The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 335: Strongest Level 4

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Chapter 335: The Strongest Level Four

"Come again?"

After seeing the powerful corrosive power of the black liquid, all the plant control masters were on alert, for fear of being contaminated by this thing. "More More" After the four water arrows were sprayed out, they began to evade them early.

The four deformed zombies sprayed with acid should just attack based on instinct, but there seemed to be someone directing them behind them. The firepower of the four water arrows overlapped for the first time, but spread out, covering most of the plant control masters within the attack range. Although the plant control masters successfully defended themselves, the sour smell that hit their faces still made them frown.

Several sensitive zombies seized the opportunity and continued to launch persistent attacks on the plant control masters.

These monsters seemed to know the power of the black slime on the ground and did not dare to approach easily. This undoubtedly reduced their already small threat. However, killing them directly seems a bit wasteful. Lin Chen looked at the deformed acid zombies at the gap in the wall in the distance, and decided to charm all these third-level agility zombies over and let them go dog-eat-dog.


Seeing the acid zombies continuing to attack, Lin Chen dodged while summoning charm mushrooms one after another, turning the third-level agility zombies into his puppets. With Lin Chen's current strength, controlling these ordinary third-level zombies is almost 100% successful. Before the next round of attacks arrived, these level three agility zombies turned around in unison and pounced towards the acid zombies at the gap.

Acid zombies have almost no intelligence. Of course, they don't know that these sensitive zombies who were companions a few seconds ago have become puppets of the enemy. Therefore, when the third-level agility zombies pounced and attacked, unimaginable results were achieved. Those monsters with bulging bellies like water tanks had their intestines ripped open by sharp claws, and the viscous liquid that was contracting strongly was spurted out. Although those deformed acid zombies lost their fighting power, the third-level agility zombies that attacked them were completely corroded by the acid in just ten seconds.

"Captain Lin is mighty"

Charm mushrooms are free of charge, and third-level zombies can be controlled at any time. Use a few enemy goons to kill those pesky acid zombies. This deal is a huge profit no matter how you look at it.

Having said that, this incubator from Yongding Town is really extraordinary. Not only did he hatch a fourth-level predator, but he also created this terrifying acid zombie. Lin Chen had reason to believe that if it was allowed to grow like this, it might one day create an army of acid zombies. By then, it will really be invincible

Fortunately, I came in time

After waiting patiently for a while and seeing no more zombies pouring out, Lin Chen and other plant control masters carefully walked into the dilapidated political compound. In the middle, they saw a pile of roosters similar to the one at the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant. The squirming roosters and the large mouth on its body made it look extremely disgusting.

"That's right"

After confirming the identity of the hatchling, Lin Chen waved his hand to his men, preparing to kill it. But the problem is that the incubators are not powerless to fight back. When they killed the hatchling for the first time, Lin Chen and the others had a commanding advantage. The hatchling that unfortunately ran to the bottom of the pit could only passively resist damage and could not threaten them at all. But now, everyone is on the same level, Lin Chen doesn't dare to be careless anymore

"Just use machine gun shooters and torch tree stumps."

Lin Chen made a decision quickly and sent a large number of machine guns to shoot his men. Anyway, with the size of the hatchlings, they don't look like they can run fast. They can fly kites to kill them from a distance.

Soon, countless flaming pea bullets caused a series of explosions on the hatchling's skin.

The fire speed of a machine gunner is at least more than a thousand rounds per minute. You can imagine how spectacular it must have been when more than thirty machine gunners fired at the same target. The force of the successive explosions even destroyed the hills. The hatchling like this kept pushing back. Even though its skin was as rough and thick as a fourth-level destroyer, it was deeply injured under such an attack, and the large pieces of flesh were constantly twisting.

In order to kill it faster, Lin Chen also used coffee beans to summon a giant spray mushroom and used poisonous mist to corrode its defense.

This is the disadvantage of being difficult to move. Judging from the grade of the soul crystals dropped, the source crystals dropped by the incubators are equivalent to those of fifth-level zombies, which is one level higher than the diamond crystals. In terms of individual strength, although its defensive power is as good as that of a fourth-level destroyer, its threat profile is far inferior to that of the latter.

"Hit those hatching holes"

The controlled planter discovered its weakness and couldn't help but remind it loudly.

After discovering this, Lin Chen and the others caused even higher damage to the incubators. Soon, the unlucky monster became ragged. It's just that the skin outside its body is too thick. Even if Lin Chen's attack is extremely fierce, it will be difficult to kill it for a while. But this hatchling is strange. It doesn't run even after being so seriously injured. It always stays in place. , seems to be waiting for something. Although it couldn't escape even if it tried to run at its speed, there was no reason for it to be so unresponsive.

Lin Chen, who felt something was strange, summoned a few machine gun shooters again, and then let them attack freely. Although the effect is far less good than what the plant controller can control personally, it is still better than nothing.

"How long do you think this hatchling can last?"

Seeing victory in sight, the survivors began to relax, and many even started chatting in low voices.

"I think I can hold on for another three minutes."

"I bet for five minutes"

"You're definitely going to lose. After the skin on the surface has been blown away, its defense is getting weaker and weaker as it goes inward. Two points at most... Oh, my God, what is that?"

Someone shouted, and the plant control masters immediately noticed that the hatchling, whose belly was half exploded, suddenly began to squirm violently. Then, a humanoid zombie almost three meters tall struggled out of it. Its fleshy flesh and bony claws were blood red, and there was even a half-section of tail behind its body.

"What kind of monster is this?"

The plant control experts analyzed this monster in surprise. Judging from its appearance, it should be classified as a fourth-level zombie. But its size is not as good as the Destroyer, but it doesn't look like a predator, and it doesn't have the unique pair of horns on its head. Moreover, this is the first time I have seen the attributes of its tail.

According to the fact that it does not belong to the above three categories, it can be classified into the category of aliens. Lin Chen also classified this weird zombie into the category of fourth-level alien zombies. It can be seen that this incubator is to catalyze the production of this alien zombie as soon as possible. , it refused to leave despite the attacks from Lin Chen and the others.


The fourth-level alien zombie that struggled out of the incubator's body straightened up, swung half of its tail, and let out a strange cry of unknown meaning. Then, it stared at Lin Chen with its blood-red eyes, arched its body and rushed toward him.

“So fast”

Although he was prepared and dodged in time, Lin Chen was still frightened by the speed of its attack. It can be said that the speed of this alien zombie is completely comparable to that of a fourth-level predator. Thinking of the few special cases of alien zombies he encountered before, they often have strength that surpasses other zombies of the same level. Lin Chen realized that the strength of this guy in front of him was very high. Maybe it's still beyond imagination

Seeing that the attack missed, the fourth-level alien zombie fell lightly to the ground, and then rushed over again.

"Wall of Nuts"

Lin Chen took advantage of the opportunity and instantly summoned a wall of nuts on its path. However, although this guy was caught off guard and collided with him, he slapped his paw on the nut wall as hard as he could and flipped over from above. Although this attack still failed to succeed, it was not affected in any way. Perhaps realizing that this enemy was more difficult to deal with than it imagined, this fourth-level alien zombie paused for a moment, then turned around and killed the other plant control masters.

Before entering the high-level realm, it is almost impossible to fight against the fourth-level zombies. Even simply escaping the attack of a predator is very difficult.

Fortunately, the plant control master who came here was equipped with a pumpkin combat uniform.

Under the protection of this life-saving plant, as long as they ensure that their hands, feet and heads are not attacked, they will not be killed in one blow. Coupled with the effect of the body's supernatural protection, even if it can withstand two or three blows, it will be no problem. And during this period of time, Lin Chen was able to rush back and get involved with this zombie again.

The battle fell into a brief stalemate until Lin Chen and Zhao Gang saw the opportunity and used the Frozen Mushroom at the same time.

Two ice haloes attacked from different positions. With the actions of the fourth-level alien zombies just after attacking, it was absolutely impossible to dodge them. As long as it is frozen, the next step will undoubtedly be much easier. However, an astonishing scene unfolded before their eyes. As if sensing the danger of the ice aura, the alien zombie suddenly opened its mouth and let out a silent scream.

The two haloes that came close to it in an instant seemed to be blocked by invisible forces, one was defeated, and the other one from Lin Chen was delayed for a moment, allowing it to dodge.

"It also has the ability to sense domains."

At that moment, www.zhaoshyan.coLin Chen clearly felt the power of a controller. Although it is not the controller, it can initially use its powerful spiritual power to assist in combat. In other words, the person in front of me is almost a predator and half a controller.

Lin Chen was very suspicious. If he hadn't interrupted the incubator's progress in advance, its final ability might have been even stronger.

However, he was surprised. Facing the strongest fourth level creature he had ever seen, Lin Chen would not be afraid of it because of this. He is only two realms away from the fourth-level plant control master, and he has thirty intermediate plant control masters to help him. Even though it is more difficult to deal with than normal level four zombies, it is still only as powerful as it is. Because the zombie in front of him obviously hasn't fully mastered his power yet, and is just using it passively.

If that's the case, then move forward step by step and find an opportunity before it has time to react.

After making the decision, Lin Chenyi was bold and immediately started a close-range, high-speed fight with the fourth-level alien zombie. Speaking of physical fitness, this alien zombie is not much worse than a third-level zombie, and Lin Chen is even more powerful after using all his powers. Under the stalemate, Lin Chen quickly brought the battle into the rhythm he wanted to see (..) (The Apocalyptic Plant Controller )_qz

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