The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 361 Concept of a defensive circle around Xishan Island

Chapter 361 Concept of defensive circle around Xishan Island

The day after the satellite was successfully launched, Lin Chen and the others started to return home. (Baidu search is the most stable,) 15

In half a day and one night, Zhou Kang and a group of his men helped Lin Chen obtain a lot of important information. It can be limited to manpower, and the role they can play is limited. In order to utilize the satellite as much as possible, Lin Chen ordered his subordinates to relocate the base station early in the morning, and then brought all the equipment here back to the Shanghai base.

There, they will invest five or even ten times the manpower to analyze the images from the satellites.

After discarding some unnecessary things, the main equipment and host of the entire ground base station were packed and put on the car. Because there is no need to detour through the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Base when returning, the journey time is shorter. After four days of long journey, the team finally crossed the Yangtze River exhausted.

Along the way, due to the invasion of ice and snow, the continuous running of enemies, and the attack of a fourth-level zombie, Lin Chen's fleet was reduced by five vehicles. Fortunately, the accompanying personnel were basically unharmed, and only one of Zhou Kang's temporary recruits was infected. After helplessly killing him, Lin Chen and the others finally returned to the Shanghai base without any danger.

Seeing the familiar walls of the Shanghai base appear in front of them, the survivors who participated in the launch of the satellite all cheered.

"Warmly welcome the victorious return of the General Manager"

"Celebrating the successful launch of the first satellite after the end of the world"

All Shanghai and Shanghai senior officials who had received the news came out to greet them, and some survivors spontaneously followed them holding flags.

The welcome ceremony lasted for a while before Lin Chen and the others entered the base surrounded by everyone. Lin Chen, who was finally able to breathe, briefly explained, then let go to find his two women. However, as the host of the satellite project, Zhou Kang has no time to rest. Regardless of the fatigue of the long journey, he re-established a ground base station with the cooperation of the logistics department and the military as soon as he got off the car, and then established a satellite intelligence office with hundreds of computers and printers.

Half a day later, the ground base station in Shanghai regained contact with the satellite.

To be honest, even though they knew that the solar wind in outer space had returned to normal levels, Zhou Kang and the others were still worried about whether the satellite would be damaged. However, after restarting, he quickly received normal data, and he felt completely relieved. Obviously, the satellite is still operating normally these days and has not been affected at all.

"Very good, continue to analyze the intelligence. (Baidu search wins phone bills,) not only domestic, but also foreign areas where satellite orbits pass."

Under the leadership of Zhou Kang, more information was handed out from the Satellite Intelligence Office like a stream, and finally placed on Lin Chen's desk.

After successive analysis of domestic intelligence, Lin Chen already had a rough idea. In the south, at least in the southeastern part of the continent, there are only two super zombie groups that are most likely to pose a threat to Shanghai. One of them is the tens of millions of zombies wandering blindly in Nanxiang Province, and the other is the Indian zombies that are about to arrive outside the Guangzhou base.

Although there are many zombies in other provinces and cities, they are either distributed in the city or the scale does not exceed one million, so the threat is relatively small.

Then there is the situation abroad

Judging from the scenes that Zhou Kang and the others have dealt with, the situation abroad is not ideal either.

Not to mention some countries with large populations and relatively backward military. Judging from satellite photos, their situation is even worse than that of China. At the very least, there are still some large provincial bases in China that are barely supporting it. In those countries, I am afraid that the unified resistance force has disappeared, and only the scattered survivors are struggling based on their own luck and some special terrain.

In contrast, the situation in some highly developed countries is better.

At the very least, because they legally owned guns, they killed a large number of zombies when the apocalypse first broke out. Therefore, their situation is now better than that of China, but the situation is limited. In front of the fourth-level zombies, they could only be trapped in the base and unable to go out. In particular, foreign countries are doing a good job in environmental protection and there are enough wild animals. This directly leads to an even greater proliferation of zombie animals abroad.

Undoubtedly, zombie animals pose a greater threat than ordinary human zombies

"Tsk tsk, come and see Australia, there are countless zombie rabbits, zombie kangaroos, zombie giraffes..." Zhou Kang couldn't help but sigh when he saw the newly obtained photos.

As a representative of a vast land with sparsely populated areas and an unusually large number of wild animals, the situation in Australia is truly appalling. Normally, these docile animals would be nothing. But once they are infected by the zombie virus and continue to evolve, the outcome will be a tragedy. Judging from the photos, there are only two large bases left in Australia that are still barely maintaining it. Almost all the remaining people are killed by the endless army of zombie animals. Get rid of

There are many similar situations

After several days of analysis and summary, Lin Chen had a general understanding of the zombie situation around the world.

Compared to the early days of the end of the world, the number of humans has now been reduced to a dangerous level, and their strength, civilization, and remaining supplies have all been greatly reduced. Although many zombies have been eliminated, due to the existence of evolution, the strength of the zombies has not been significantly reduced, but has become stronger to a certain extent.

Today's human beings are just passively scattered in every corner of the world, lingering.

Without the emergence of plant control experts, the situation on the mainland would be no different from other places. However, with Lin Chen's strong rise, a different and fresh atmosphere began to appear in the Shanghai base and the entire southern part of the continent. Through the enlarged photos and the black zombies above, Lin Chen felt a sudden burden on his shoulders. sink

It seems that I really need to do something.

Leaving aside the foreign survivors, the first thing he has to do is to help the survivors in his own country from zombie attacks. From the current point of view, the Zhuzhou base is most likely to be attacked by Nanxiang zombies, while the Guangzhou base is also facing the attack of millions of zombies from India at any time. Lin Chen sat there and thought for a long time, and finally had an idea.

He called his confidants Zhao Gang, Qian Xu, chief of staff and others.

There were only five or six people sitting across from Lin Chen. Seeing his solemn expression, they also guessed that Lin Chen might have something important, so they all held their breath and waited for Lin Chen to speak.

"Have you contacted other bases?"

Lin Chen looked around them and asked this question first.

The chief of staff sighed, shook his head and said, "Our radio station has been calling 24 hours a day, but so far, we have not received any signal response."

Lin Chen nodded and said, "It seems that we need to take the initiative to send someone to contact him."

Qian Xu was stunned when he heard this, vaguely thought of something, and said in surprise, "Could it be that the commander-in-chief wants to take the initiative to contact the major bases? Or even ask them..."


Lin Chen had already considered everything and said in a deep voice, "With the strength of the Guangzhou base, it is almost impossible to stop the zombies from India. What's more, those millions of zombies may not be all the zombies from India. We can send people Contact them in the past, and if they can't stand it anymore, they will evacuate to us immediately. At the same time, we can also contact more than a dozen other provincial and municipal bases. If they are willing, I hope they can all be merged into Shanghai. "


Although Lin Chen's words were calm, the content contained in them made everyone present take a breath.

After a while, Lieutenant General Luo asked, "Does the commander-in-chief want to take the opportunity to unify the south?"

Lin Chen gave a grunt and said seriously, "The full appearance of the fourth-level zombies indicates that the strength of zombies has surpassed the level that ordinary humans can deal with. If this continues, those bases may be attacked by zombies one by one. Rather than letting them leave in a hurry when the time comes, , it’s better for us to take the initiative to contact them. It’s best if they can see the situation clearly. It doesn’t matter if they still have ideas. We can wait until the zombies threaten them and contact them again. If the time comes, it may not be possible.”

Unify the South

After moving westward from the capital base, some progressive people in the Shanghai-Hai base put forward similar slogans. However, at that time, they were only thinking about occupying a leadership position, but Lin Chen was undoubtedly more direct. He actually wanted to move all other bases in the south to form a super base.

The next step should be to get rid of the pre-apocalyptic position and create a new regime dominated by plant control masters, right?

If someone else had said this, people here might still be suspicious. But as Lin Chen's strength increased day by day, their confidence in Lin Chen also became stronger. Perhaps, the plant control class is really going to rise in full force.

However, even though Lin Chen proposed this slogan, the Chief of Staff and Lieutenant General Luo were still somewhat worried. These worries do not come from other bases, but because they have all moved to Shanghai. How should the Shanghai base receive them, and where can they get enough materials and food to supply them?

Without sufficient logistics, reluctantly incorporated them into the Shanghai-Hai base. Not only is there no benefit, it will actually cause the Shanghai-Hai base to collapse.

In response to their questions, Lin Chenxiōng took the map confidently and drew a circle on it with Taihu Lake as the center.

"Totaling together these ten large bases, there are probably as many as seven to eight million survivors. Counting the Shanghai base, the total number of survivors will exceed ten million before the end of the world. This number of people is nothing at all. Even the whole country Less than one percent of the population is now a terrifying figure. Shanghai alone cannot accommodate them, and the logistics cannot keep up. I mean, we can build a ring around Xishan Island with Taihu Lake as the center. "defensive circle"

Under Lin Chen's gesture, everyone present saw a circle. With the water area of ​​Xishan Island as the center of the circle, the radius is exactly the distance from Xishan Island to the Shanghai base.

Several people's eyes lit up in unison

Undoubtedly, Lin Chen meant to spread out the major bases and station them around the towns around Taihu Lake. The plant control masters can help clean up the zombies in the town nearby, and can send reinforcements to the surrounding areas from Xishan Island anytime and anywhere.

The advantage of this is that they can make full use of all the resources in this defense circle wx6

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