The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 372: Mobile Water Fortress

The long battle that lasted for two days came to an end after the last three million zombies were wiped out. (Baidu search to win Q coins,)

The corpses of zombies were densely distributed on two sections of the road totaling more than ten kilometers. The entire road was dyed with gray-black corrosive liquid, and the foul gas could be clearly heard several kilometers away.

Ordinary humans would not be able to stay here without any protective measures!

In comparison, although the plant control masters were better, when they revisited the battlefield, this disgusting scene still made them cover their noses. However, there are a lot of soul crystals scattered here. If you don't pick them up quickly, they will all be wasted. In order to improve their own strength, the plant control masters had to rummage around here with a frown, trying to get all the soul crystals that fell last before they dissipated!

"Here I go, a piece of diamond crystal, it's here!"

"I remember there used to be a lot of gold crystals here, but unfortunately it took too long and they all disappeared!"

"Fourth brother, be careful, there is a zombie behind you that is still alive!"

More than two hundred plant control masters were scattered on the battlefield, exchanging their harvests in twos and threes. Standing outside with his arms crossed and looking into the distance, Lin Chen could hear cheers of surprise from time to time. Occasionally, there would be disappointment and the sound of explosions against zombies that were not yet dead. Soon after, nearly two regiments of the pseudo-control plant division troops also joined the search process, making the battlefield that had been mostly calm become lively again.

In the previous battle, the soul crystals dropped by nearly seven million zombies were completely impossible to pick up. Except for Lin Chen, who controlled two fourth-level zombie puppets, who took the time to pick up a small amount of diamond crystals, the rest were all wasted. A large part of what was dropped by the three million zombies was wasted. However, the remaining part is enough to benefit the plant control masters participating in the battle.

I believe that after this battle, at least one-third of the plant control masters will be promoted to another level!

There is even more good news from Weiping, and his strength has reached the edge of breakthrough. In two days at most, he will become the fourth plant control master to enter the high-level realm. For plant control masters who lack high-end combat power, this is undoubtedly a good thing! With each additional high-level plant control master, Lin Chen has one more capable subordinate who can take charge of his own duties!

Two hours later, the ordinary soul crystals completely dissipated in the air. Although higher-grade gold crystals and diamond crystals can last longer, the energy they contain dissipates quickly.

When it got dark again, all the soul crystals on the battlefield had disappeared. The plant control masters were either happy or slightly dissatisfied, but under the leadership of Lin Chen, they began to return in triumph. Having already received news of the victory, all the top officials of the new regime came out to greet them. Even though it was dark, there were still tens of thousands of survivors who spontaneously came out to greet them.

The elimination of the tens of millions of Nanxiang zombies undoubtedly greatly increased the survivors' confidence in the new regime!

Seeing Lin Chen returning with his people, cheers of long live resounded throughout the sky, and Chief Lin Chen's prestige was once again given a mythical glory.

These days, although the top management has consciously strengthened their influence on public opinion, the survivors are still aware of the threat posed by the two large groups of zombies to the new regime. Needless to say, there is no need to mention the follow-up zombie troops from India. The previous battle to break into the base wall is enough to illustrate their power. Although the Nanxiang zombie group is relatively weak, their number is larger. With a scale of tens of millions, it was like a heavy stone, weighing heavily on their hearts!

Although, since the plant control masters appeared in their cognition, they have been invincible and have achieved numerous results. But this time, they were a little worried. However, the news of victory brought back by Lin Chen made them completely relieved!

Everyone knows that as long as they can deal with the subsequent zombie swarm from India, there will be no threat near the new regime for the time being. Even if the zombie swarm in India comes again, we don’t know how long it will take. In short, the new regime will usher in a relatively long period of valuable development time. The plant control masters will also take the opportunity to expand their team until they completely overwhelm the zombies!

Therefore, with the help of this celebration ceremony, these survivors also sent their blessings to the plant control masters!

Amid cheers and applause, the plant controllers who returned to the city enjoyed a rare day off. They had been really busy in recent days. However, after Lin Chen had a peaceful sleep, he immediately regained his relaxed mood and returned to paying attention to the zombies in India!

He knew that only by completing this battle could the new regime stand stably on this continent!

After repeated calculations by the Satellite Intelligence Office, the Indian zombie swarm is divided into two groups. At the current rate, they will probably successfully unite their forces before attacking the territory of the new regime, with a total number of around six million. Although in terms of number, they are nearly half less than the Nanxiang zombie group, their real combat power is still higher than the Nanxiang zombie group! The extremely high proportion of third-level zombies and the relatively common fourth-level zombies make the Indian zombie group the opponent Lin Chen least wants to face since the end of the world!

what to do?

Lin Chen himself was thinking about specific tactics. At the same time, his confidants and staff were also formulating feasible plans. However, based on the previous battles against Indian zombies, the situation for Lin Chen and the others in this battle is not optimistic!

You know, the number of zombies in India at that time was only a little over two million at most, which was about 40% of what it is now. Coupled with good luck, I used three battlefields to divide the zombie swarm into several small parts, gradually cut off the flesh, and finally won the victory with difficulty. In comparison, although Lin Chen has now entered the fourth level, and the strength of the plant control masters has also improved on average, the number of zombies has also increased to six million!

If they can't handle it well, even if they can win in the end, they will probably pay a heavy price like last time!

For Lin Chen, every real plant controller is a treasure. Even if he can condense a superpower seed every day, the preciousness of the plant controller remains unchanged. Therefore, Lin Chen hopes to win this destined difficult battle at a small or even no loss!

However, no matter how you calculate it, without the help of external forces, it is difficult for Lin Chen to achieve the feat of defeating the six million Indian zombies with his current strength. Unless the plant controller can fight the zombies under the Tree of Wisdom in the Sunshine City at the cost of the home court!

This is of course impossible, because the zombies can't get through the Taihu Lake. Moreover, with the current scale of the Tree of Wisdom, which is hundreds of meters high and weighs countless tons, it also makes it impossible to move!

Is it possible to try to divide these zombies into several parts and lure them away and kill them like last time?

This plan is still possible, and if it is implemented well, it may not be a bad idea. However, Lin Chen was always a little worried. Because the subsequent zombies in this wave of India acted strangely and had stopped moving forward before. What was even more strange was that the other zombies did not escape at all.

The people in the Intelligence Department and he both determined that there might be highly evolved controller zombies in it!

However, if everyone was a fourth-level controller, they would definitely compete for control of the zombies. The Nanxiang zombie group stopped every three steps. Although it was based on the speed of low-level zombies, there was also a reason for the infighting among the controllers. But this group of zombies was different. They moved in unison and looked like a small army. This meant that the fourth-level controller could steadily suppress all other fourth-level zombies!

What is this concept?

Perhaps only the legendary fifth-level zombies can do this!

However, judging from the evolution speed of third-level and fourth-level zombies, it would take at least a few years for fifth-level zombies to appear! Even if the zombies in India are affected by nuclear radiation and evolve at an unimaginable speed, it is unlikely that they will enter the fifth level now!

Will there be monsters similar to the fifth-level zombies?

After hesitating for a long time, Lin Chen still couldn't make up his mind.

But at this moment, a flash of inspiration came to his mind and he suddenly had an idea. It was one of the last few pieces of information he unlocked after entering the master of plant control, and one of them was about the tree of wisdom. From it, it can be seen that when the height of the tree of wisdom exceeds one thousand meters, the tree of wisdom will have a qualitative improvement. Even, it can be transformed into an existence similar to the ancient tree of war and directly participate in the attack on zombies!

The importance of the tree of wisdom is beyond doubt. If it is destroyed, the cost of rebuilding it will be so huge that Lin Chen will vomit blood. Therefore, he dared not let the tree of wisdom directly participate in the war anyway. But this news gave Lin Chen a new idea. Since the Tree of Wisdom cannot move, can he control the Tree of Wisdom in the form of the Ancient War Tree to make Xishan Island and Sunshine City on the waters of Taihu Lake move?

Since the tree cannot move, then treat the entire island as a big ship, let it drift, and come directly to the shore to participate in the war!

This plan is very uncertain. However, the more Lin Chen calculates, the more hopeful he feels! First of all, the Tree of Wisdom is different from ordinary trees and has unimaginable energy. Secondly, the root area of ​​the plant is several times or even dozens of times the height on the ground. It is conceivable that the root area of ​​the Tree of Wisdom, which is thousands of meters high, will be so exaggerated that it will definitely cover the entire island!

Once the Tree of Wisdom moves, the entire Xishan Island will break free from the shackles of the underground part and become a mobile island floating on the waters of Taihu Lake. Then it will not be a problem to let it dock and participate in the war!

If there is the aura bonus of the Tree of Wisdom, plus the permanent plant position of the Tree of Wisdom...

Lin Chen's mind suddenly became eager. He had already thought of the terrifying power of the corn cannon on the plant position under the large damage bonus of the Tree of Wisdom. I'm afraid that even the fourth-level zombies can be severely damaged with one shot!

After discussing with Zhao Gang and others for a while, several men also thought it was worth a try. Seeing the footsteps of the Indian zombie group approaching rapidly, Lin Chen finally made up his mind!


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