The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 46 Everything is ready

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"Did you fire the gun just now? Tell me, tell me in detail what you saw!"

Uncle Ling picked up the Bayi Bar in his hand and pointed it at the young man's head. The murderous intent in his tone made him, who was also holding a pistol, dare not move, and his legs were trembling slightly.

"I fired those two shots, but I just got up to get some water to wash my face. Before I reached the river, I saw this guy getting up staggeringly from the ground. I guess he was infected before I got up. I don’t know the specifics.”

With a sad face, the young man recounted what he saw, and several of them asked questions, but neither Uncle Ling nor Lin Chen found any useful clues.

"Were you bitten by some zombie animal?"

"It must be zombie birds. I've seen them before. People bitten by birds can also be infected!"

Everyone was talking about it, but no one knew which one was the truth. As a result, they became more and more panicked. Two timid people even decided to leave here after dawn, not even wanting the supplies from Ping An Town that they could get tomorrow.

"Stop talking, just be more vigilant and report anything abnormal immediately!"

Seeing that the cleanup of Ping'an Town was about to begin, but something like this happened the day before, it was really shocking. Uncle Ling felt that letting everyone continue to discuss would affect morale, so he waved his hands to throw the zombie out of the camp. At the same time, since all preparations were coming to an end, he transferred a few more people, doubling the number of patrols.

Under Uncle Ling's strong intervention, everyone with complicated thoughts finally dispersed.

However, the impact of this incident has not disappeared. Although the camp seemed to have returned to calm, Lin Chen clearly felt that the atmosphere in the air was a little restless. Especially those who have no work arrangements and stay in their tents or cars during the day and refuse to come out. Several stalls in the trading area were gone, and the card players disappeared without a trace.

"Maybe it's really a zombie bird."

Lin Chen thought about it for a while and felt that the possibility was indeed very high, so he felt relieved. He told Shi Xuanxuan, who was still asleep in the car, the whole story, and then got up to get some water from the river next to the camp to wash his face.

When there was really no water before, Lin Chen once used purified water to wipe his face. Now that there is a river next to it, naturally it won't be that luxurious. In the last days, clean drinking water is sometimes more rare than food. Moreover, the central government's experiments have already proven that, except for the moment when the biochemical crisis broke out, it is difficult for zombie viruses to survive after breaking away from the living body. If you just wash your face with river water, you will not be infected.

However, when Lin Chen walked to the river, he accidentally noticed a few drops of blood on the riverside not far away.

"It must have been just a short time ago!"

Lin Chen took a closer look and quickly discovered something fishy. This is the core hinterland of the camp. There is basically no danger. How can there be blood stains left?

Is it possible?

A zombie fish that jumped out of the water by chance proved his suspicion.

This zombie fish weighs two kilograms, and its scales have long since fallen off. Some of the rotten fish lips reveal sharp bone teeth. It looks like a piranha in the tropical rain forest!

"The guy who turned into a zombie must have accidentally bumped into a zombie fish when he came to the river and was bitten!"

Lin Chen was a little frightened and a little scared when he came to this inference. What's scary is that all kinds of animals can be infected by the zombie virus. What's scary is that if he hadn't been careful, the zombie fish just now might have suddenly jumped out while he was washing his face!

It seems that we need to inform others of this news quickly.

After making up his mind, Lin Chen did not leave immediately, but took a few steps back and continued to observe for a while. For about ten minutes, except for this zombie fish, no other zombie fish was found nearby. From time to time, fish carcasses appeared in the middle of the river, floating down the current. Combined with the fact that many birds died after pecking at zombie meat that he saw at the New Garden Club, he guessed that these animals may actually die when they become zombies. Not every animal can become a zombie!

If the speculation is true, then this news could not be better for mankind.

"What did you say? That guy was bitten by a fish that turned into a zombie and was infected?"

When Uncle Ling saw Lin Chen coming to the door, he was very happy and thought that he had changed his mind and agreed to sell the gun. But after hearing Lin Chen's words, he was shocked, and even his disappointment was forgotten.

"It's true."

Lin Chen explained the bloodstains by the river and his conjecture. Everything was so reasonable that Uncle Ling couldn't believe it even if he wanted to. He thought for a long time with a sullen face, and finally asked: "So, you can't go to the river easily?"

"It's best not to get close, in case you get bitten by a fish..."

Zombie fish are much more concealed than other zombies, and they can be caught accidentally. Lin Chen had already told Shi Xuanxuan and Qian Xu that they would rather waste pure water than go to the river to get water.

"I know about this and will inform them later."

Uncle Ling pondered for a moment and thanked Lin Chen. Then, he called Xiaoba and asked him to take Lin Chen to visit the construction site outside Ping'an Town. As for what Uncle Ling was thinking, that was not Lin Chen's concern.

"Come with me."

Xiaoba was lukewarm towards Lin Chen, as if he was simply completing the task. Lin Chen didn't mind either and took his car all the way out of the Ping'an Town campground.

"I said, are you really not selling that gun?"

After a few minutes of silence, Xiaoba suddenly turned around and asked.

"Not for sale!"

Lin Chen didn't know why he suddenly said such a sentence. He thought it was Uncle Ling who had explained it before he came, so he rejected him with just two words.


After spitting out one word, Xiaoba fell silent again and concentrated on driving. After passing a few zombies from a distance, the two quickly arrived at the abandoned construction site.

Judging from the remaining half of the renderings outside the construction site, it seems that this is a company's employee dormitory. The entire project only has three five-story buildings. One of them is already under construction and cannot be used. The foundations of the other two buildings had just been excavated, and the biohazard broke out before construction could begin. Next to the construction site, you can still see a lot of steel bars and red bricks, abandoned there in a mess.

When Xiaoba and Lin Chen got off the bus, there were only three or four people waiting there boredly.

Seeing someone coming, these people seemed to be relieved and rushed up one by one.

One of them took the lead in getting to know Xiaoba and said as if he wanted to take credit: "Brother Xiaoba, we have completed Boss Ling's requirements. Can we go back to the camp?"

Xiaoba glanced at them coldly, then pointed at Lin Chen and said: "It's okay or not, he has the final say. Once he's satisfied with it, you can go back. You can also get extra after Ping'an Town is captured tomorrow. Get enough supplies!”

"Why are there still such rules?"

Hearing what Xiaoba said, a few people were inevitably a little disappointed, but then they surrounded Lin Chen. Lin Chen, who suddenly enjoyed the treatment of a star, was still a little unaccustomed to it, so he quickly pushed a few people away.

"Don't be too crowded. It's better to go over and take a look first."

After temporarily convincing a few people, Lin Chen looked at Xiaoba and asked him if he wanted to go with him. Although he didn't like this guy very much, it was a form of respect after all. After Xiaoba made it clear that he would wait for him in the car, Lin Chen led the few people left behind to the foundations of the two buildings.

These are two super large pits more than three meters deep and nearly a hundred meters long!

"At the beginning, the foundation was not so deep. Our brothers first dug part of it with the excavator. Unfortunately, the excavator broke down later, and Boss Ling asked us to dig some by hand. Now with such a large area, Ping'an Town You can trap as many zombies as you like!"

This person was right. After seeing these two huge pits, Lin Chen no longer doubted whether he could trap the zombies he attracted. What he was more worried about was how he would pick up all the soul crystals after killing the zombies in such a big pit!

Do we really want to walk in a mountain of corpses... I feel sick just thinking about it!

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't speak, the people who looked at him eagerly thought that Lin Chen was still dissatisfied, so they couldn't help but ask for mercy. Only then did Lin Chen realize that he was distracted at the wrong time, and quickly nodded to indicate that they could leave.

"Very good!"

Several people cheered and turned around and ran towards a Chery parked outside the construction site. They were obviously tired of the job of being an excavator.

However, the good news doesn't stop there. When Lin Chen came back from the construction site, he found a huge bulldozer in the camp. The heavy roller in front of the bulldozer was covered with scraps of flesh and blood, and it was obvious that it had crushed many zombies along the way.

With this big guy here, the momentum of everyone in the camp was obviously much stronger, and the haze caused by someone turning into a zombie in the morning slowly dissipated.

It can be said that Uncle Ling's preparations for cleaning up Ping'an Town have been completed.

Everything is ready now, just waiting to start the attack tomorrow morning!

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