The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 329 Compensation for Qian Yuwei

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Chapter 329 Compensation for Qian Yuwei

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. Mobile Novel Site"

The general of the Shanghai Navy who came to the Nanchang base to inspect the situation looked indifferent. He knew Lin Chen's strength and the abilities of several plant control masters in other vehicles, so he felt at ease.

The Nanchang representative who went to Shanghai didn't think so.

He saw the horrible zombie scratches on Major General Qin Li's convoy. The steel plates of the armored vehicles could be penetrated. It can be imagined how great the threat of zombies is. Therefore, he didn't understand the calmness of the people in Shanghai. In his opinion, it would be best if the people in Shanghai could send 40 or 50 tanks to accompany them, so that it would be safe.

"Don't run into level 3 zombies on the road..."

Faced with the nagging of the Nanchang base representative, a Shanghai general finally lost his patience and shouted: "What are you afraid of? Aren't there just some zombies on the road? We have super experts in the car, and we will kill level 4 zombies as soon as they come."

This sentence was immediately agreed by everyone in the car.

"You guys are bragging. Level 3 zombies are so difficult to deal with, and level 4 zombies are so difficult to deal with." This representative who was born as a politician before the end of the world obviously didn't know much about military affairs, and his understanding of zombies was only at the level of ordinary people. In his opinion, level 3 agile zombies are scary enough.

"Believe it or not, but don't grumble out loud"

Several people from Shanghai warned him in a bad tone to avoid being ruined by this person.

However, there is a saying that what you fear will come to you. The representative from the Nanchang base kept muttering in his heart for a long time, and actually saw the strength of the level 4 zombies.

It was more than 50 kilometers after the convoy drove out of the Nanchang base that the armored vehicle where Lin Chen was suddenly had some problems. After the soldiers checked, they found that they only needed a little repair to continue moving forward. So, all five vehicles stopped and waited for the soldiers to repair them.

"It can be repaired in 20 minutes at most"

The soldier in charge of the repair was very professional and reported this completely acceptable time.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Chen decided to jump out of the car to take a breath. But just half a minute after he got off the car to move around, his keen perception suddenly had a feeling of being stared at by something

He smelled a sense of danger from this feeling

Since entering the high-level plant control master, the number of times he encountered such a situation is really rare, only a few times. So, after looking around, Lin Chen locked his eyes on a cluster of trees next to him.

"Everyone be careful, there may be fourth-level zombies appearing"

Lin Chen reminded without looking back, and at the same time, he operated his supernatural power to the maximum. Seeing the dazzling golden light on him, the soldiers who were still repairing the car reacted immediately. They quickly returned to the car to pick up their weapons and began to be on guard carefully. The other four chariots that could still move surrounded the broken car, forming a protective circle. The plant controllers accompanying the car also jumped down, and various nut walls were erected.

With Lin Chen, their first priority was to protect themselves. After Lin Chen had a good fight with the fourth-level zombies, they would consider helping. This was also the strategy for dealing with the fourth-level zombies that had been set before.

As time passed, the atmosphere nearby became more and more oppressive.

Lin Chen never moved, and his body remained extremely vigilant. He was more and more certain that the zombie hiding in the woods and spying on them was a fourth-level zombie. Only a terrifying monster of this level could give him that sense of danger.


A hot wind blew, and the leaves swayed. Lin Chen only felt that something seemed to flash in front of him. He did not dare to hesitate. He exerted a little force on his feet, and his body moved sideways three meters in a magical way. The blood-red zombie obviously didn't expect this change, and it pounced on it in vain.

"It's a predator."

Seeing its speed, Lin Chen immediately called out its identity. Moreover, judging from its speed, this fourth-level predator should have completed its evolution for a few days, and it doesn't look easy to deal with. However, although it is difficult, Lin Chen's counterattack is still unambiguous. In addition to shooting frozen mushrooms and frost peas, Lin Chen also consciously ran to lead this fourth-level zombie away from the convoy to facilitate his use of destruction mushrooms.

After missing the first attack, the fourth-level predator jumped onto an armored vehicle in mid-air, and then pounced on Lin Chen again.

It chose the right time and avoided Lin Chen's first attack of frozen mushrooms. However, Lin Chen floated back and made its pounce miss. The fight between the two sides took place between the flash of fire and light, and each left a trace of afterimage.

One is red, the other is golden.

It was not until then that the soldiers who were concentrating on watching the battle in the armored vehicle realized that the predator had appeared.

"What a fast speed."

Several people who saw the fourth-level zombie for the first time couldn't help but open their mouths wide. Their eyes could no longer keep up with this speed, and they couldn't see clearly which one of the afterimages was the real one. But at the same time, they were also shocked to see that Lin Chen was confronting it head-on, not losing at all.

"You are worthy of being the strongest plant controller."

The generals of Shanghai praised Lin Chen confidently while secretly cheering for him. With more than one record of killing fourth-level zombies, they believed that Lin Chen would be able to win this time as well.

In contrast, the representative from Nanchang was not so confident. He looked like he wanted to see but didn't dare to see, for fear of being frightened by the strength shown by the fourth-level zombie. At this moment, he regretted very much why he was chosen and entrusted with this task. If he had known earlier, he should have refused it desperately.

Lin Chen did not disappoint the people in Shanghai. After leading the fourth-level predator away for a distance, he began to summon y-meter pitchers on a large scale. This plant, which was also golden in color, began to throw y-meter bullets all over the field, and from time to time, it would be mixed with evolved magic butter. Although the fourth-level predator had a strange speed and could almost dodge in time, the butter would not disappear immediately after falling to the ground, but would continue to exist for a while. Soon, a large pool of butter accumulated where Lin Chen and the predator interacted

Another frozen mushroom

The predator, who had already seen the power of this thing, twisted his body and jumped away quickly. The aura with deadly coldness was dodged by it, but this guy still couldn't avoid the magic butter on the ground in the end, and his body stepped firmly on it.


Feeling sticky under his feet, the fourth-level predator wanted to escape immediately after landing. Unfortunately, the magic butter was so effective that it could not break free within two or three seconds, which gave Lin Chen enough opportunities.

The next second, it was a combo of frozen mushrooms and destruction mushrooms.

Accompanied by the mushroom cloud rising into the sky, the fourth-level predator was hit hard as expected. After two times, the predator had to slow down. Although it became more and more crazy, in Lin Chen's opinion, it was only one step away from complete death.

Compared to the fourth-level destroyer, the predator was faster, but as long as Lin Chen caught the opportunity, it was easier to kill.

Perhaps unwilling to die like this, the fourth-level predator finally turned around and started to run away after failing to counterattack. At this point, how could Lin Chen give it a chance? He followed it all the way and harvested it completely.

This added another item to Lin Chen's hunting list.

Seeing Lin Chen return safely, the representative of the Nanchang base finally realized that the man in front of him could really kill zombies alone. Although he found it unbelievable, the fact was so that he could not doubt it. Only now did he recall the confidence of the generals in Shanghai.

After killing the monster, the soldiers quickly repaired the car and set out on their way home again.

Although they returned along the same route, more zombies that had been killed along the way appeared one after another. Fortunately, there were no other fourth-level zombies, and Lin Chen and his team returned to Shanghai without any danger.

"Welcome back"

As usual, the commander of Shanghai was warm and polite, and at the same time he invited him to dinner: "Recently, a convoy ventured into the city and swept a warehouse, and got a lot of good things. By the way, the art troupe of our base is also preparing to welcome the performance of our compatriots in Nanchang. There are many beautiful women, and there are masters of pipa and piano on stage. It just so happens that they have a rehearsal tonight, do you want to go and see it together?"


Hearing that there were delicious food and performances, Lin Chen hesitated for a moment and immediately decided to go back a day later.

Of course, he was not just to satisfy his desire. When he went back the next day, in addition to a lot of things he had taken from the Shanghai base, his car also had a Steinway piano.

This is what he thought of when he watched the piano performance last night.

I remember that when Qian Yuwei moved from Anshun Island to Taihu Base, the piano on the island was left there because the fleet was not able to transport it and it was easy to be damaged. Qian Yuwei was reluctant to leave at that time. In order to comfort her, Lin Chen promised that he would find a way to get another piano for Qian Yuwei after arriving at Taihu Base. Later, because he was busy, Lin Chen forgot about it for a while, and Qian Yuwei did not mention it until he remembered it again when he listened to the rehearsal yesterday.

Relying on his good relationship with the Shanghai Base, Lin Chen did not hesitate and directly said that he wanted to transport a piano. wwwzhaoshyn.

"Can you play this?" Commander Shanghai was quite surprised.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "It's not me, it's for a friend of mine."

Commander Shanghai was stunned, and then asked with a hint of teasing, "It should be a female friend, right? Haha, you are very attentive to her." He did identify Qian Yuwei's gender, but he really guessed it.

Lin Chen didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either, he just acquiesced.

The commander of Shanghai showed a smile that all men understand, waved his hand, and quickly arranged a top-notch Steinway piano for Lin Chen. This was taken out from the villa of a wealthy man in Shanghai by several survivors shortly after the apocalypse broke out. The price tag was one million yuan. Compared with the piano left on Anshun Island, the sound of this Steinway is undoubtedly higher.

Before the apocalypse, even if Lin Chen didn't eat or drink for ten years, he couldn't earn the money for such a piano.

Lin Chen was still very satisfied with this piano, and Qian Yuwei must be satisfied with his belated compensation gift. (..)( The Apocalypse Control Plant Master  )_qz

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