The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 307: Crisis at Shanghai Base

Before Lin Chen and the others arrived, Taihu Base had nearly 200,000 people living on the island!

Obviously, for Xishan Island, this number is close to the limit. But for an alliance with only more than 10,000 people, even if each person is assigned a double share of territory, there is still a surplus. However, in order to facilitate management and expand the scale in the future, Lin Chen and the others must make a plan!

In this case, there will not be a situation where you live here and there on the island!

Speaking of planning, Lin Chen had one of his men who was engaged in urban planning before the end of the world. With his help, Lin Chen quickly came up with a plan, which was roughly centered on the Tree of Wisdom, with a radius of three kilometers as a temporary settlement area. All alliance members can obtain housing, and because it is generous enough, those who are not satisfied can also be transferred. As for the plant controllers and other high-level officials, they live closest to the Tree of Wisdom, which is also more beneficial to their abilities!

In the next few days, Xishan Island became completely lively.

Ordinary survivors began to busy cleaning their houses, and of course there were also people who were used to living in tents who continued to set up tents. Lin Chen stayed on the island to sunbathe, while regularly fertilizing the Tree of Wisdom with special fertilizer!

The growth rate of the Tree of Wisdom will remain at a high level in the week before it is planted. Under the catalysis of special fertilizer, the tree of wisdom changes its appearance every day. If it can be called a towering tree after the first day, then after a week of necessary fertilizer catalysis, the entire tree of wisdom will already need thirteen or four people to hug it, and the height will be close to 100 meters. . Its huge canopy blocks out the sky and the sun, and you can see the lush trees as far away as the Taihu Xishan Bridge!

Correspondingly, the range of the increase in the plant control master's ability has also been expanded to a radius of ten kilometers. It can be said that as long as you are not on the edge of the island, you can almost enjoy that powerful bonus, and the closer you go to the center, the stronger it gets!

Another point is that as the Tree of Wisdom grows, its functions become more and more perfect.

After the first week passed, the climate in the central area of ​​Xishan Island was obviously a little different from the surrounding area. The temperature fluctuations have become smaller, the sunshine is better, and there is a vague appearance of spring all year round. Any ordinary plant growth will receive a huge bonus! In addition, there are many extremely flexible vine tentacles hanging from its crown. With just a light touch, the vine tentacles can roll up the object and send it to the main trunk, like an automatic elevator!

All the survivors on the island were astonished to see such a lush super tree and its magical place.

Although there are indeed trees larger than this in some corners of the world, after all, they are what you see in TV magazines, and they have probably grown for hundreds or thousands of years. The tree in front of them, which appeared on this planet for the first time, grew like this in just one week under their noses!

As long as you think of this, no matter how calm you are, you won't be able to maintain your emotions.

In contrast, the powerful plant control masters were even more surprised than ordinary survivors. Under the leadership of Lin Chen, they were able to reach the main trunk of the Tree of Wisdom through the vine tentacles, and were able to visit the branches and plant locations extending in all directions.

These branches are roughly divided into two types. One is an ordinary branch with lush branches and leaves; the other is a special branch with few branches and leaves on it, and more flat and wide branches. Sunlight can shine here through the gaps above the branches, and wherever it can receive sunlight, there are grooves that can be freely changed. That is the plant position where the mimic plants can fight permanently!

With this, Lin Chen and the others can gradually build the Tree of Wisdom into a powerful battle fortress with unlimited ammunition!

In addition, the Tree of Wisdom, also known as the Home Tree, can provide shelter in the tree. It's just that the Tree of Wisdom is not big enough now, so there are only a few places that can temporarily accommodate people. Therefore, Lin Chen did not open it to the public, and only allowed planters to visit the tree for the time being.

In the next few days, many survivors gradually adapted to life at the Taihu base, and Xishan Island became calm again.

"Continue to resume production!"

At the alliance's first meeting on Xishan Island, Lin Chen raised this point again. Xishan Island is large enough to completely eliminate the threat of land zombies, and with the Tree of Wisdom, growing food is no longer a problem. Under that magical catalytic effect, they can achieve three crops of rice a year or even the terrifying four seasons of rice!

It can be said that as long as we establish a stable foothold here, food is no longer a problem.

Everything is developing in an orderly manner, and Xishan Island is filled with a prosperous scene. The more than 10,000 survivors on the island are also full of hope for communication. At least, their lives here are very close to the peace before the end of the world. Even if there are zombie birds flying in from time to time, the people at the garrison and the plant control experts will drive them away in time!

However, in such a good situation, the team of plant controllers who went out to hunt zombies received bad news!

"A large number of zombies have gathered at the Chaohuhai base, and they seem to be preparing to attack Shanghai!" The person who reported the news was an intermediate level plant control master, who had only recently been promoted to the intermediate level. Originally, he wanted to go out hunting zombies to obtain soul crystals with several of his companions, but he unexpectedly saw a large number of zombies, so he rushed back to report in advance.

"Are you sure?"

Lin Chen didn't pay much attention to his words and just asked casually.

After all, the millions of survivors at the Shanghai base would definitely attract zombies to attack one after another. It is normal to have a large number of zombies attacking, and it would be unexpected if there were none. Moreover, although the armaments of the Shanghai base are not as good as those of the central base, it is at least the second-ranked one, and it is not a problem to gather hundreds of thousands of elites. Without millions of zombies, it is almost impossible to attack Shanghai. Otherwise, the Shanghai base would not have stood up to this day under the threat of third-level zombies!

"Of course! And, I can be sure that there are really a lot of zombies!"

The plant controller who reported the news obviously also put in some effort, emphasizing: "They did not attack the Shanghai base immediately, but gathered dozens of kilometers away from the Shanghai base. I happened to want to hunt zombies nearby, so I saw it by accident."

These words made Lin Chen a little concerned. He thanked this smart plant controller, and then quickly called Gao Ming who was preparing to go out hunting. Ten minutes later, Gao Ming, who received a new order, set off with five plant controllers who were also in the intermediate realm. Their mission is to investigate the zombie army that is about to besiege Shanghai, and it would be best if they can determine their number.

This mission is very dangerous, so Lin Chen did not force anything, and everything is based on their own safety. With their strength as intermediate plant controllers, if they want to escape, basically no one can stop them.

At the same time, the top leaders and the military of the Shanghai base are also holding an emergency meeting.

Compared with Lin Chen and his priority, the people in Shanghai are much more nervous. They know very well that the countless zombies gathered dozens of kilometers away are coming for them. No one dares to be careless when it comes to themselves!

"... According to the information collected by various parties, the total number of zombies gathered now has exceeded six million. Since the appearance of the third-level zombies, this is the first time our base has faced so many zombies. If the situation deteriorates further, according to the worst possible analysis, the base will face thousands or even nearly ten thousand third-level zombies!"

After the military representative read the latest information, he sat back with a serious face, and the meeting room became dead silent again.

Thousands of level 3 zombies, this number is like a mountain, pressing down on everyone's chest!

What to do?

Some people frowned and thought hard, some sighed, and some simply despaired. If it was before the level 3 zombies appeared, with the military strength of the Shanghai base, it would not be a big deal to deal with six million ordinary zombies. But now, Shanghai's arms consumption has reached a dangerous level, and facing so many terrifying level 3 zombies...

Even politicians who don't know much about military and zombie strength know that the situation is not good at this moment.

Perhaps it's not enough, the military boss in Shanghai held the list and reported another shocking news to everyone: "According to the suspicion of our intelligence personnel, this zombie army is likely to be controlled by a level 4 controller behind the scenes! Moreover, it is very likely to come from the west!"

Level 4 controller!

Since the failure of the joint operation on the Beijing-Shanghai line, these five short words have become a taboo for the Central Base and the Shanghai Base. At that time, hundreds of thousands of elite central forces were besieged by tens of millions of zombies and suffered heavy losses. The failed battle was the masterpiece of the fourth-level controller. Now, it's coming again. Even though the Shanghai Navy is defending the city and has the advantage of terrain, they still don't have the confidence!

"I propose to apply to the central government for authorization to use small nuclear weapons!"

Some people couldn't bear the pressure and immediately stood up to speak and wanted to ask the central government for assistance. In his opinion, since nuclear weapons had been used once before, it's okay to use another one now.


Smart people immediately stood up to object. You know, the zombies are so close to Shanghai, and the radiation and shock waves caused by nuclear weapons are likely to affect them. More importantly, everyone now knows the catalytic effect of nuclear radiation on the mutation of zombies. Even if the use of nuclear weapons can temporarily eliminate the zombies in front of them, it is a poison to quench thirst, and it will only catalyze more fourth-level zombies! If it's a controller, it's fine, but if it's a destroyer that once appeared in the Taihu base...

It's despairing to think about it!

"I think the best way is to reveal the existence of the fourth-level controller, and then use a large-tonnage TV-guided bomb to solve it! Without the fourth-level controller, the threat of the six million zombies is only 60% to 70% of the original at most!" Several senior military staff gave their own opinions.

This is their most practical decapitation tactic! (. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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