The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 77 Qian Xu's Sister

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Unit D of the high-security zone.

It was originally a dormitory for employees of a foundry factory. It was later recovered by Andu Base and assigned to the families of military generals. In addition, some female art troupe members, confidential secretaries and radio announcers also live here. On weekdays, some gorgeous girls come in and out, making others envious.

Although the conditions here are no better than before the apocalypse, and at least four people live in one room, it is still much better than in ordinary areas.

At this moment, Qian Yuwei is sorting out the radio speech notes for the evening. She will host the six o'clock broadcast today. As this was the first time since her comeback, she naturally took this mission very seriously.

Since this is a comeback, he must have been a host before. I remember that it was not long after she escaped to the base, and the person in charge of the base was also the former secretary of the provincial party committee. Because she has a nice voice, good looks, and a background in broadcasting, she naturally rose to prominence quickly. But within two broadcasts, a senior government official hinted that he wanted her to drink with him.

Qian Yuwei knew very well what those people were planning. As long as he goes there, it’s not the wine he’s drinking, but her!

For other girls, if they want to climb high, this kind of entertainment is indispensable. Once rejected, it will be easy for those people to secretly stumble. A female secretary in the next room pushed her over, but she didn't come back all night. It's obvious what happened. Qian Yuwei is not that kind of woman, she just withstood the pressure. As she expected, she couldn't take the position of radio anchor.

Fortunately, Commander Chen at the base had already taken some measures. Although some people want to change their minds, they don't dare to force it. Although life was more difficult and people often took the opportunity to make things difficult, Qian Yuwei finally managed to survive.

After Chen Gaoyang took direct military control and suppressed the provincial party secretary, the atmosphere in the base suddenly took on a new look.

In this case, she finally came forward and returned to her original position.

You must perform well today!

After mentally cheering herself up, Qian Yuwei put away her speech notes, changed her clothes and prepared to go out. But at this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and a short girl with freckles rushed in fiercely. She is the only daughter of the commander of the 27th Division stationed at the base, and she has been close to her since she moved in here. It is precisely because of her care that Qian Yuwei can survive until now.

"Sister Man, what happened? I see you are in a hurry!"

She looks about the same age as Qian Yuwei, but she was actually born only one month earlier, so she is called Sister Man. However, perhaps because she was an only child and was always favored, she still behaved like an immature girl.

The woman named Sister Man didn't pay attention to Qian Yuwei's words. She picked up the cup and took a sip of water. She pretended to be mysterious and said: "Yuwei, what do you think I am here for? Let me remind you, it has something to do with you. oh."

"Is it related to me?"

Qian Yuwei blinked and said she couldn't guess. After all, she had to make the person in front of her proud.

"Ha, I knew it." Sister Man said happily: "Didn't you entrust me to help keep an eye on the man named Qian Xu before? I just asked them to check for the seventh time, and they actually found him. He is in his thirties. Many years old, from Songyang, seems to have come with several other people.”

On the number "seven", Sister Man emphasized heavily, indicating that she was working hard.


Qian Yuwei felt excited. Her brother was her biggest concern all along. When she suddenly heard his news, Qian Yuwei stood up almost immediately, but she thought about it again and said sincerely to Sister Man: "Okay, I know Sister Man is the best, thank you!"

"That's right, I am naturally the best to our Yuwei!"

Being praised like this by Qian Yuwei, Sister Man suddenly felt a little elated, her face full of pride. After a while, she seemed to remember something and took out a note from her pocket: "Here, this is the address assigned to him. Go over and see if it is correct. Although the name and age are fine, but It’s not necessarily the person you’re looking for!”

That's what she said, but Sister Man also knew that she was probably right.

Most of the 600,000 people in the entire base are from Andu, and not many come from Songyang. Because the Songping base still exists safely, most people in Songyang will choose to go there nearby. As for the few remaining Songyang people, it is quite difficult to find someone with the same name and the right age.

Although the name Qian Xu is not unconventional, it is not too popular either.

"Unit 17, size K, in the general area."

Qian Yuwei took the note and read it silently, remembering this line firmly in her heart.

"There is no house, it should be in the tent area." Sister Man reminded her.


"Thank you, Sister Man!" Qian Yuwei said again with her whole heart flying over there, and hurried out, not even bothering to take the speech notes on the table.

Although the anchor's job is good, can it be more important than his own brother?

"Oh, that means I'm anxious. Let me see..."

Sister Man muttered, but her face was full of smiles. Her relationship with Qian Yuwei was still very good. Seeing that her brother was found, she naturally felt happy for her.


Temporary Logistics Office.

This is a new organization established after the reorganization of the base, mainly responsible for providing food and accommodation for the survivors in the base. The entire logistics department has nearly a hundred distribution points under its jurisdiction. In the Andu base, it is considered a relatively important and profitable department. At least for ordinary people who dare not go out to accept commissions and cannot get jobs provided by the base, they dare not offend the people in the logistics department.

After Lin Chen and Qian Xu said goodbye to Zhao Gang, they passed by a nearby distribution point to get a free tent back.

Don't miss free things. After all, you may come to the base again in the future, and getting a tent will give you a place to stay. Anyway, no survivors in the base will be stupid enough to steal this thing. As long as they don't store things in it, they can leave at any time with confidence.

Because it's not time for dinner yet, it seems a bit deserted here, and there are not many people coming in and out.

"New here? Where is the temporary residence permit?" Hearing that Lin Chen was going to apply for a free tent, the person at the distribution point asked lazily.

He had a mustache on his lips and small eyes, looking a bit slick and sophisticated.

Lin Chen didn't care about his attitude, just handed it over as he was told. Who would have thought that the man took the ID and scanned it, and his eyes suddenly widened. He looked at it carefully, picked up a few books and flipped through them for a long time, with a strange smile on his lips.


Lin Chen felt something was wrong, and he found that the way the man looked at him was very interesting.

"Nothing." The man leaned back in his chair and picked up his ID with two fingers again. After pretending to look at it for a long time, he suddenly threw it on the table: "I suspect there is something wrong with this ID. Its color and corners are a bit off. Could it be forged? If so, you will definitely not be able to get your tent, and you may even be charged with forging a base ID!"


Lin Chen and Qian Xu were stunned. How could the ID they just received be forged!

"Could it be that you saw it wrong? We just came today, and the soldier only issued it a few hours ago. How could it be forged!" Qian Xu explained loudly.

Hearing Qian Xu's words, the man's face suddenly sank and he shouted: "Are you doubting my vision? I tell you, if I say it is forged, it is forged. You can't get this tent today no matter where you go!"

Having said that, no matter how stupid the two of them were, they knew that this man was deliberately making things difficult for them.

Lin Chen glanced at him coldly and snorted: "You are looking for trouble. Do you dare to go to the base to verify the authenticity of the certificate!"

The man was glared at by Lin Chen, and he felt a little weak in his heart. He smiled unnaturally and said: "What's wrong with making things difficult for you? Whether this certificate is real or fake, I have the final say. If you don't accept it, fine, go to the base to get a certificate! But this trip will take at least a day, haha!"

Seeing that Lin Chen was not so easy to manipulate, he immediately used the tactic of procrastination.

This trick can always find countless reasons. It is easy to drag you until you can no longer bear it and then give in.

"Let's go!"

It's just a tent. There are many of them in the trading market in the base. You can exchange them for two bags of biscuits. Seeing that this man was determined to make trouble for them, Lin Chen was too lazy to care about it and turned around and left with Qian Xu.

"Hey, there will be a time for you to beg me!"

The man didn't care either, just smiled and watched them leave.

"It's really inexplicable."

After walking a few dozen steps, Lin Chen complained depressedly. He didn't know where the man's hostility came from. It seemed that he had never seen him before?

"He's crazy, don't pay attention to him." Qian Xu also felt confused.

After sighing twice, the two of them returned to the temporary base. Shi Xuanxuan and Liu Yi were still in the car, but their faces didn't look good either, as if they had encountered something unpleasant.

"Just now, a few thugs who claimed to be maintaining security at the base came and started to pick on us. Liu Yi and I showed our guns, but they were not afraid. Later, Liu Yi took out a bayonet and wanted to fight them for real, so they left without saying anything." Before Lin Chen could speak, Shi Xuanxuan had already told him what happened.

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