubtful. Since it's such a privileged place, why haven't other survivors taken it over?

"Everyone, I have good news to tell you!" Lin Chen jumped onto a car next to him and waved, immediately attracting the attention of all the survivors: "The location of Xishan Island in Taihu Lake is indeed very good, even in Taihu Lake The survivors' base was once chosen there, but not long ago, a level 4 zombie occupied it, forcing the people in the Taihu base to move to the Shanghai base. Think about it, let's go there. In the future, as long as the fourth-level zombie is eliminated, the original huge base can be directly occupied!"


This previously unannounced news immediately made all the survivors excited.

When they thought that there was a large government base sitting quietly on the island waiting for them to receive it, these survivors couldn't help but cheer and were full of expectations for the future!

"But, can we deal with the fourth-level zombies that even one base can't defeat?" Amidst the noise, a young survivor from the Liuzhou base asked weakly. His face was full of worries and contradictions. The abandoned Taihu base tempted him, but he had no confidence that he could eliminate the fourth-level zombies!

His words caused many survivors to fall silent for a brief moment. However, someone immediately laughed loudly. Afterwards, more survivors laughed, and some looked strange, as if they were holding back their laughter, but most of them were full of goodwill, which puzzled the survivor who asked the question.

"What are you laughing at?"

The man turned around innocently and said depressedly: "Did I say something wrong? You know, a few third-level zombies can make us miserable. Fourth-level zombies, my God, I can't even imagine how powerful they are." To what extent! Maybe one of them can be worth ten level 3 zombies?"

His words caused even greater laughter.

An old man from Anshun Island next to him patted him on the shoulder and said in a teasing tone: "Boy, are you new here?"

The young survivor nodded in surprise: "Yeah, how did you know?"

"Everyone with seniority knows this!" The big man from Anshun Island put on a senior expression and lectured the younger generation: "Our commander-in-chief is not an ordinary person, a third-level zombie? That is a reptile that can be easily crushed to death! Even if It’s not like he has never killed a fourth-level zombie before. It was a blood-red monster with 800,000 zombies under its command—but so what?”

The big man's words immediately aroused the approval of countless people, and they all echoed him.

"Boss Lin is the one who single-handedly challenged dozens of third-level zombies, and we have more superpowers!"

"That's called a plant controller, thank you!"

"Really? Haha, it seems that I remembered it wrong. Oh, no matter what it is called, it is all superhuman level! Zombies are a piece of cake in front of them!"

This remark that sounded like a fairy tale made the young man in Liuzhou dumbfounded. He felt from the bottom of his heart that these were all lies and they were all making fun of him. But the problem is that it's okay for one or two people to say so, but almost everyone around said so, and they seemed to have seen it with their own eyes, and it didn't seem like they were joking with him at all!

Could it be that the boss in his twenties in front of him is really that powerful?

Although he still had doubts, the young man still blinked and retreated tactfully. If he insisted on something at this time, he would probably arouse public anger. He could see that the survivors around him looked at the young man on the roof with obvious admiration and conviction!


After such a small episode, Lin Chen quickly brought the topic back to the Taihu base.

Obviously, the empty Taihu base has aroused the interest of all the survivors. Although they asked various questions, such as how to move there from a long distance and what type of fourth-level zombies there are on Xishan Island, their words revealed their yearning for the place.

Seeing that no one insisted on objecting, Lin Chen said with satisfaction: "If everyone has no problem, I will submit the plan to move to Taihu to the alliance meeting for discussion this afternoon. Once it is passed, we will set off immediately and go to Taihu!"

This sentence naturally triggered a new round of cheers from the crowd.

"The overall situation has been decided!"

Lin Chen, who jumped off the car, looked at Qian Xu and Zhao Gang, and couldn't help but feel quite proud. After all, with his increasing influence and prestige, more and more camp leaders have become his subordinates, either voluntarily or reluctantly. The so-called submission to the alliance for discussion is just an excuse. In the end, this proposal will undoubtedly be passed!

Facts have proved this point.

At the voting meeting, more than 90% of the people voted in favor, and the plan was passed without Lin Chen even expressing his opinion. This means that the 14,000 survivors in the entire lake area will officially embark on the road to move east to Taihu Lake in a day and a half!

After the news of the plan was passed, it once again triggered the cheers of countless survivors, which was also mixed with nostalgia for their homeland, yearning for the unfamiliar Taihu base in the future and hesitation. However, before that, they first need to pack up. The distance from Changshan Lake District to Taihu Lake is more than a thousand miles, and they are a large-scale overall relocation of more than 10,000 people. The difficulty can be imagined. If there is no sufficient preparation, even if Lin Chen is self-confident about his extraordinary military power, he dare not set off easily.

For a time, the entire lake area became a noisy construction site.

It is unrealistic to pack up everything and take it away, so countless survivors began to struggle with what to take away and what to give up. Fortunately, more than a day is enough for them to make a decision, and Lin Chen also helps to worry about the car and fuel, which undoubtedly saves them a lot of trouble!

In contrast, Lin Chen's team, which had already begun to prepare secretly, was much more relaxed. In less than half a day, they had packed everything.

One day later, more than 10,000 survivors gathered at the lake with their families. Next to them, there were thousands of cars, and at the back were trucks carrying a large amount of fuel and food. It should be said that today was a rare good weather, and the temperature was not too high, which made many survivors feel good!

At this moment, their fully charged walkie-talkies were all turned on and tuned to the same channel.

That was Lin Chen mobilizing them before departure in an excited tone!

"Everyone, more than a year ago, the end of the world suddenly came, and zombies were rampant. We humans were forced to hide everywhere, and we were in a state of panic. Until now, although the number of human zombies has been greatly reduced, they have become more powerful, and there are also a large number of zombie animals. Therefore, our situation is still worrying, and we live a precarious life. Those who have been with me should remember that we went to Andu Base and Songping Base successively, and later came here from Longqi Mountain! Although we are still alive and lucky enough compared to those compatriots who have been infected and turned into zombies, this kind of wandering life is not what we want!" (. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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