The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 333: Accelerate the pace of progress

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Chapter 333: Speed ​​up the pace of progress

Although the news of the capital base has come, its impact is far from subsided. The first release of "More More Complete"

After confirming that the capital base would be moved westward, Shanghai's senior executives held another meeting. Although this meeting still avoided Lin Chen, he easily learned the contents of the meeting through the chief of staff and others. That is, the Shanghai base will vote on the issue of independence. But whether I should do this or not, I haven't been able to make a decision for a while.

Obviously, after the capital base moved westward, its influence and deterrence suddenly dropped to an unprecedented level. As a result, some impatient people at the Shanghai base could not sit still. Even though it is the end of the world and they are actually at the point where they can take care of themselves, those people still want to go further.

"Such a big thing cannot be settled in one meeting."

After explaining it in detail, the chief of staff came to a conclusion himself. In his view, the strength of those in favor and those opposed is roughly the same, making it difficult to make a decision in a short period of time.

Lin Chen thought for a while and asked: "If we are independent, we will actually re-establish an independent political power based on the existing strength of the Shanghai base, right? My personal opinion is that before the zombies are eliminated, consider this It's really boring and has no real meaning."

The chief of staff shrugged and said indifferently: "In the past, I might have agreed. However, now I am talking to you, Team Leader Lin. My opinion is not important until you make a decision."

This is another way to show loyalty.

It can be seen that the westward relocation of the capital base has greatly affected the chief of staff. Before this, no matter how powerful the zombies were or how inactive the capital base was, they were always there. No one, not even the chief of staff of the Shanghai base military, can ignore its existence. Now, such a behemoth has collapsed. Although they only moved westward, their weakness and powerlessness have already been fully demonstrated.

The capital base is gone, and the original political power also disappears. Next, there is an overall reshuffle

Although this reshuffle is carried out under the threat of zombies, whether it is scale, intensity or anything else, it will be limited to a certain range, but it is still an unprecedented opportunity after all. Those who stand on the right side will be able to maintain their current position or even go further in the days to come.

In the current south, there is obviously no one that can compete with the Shanghai-Hai base. ‘Recommended Baidu/Qi-zi*xiao/shuo/wang reading’ However, the chief of staff knew that the seemingly dominant base could not ignore the existence of one person, and that was Lin Chen

It is conceivable that a group of biochemical people can control the high-level officials of the huge capital base, and a plant control master who can kill level 4 zombies and has more than a hundred people and counting as his subordinates, such a person. How terrifying it would be. Under his silent infiltration, the current Shanghai base may one day quietly change hands sooner or later. Even, in the opinion of the chief of staff, that day is already quite close.

Therefore, standing in line and following the man in front of him are the most important things for him at the moment.

In any case, the biggest enemy of mankind now is zombies. Without Lin Chen's help, it would be difficult for the Shanghai Base to deal with the increasing number of fourth-level zombies, but the opposite was different. The chief of staff has seen Lin Chen's Xishan Island. On the one hand, it has no worries and can be self-sufficient, but on the other hand, it cannot live without Lin Chen. Although it seems that the strength gap between the two sides is too big, the chief of staff is very clear-headed and knows how to choose.

"Team Leader Lin, due to the influence of the capital base, the base is now unstable. You can increase your efforts to win over."

While Lin Chen was still thinking about it, the chief of staff saw the opportunity and gave Lin Chen an idea. Now that you have identified the target, of course you must place your chips as early as possible.

Lin Chen was actually thinking about this issue too. The sudden westward move of the capital base made him suddenly notice that a new era was coming. Moreover, he hastily discovered that he was very likely and had the ability to play an important role in this era. With his strength and his gradual wooing of Shanghai bases, he can definitely occupy the magpie's nest. By then, maybe I can...

It's just that he hadn't seen this step before, Lin Chen wouldn't think too much about it. But now that this road was so clearly in front of him, Lin Chen had to think carefully. If he can occupy the largest Shanghai base in the south and cooperate with his special abilities, the survivors in the entire south and even most of the territory of the Celestial Empire may fall under his command.

The key to everything is to speed up his progress and take that important step

After pondering for a long time, Lin Chen finally made up his mind. Whether it was the anticipation of that moment in his heart or the natural responsibility brought by his powerful abilities, it made him embark on the road to the future step by step.

He turned his head suddenly, with full confidence and determination in his eyes, and said to the Chief of Staff: "You said before that you wanted to introduce Lieutenant General Luo to me, right? Very good, I hope to see him in the afternoon."


The meeting with Lieutenant General Luo was quite pleasant.

Before this, Lin Chen had always been cautious and cautious in his contacts with Shanghai and Shanghai senior officials. If the Chief of Staff and the others were not completely sure, Lin Chen would not easily win over him without disturbing the old forces in Shanghai. However, with the help of the capital base, Lin Chen also pretended to be bold and relaxed the conditions.

Lieutenant General Luo controls one-fifth of the Shanghai Navy's troops, which can be said to be a very powerful position. If you want to win over him, it is really difficult to tempt him under ordinary conditions. And even if the other party nods in agreement, they still have to worry about the other party's loyalty and whether they are sincerely seeking refuge or something. But Lin Chen had a power that he and his son cared about, so he couldn't tolerate not agreeing.

In order to obtain the seeds, Lieutenant General Luo did not pay much, but it was definitely a lot. Lin Chen ensured that his status would not change and that he must support Lin Chen at critical moments, so he obtained two superpower seeds.

Needless to say what happened next, Lin Chen was very confident in the yoho power of the sun. Once they experience the power of supernatural powers, the powerful feeling is like drug addiction, even harder to restrain than that. Who doesn't want to become superhuman?

Therefore, relying on the trump card of superpower seeds, Lin Chen is really invincible.

However, just as Lin Chen secretly speeded up his actions, the chief of staff received news from the informant who finally evacuated the capital base, saying that a strange-looking monster was seen not far outside the capital base. Looking at the shape, it looked very much like the incubator Lin Chen had seen at the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant.

"Is the news confirmed?" Lin Chen was immediately interested.

The incubator can continuously catalyze high-level zombies. Every day it is in this world, the threat becomes greater. Rather than moving into Shanghai or something like that, Lin Chen's first reaction was to go over and kill the incubator first, and never allow the zombies around him to take shape.

The chief of staff thought for a moment and said, "I should be sure."

"What about the specific location? There should be this one, right?" Regarding the incubator, Lin Chen had an attitude of rather believing that it existed and could never let it live.

The chief of staff keenly felt the murderous aura coming from Lin Chen's body, and couldn't help but shudder, and said: "It is said to be in Yongding Town, west of Shijingshan District, the base of the capital, on the central street of the town not far from the national highway."

Lin Chen nodded, but was not impulsive.

The journey from Shanghai Base to Capital Base is not short. Moreover, such a large-scale relocation of the capital base will probably attract the attention and harassment of zombies. It is difficult to tell whether the incubator is still in place. Therefore, Lin Chen needs time to prepare and bring a few more plant controllers to help.

"It just so happens that the Shanghai Base wants to send an observation team to inspect the base ruins after the capital base moves westward. With them leading the way, Team Leader Lin should be able to save a lot of worry." The chief of staff came up with another idea.

Lin Chen thought about it and thought it was right, so he agreed.

One day later, Lin Chen said goodbye to Shi Xuanxuan and Qian Yuwei, and embarked on the road to the capital with Qian Xu, Zhao Gang and other elites. There were more than a dozen observers accompanying him. They had all received instructions from the top management in advance, so they were very honest in the car and followed the plan made by Lin Chen.

The first few hundred kilometers were relatively peaceful. Although there were some zombies on the road, they posed no threat to them at all. But the closer we get to the capital base, the more agitated the local zombies become. When they took a shortcut through the urban area of ​​a small city, they even saw many zombies wandering in the city running westward intentionally or unintentionally. It was probably because they felt the aura of millions of survivors gathered together.

From this perspective, it is also a good thing that the capital base moves westward. At least they have brought many zombies from the north to the west.

When the convoy arrived roughly at the outskirts of the capital, Lin Chen and the others saw a large number of zombie limbs and traces of the migration of millions of survivors along the way. Various ruts, garbage and even excrement everywhere have turned the originally beautiful scenery of the capital into a mess. As soon as they opened the car window, they could smell the stench.

"This is really..."

Several people sent from Shanghai sighed and had no hope for the ruins of the capital base.

Sure enough, under the guidance of one of the old men who had been to the capital base, they first came to the capital base. As a super large base that once housed more than three million survivors, the size of the capital base is unquestionable, and its defenses are extremely strong. But now, the doors here are open and the buildings are empty. Looking around, you can still vaguely see black smoke in some corners of the base, most likely the traces of the fire a few days ago.

A gust of wind blew by, a few fallen leaves floated up, and the huge capital base seemed extremely silent.

Probably the nearby zombies have followed the westward-migrating army from the capital base, and the place is already deserted, and there are no zombies in the entire base. The observers from Shanghai felt that this was a good opportunity, so they got out of the car and said goodbye to Lin Chen and the others. However, for insurance purposes, Lin Chen still assigned two people to protect them, and then took the remaining thirty intermediate plant control masters towards Yongding Town, which is not far from here.

His target is that damn incubator(..)(Doomsday Plant Controller )_qz

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