The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 40: Supplies on the Road

"You should also take care of yourself. "

After finally explaining to Feng Jianguo and Lao Cao, Qian Xu knew that it would be useless to talk any more. He silently helped Lin Chen clear the food in the back row, finally making enough space for an adult man.


Lin Chen gently opened the locked door of the detention center, and then quickly returned to the passenger seat. There were more than a dozen zombies outside that had not dispersed. They heard the noise and swarmed in, looking for prey. Unfortunately, what awaited them was Audi's merciless crushing, and the car sped away under Shi Xuanxuan's skillful driving.

"This friend of yours has good driving skills."

Qian Xu had only spoken a few words to Shi Xuanxuan, so he didn't remember her name, but he still recognized her driving skills.


Shi Xuanxuan also didn't know much about Qian Xu. She only looked at him more because Lin Chen decided to take him with her. As for similar compliments, to be honest, Shi Xuanxuan had heard so many men say them that she couldn't even be slightly proud of them.

"I also think Xuanxuan's driving skills are very good."

Lin Chen, who was studying the map boredly, echoed: "Originally I drove the car, but then I simply let her do it for me."

"That's because you're lazy."

"Really? Why do I feel that we should make the best use of everything and do our best to those who can?"

Qian Xu, who was behind the car, shrugged helplessly. He realized that he had started driving, and then there was nothing more to do with him...

"By the way, there is quite a lot of food and pure water in your car. In this apocalyptic world, food is more valuable than gold. If someone with malicious intentions bumps into you, there is no guarantee that there will be no evil intentions. I suggest that you still Find some larger woven bags or boxes so that others don't know what's inside at first glance." Based on his understanding of human nature, Qian Xu made a kind suggestion. After all, he was now on Lin Chen's side. On the same front.

"It can be considered."

Shi Xuanxuan thinks this suggestion is good, and it will be easy to transport and organize after installation.

Lin Chen was a little indifferent, but since it was the right suggestion, of course he followed suit: "Go back to Ping'an Town and find a few boxes to put them in. But having said that, Xuanxuan and I both have guns, and you are here now. Ordinary people Even if you want to grab it, you can’t!”

"Of course, my marksmanship is nothing short of perfect! As long as someone dares to think wrong, I promise to shoot them to heaven!"

When he mentioned this, Qian Xu suddenly became excited. It seems that after working in the prison system for so many years, his biggest hobby has not changed.

"What's your gun called 95? It should be very powerful, right?"

Lin Chen remembered where he had heard of this weapon, which had been initially equipped with the entire army, and was a little curious about its power.

"Of course! This is the QBZ-95 that has been initially modified. Compared with similar international rifles, its performance is top-notch! Its effective range is four hundred meters, and its maximum theoretical rate of fire can reach 700 rounds per minute. In addition, it The initial velocity of the bullet exceeds 900 meters/second, which is three times faster than your Type 92 pistol. In addition, I equipped it with a scope, which can make the enemy die without knowing who did it. Only regular combat troops can get the goods, ordinary prison guards can’t even think about it!”

"Can the rate of fire reach 700 rounds per minute?"

This number made Lin Chen overjoyed.

You know, the theoretical rate of fire of the Type 92 pistol is only 30 rounds/minute. If you include the time to change the magazine in the middle, this speed will be even lower. Seven hundred rounds per minute, that's a speed that is really unimaginable. If we had this thing when dealing with zombie dogs, I'm afraid four zombie dogs wouldn't be able to rush over at all!

Looking at it this way, until his powers reach a certain level, having a good gun is still very useful.

"That's just a theoretical rate of fire. It's actually useless, and it can only be achieved by using drum ammunition. In a real battle, the continuous fire rate can roughly reach 100 rounds per minute."

Qian Xu was very satisfied with Lin Chen's expression, and he was equally excited when he asked his friend to get the gun.

"A hundred rounds a minute is pretty good!"

Lin Chen is very optimistic about Qian Xu, the "big thug". With him, he can greatly increase his side's firepower. However, this also gave him a new understanding of the capabilities of the central government and the military. Perhaps, before the war potential and weapons left over from the end are exhausted, the major officially established bases should still be able to operate for a while.

"Hey, don't expect too much from me. The power of the automatic rifle is indeed incredible, but the problem is that it doesn't have that many bullets!"

After looking at Lin Chen's expression, Qian Xu Duotou poured a basin of cold water on him.

"How much do you have now?     "

Qian Xu obviously knew what he knew and reported it without hesitation: "There are more than 200 rounds in total! But a short burst is only four or five rounds, and a long burst is even eight or nine rounds. This amount of bullets will be gone in just two hits." . If we are fighting zombies, I only dare to shoot single shots now.”

Two hundred rounds!

This number sounds like a lot, it is worth all the pistol bullets of Lin Chen and Shi Xuanxuan. But compared to seven percent of the theoretical rate of fire, it is really too little. It also shoots one person at a time. The automatic rifle is better than the pistol in terms of range and rate of fire. If it cannot be opened and fired, the effectiveness of the automatic rifle will undoubtedly be greatly reduced!

After feeling a little depressed, Lin Chen had no choice but to comfort himself, saying it was better than nothing.

At this moment, Shi Xuanxuan, who was concentrating on driving, said: "There is a gas station on the roadside ahead. We are running low on gas. Do you want to go in and add some?"

The answer is of course yes. Without oil, the car is just scrap metal.

"It's better to get another car and see if there is anything that can be driven away. The three of us can drive two cars." Lin Chen also made a suggestion.

Because it is far away from the city, there are not many zombies in this gas station, and the three of them quickly cleaned it up. However, perhaps because it is relatively safe here, the survivors passing by have already used up all the oil that the gas station can extract, and even the gasoline in the fuel tanks of nearby vehicles has been extracted.

"It's really clean."

Qian Xu walked around the gas station and didn't find anything useful, so he couldn't help but sigh. As for the cars, there are two intact ones, and there are car keys, but they still can't be driven without oil.

Lin Chen was also a little disappointed, but he was a little unwilling to leave like this. After looking around, he left the gas pump and said to the two people: "As far as I know, there may be spare oil tanks or oil pools that are not activated temporarily in the gas station. Everyone, look around. It is unlikely that other survivors will take away all the oil. There will always be some left."

It must be said that Lin Chen's luck is very good.

Perhaps the oil pump of one of the gas pumps is broken, and there is a small classified oil pool with nearly half of the gasoline. When the lid on it was opened, a strong smell of gasoline immediately emanated.

Qian Xu, who first discovered it, was very satisfied with his luck, but how to get the oil up was a problem.

"Use this."

Lin Chen took out a small manual oil pump from the tool box of the gas station, which can pump half a cubic meter in an hour. Although the speed is a bit slow, it is enough for emergency.

"Everyone, be careful not to make sparks."

After a careful reminder, Qian Xu, who had an extra oil pump in his hand for no reason, had to do it himself, squatting there alone and turning the hand valve boredly.

The fuel tank of the Audi car that Lin Chen and Shi Xuanxuan were sitting in could hold about 80 liters of gasoline. Qian Xu, who worked hard to pump oil, didn't take too long to fill it up. Taking advantage of this time, the two worked together to push an ordinary Santana parked outside the gas station. This was the car that Qian Xu chose for himself in the future. It's not that there are better cars, but unfortunately there is no car key. The technology in the movie that can start the fire by picking up the wires and connecting them is not something that everyone can do.

At least, Lin Chen and Shi Xuanxuan can't do it, and Qian Xu doesn't seem to have mastered that kind of high-end technology!

"Okay, this one is full too."

After busying around for 20 minutes, both cars were finally filled with oil. During this period, Lin Chen inevitably killed a few wandering zombies, and even a zombie dog that came out of the weeds on the roadside!

Seeing the rotten zombie dog, Shi Xuanxuan's first reaction was to pull out a gun, but she was stopped by Qian Xu immediately.

Drawing a gun in a gas station is undoubtedly a very dangerous act, even if there is very little oil in this gas station.

However, even without a gun, Lin Chen still has a bayonet and supernatural powers! If you are dealing with a lone zombie dog in a spacious place, a bayonet is enough. He calmly measured the speed of the zombie dog and the direction it was coming from, then activated his supernatural powers to speed up and flash to the side. At the same time, a pale yellow light flashed, and the zombie dog's claws that grabbed it were cut off along with its calves. Although the zombie dog was whimpering and angry, it had no way to deal with Lin Chen.

After two quick attacks, the zombie dog reluctantly contributed a soul crystal, which was neatly picked up by Lin Chen.

"Let's go, this dead dog seems to have attracted a lot of zombies."

Seeing a group of zombies wandering towards this side in the distance, Lin Chen didn't plan to entangle here, so he called Qian Xu. Soon, two cars that had completed the supply drove out of the gas station one after another.

There was no conversation along the way, and before they knew it, the empty town of Ping'an appeared in front of the three people.

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