In fact, the two people fighting in the field seem to be equal, but in fact they are completely unequal. Even in terms of crystal power storage, Yi Fan is much better than Ji Tianjun.

After all, although Ji Tianjun’s cultivation speed is fast, it is still inferior to Yi Fan who is a past person. At this moment, Yi Fan, in a strict sense, should actually be called a pseudo sixth rank.

In terms of battle strength and innate talent, Yi Fan can be said to be the human Number One Powerhouse in China at present. His strength and speed are all able to reach SSS-Rank.

Moreover, with the unique and unmatched super rock crystal power and the assistance of spiritual abilities, the cultivation “Tianyan Body Refinement Dadian” has studied countless classics and created seven forms of Tianyan.

With the super-class Xuanjing Tyrant Dragon bloodline, the incomparable fighting experience is not invincible in the whole world. Today’s Yi Fan, looking at the world, is definitely a leader among the people.

Ji Tianming is not bad, but compared to Yi Fan, it is still a lot inferior. In terms of innate talent, Ji Tianming is already a lot worse.

His enhancement system ability is only double SS-Rank, which is much worse than Yi Fan. Innate Ability is unknown. The crystal power attribute is a Wood Element with a very strong life force.

The strength of the body and the solidity of crystal power are enough to crush Ji Tianjun, and even Yi Fan’s rock tiger knife is useless.

If it is used, Yi Fan is really worried that he will accidentally split his big brother Ruoxue into two halves.

Although, with the opponent’s sticky Wood Element crystal power, it may not be able to hang, but this scene is too shocking, so in the end he chose not to use the knife.

In a moment, Ji Tianming had already climbed up from the ground, with green light lingering all over his body, and his injuries had completely recovered. His hands were as usual, and the blood on his face had been wiped clean. If it weren’t for his clothes, his armor was a bit messy. , There is no injury at all.

However, although Ji Tianzhu currently has no scars on his body, his self-esteem has been hit hard and his confidence has been greatly lost.

Originally, he really wanted to explore the bottom of this man, and before, he did think about it, if Tianyan City can’t hold it this time, no matter whether the little girl wants it or not, regardless of Tianyan City’s attitude , He will forcefully take away the little sister.

Even, before the battle, he was still looking forward to testing the capabilities of this World’s First person, but after a fight, he found that he was completely incapable of that ability.

Everything before, was completely utopian. The other party’s strength was beyond his imagination, and it was extremely strong. The politeness to himself before was entirely out of his own identity.

During the battle, I already knew the horror of the opponent. With a single blow, he was defeated so thoroughly. He didn’t lose his mind just now, and the opponent did not have a sneak attack.

Strictly speaking, he didn’t even take a knife, because the opponent just used a hand knife.

Yi Fan saw Ji Tianming stand up, still taunted: “Now, we don’t have weapons anymore, this is fair.”

Ji Tianming is hearing this, my heart While smiling bitterly, inadvertently, looked towards Lin Tian and the others. Obviously, King Rock was acting.

Looked towards Lin Tian and the others, Ji Tianjun had to silently mourn for them, but he was so dead. To treat this kind of enchantment as an enemy is simply dead.

However, the play has to go on. After all, he personally agreed to his little sister, and immediately said: “The rock king battle strength is Wushuang, but this weapon is not Excuse me.”

“The Armor of Thorns…!”

“The Sword of Exhaustion…!”

After that, Ji Tian Min held his hands forward, and there was a dazzling green glow in his hands and body, which was extremely bright.

In an instant, the whole person turned into a green light. After a while, a dark brown long sword with green glow finally appeared in his hand.

The style of this sword is not much different from the ordinary long sword, it is the ordinary three feet azure edge sword, but in the dark brown sword body, there seems to be a strand of green glow. Look Very uncomfortable.

Also, on his body, a set of Battle Armor with dark brown and thorns has appeared. It is also dark brown with crystal clear green glow, which is indescribable.

At the moment when the sword becomes a sword, Ji Tianjun lightly said with a smile: “I was careless just now, but then, the King of Rock should be careful. This sword and this armor are both highly poisonous, let’s come again Have a try…!”

This time I didn’t wait for Yi Fan to make a move. During the next meal, it turned into a green glow and shot out at a rapid speed.

Rock King hearing this, but he smiled proudly: “such insignificant ability…!”


During the pause at King Yan’s feet, another dark red flash was turned into a flash of dark red, and the latter came first, and appeared in front of Ji Tianjun in an instant.

“Tianyan Seven-Style Broken Rock Cut…!”

The right arm is still raised, and a hand knife is cut down. This time the blade is cut down, but it is There was no beep.

“xiu ….!”

The sound of the fine chipping wind sounded, this blade is faster and sharper than the Number One Blade, and seems to be able to cut off and block it Everything in front of you.

“pu chi …..!”

Fresh and flesh, Ji Tianjun’s reaction this time is indeed much faster, perhaps because of the speed of Yi Fan After that, with psychological preparation, start the action in advance.

While he moved his body horizontally, he sprinted to the left at extreme speed, except for his left arm, which was wiped off with some flesh and blood, which was not a major problem.


The wind whistled, and Ji Tianjun, who avoided a knife, naturally started his counterattack. The long sword on the right hand was raised. A deep green sword gang, like a wave of light, swayed from the exhausted sword.

“Withered Wood Ling Wind Sword….!”

No matter what sword you have, the dark red crystal on your left arm swells, and the five fingers are instantly transformed into A ferocious dragon claw slammed its claws against the sword gang that came swaying.

“crack crack…Boom..!”

Several waves of sword gangs burst into pieces in the sound of ka-cha, Yi Fan kicked his body Move forward quickly.

“Rock bursting thorny lotus prison…!”

“peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ …..!

Yijian Without work, Ji Tianjun, who was about to retreat extremely quickly, burst out several sharp rock thorns beside him in an instant, which firmly locked his action space.

In the critical moment, Ji Tianjun’s The reaction is also quite fast. With a kick on one of the thorns, the person has jumped up like a big bird, flying towards the lotus-like ground thorn group.

Since Yi Fan has made a move, How can he escape so easily, stepping on the floor, like Shrink The Land Into An Inch, is obviously just one step, but it has crossed the distance between the two and appeared behind Ji Tianjun.

Ji Tianming just leaped up, he felt something strange behind his back, knowing that it was bad, he just leaped up, spun from the air, turned back in an extremely strange posture, point out with a sword, green glow and sword gang , Flying like raindrops…

“xiū xiū xiū…! “

The wind howled, facing Ji Tianming’s Jian Gang, Yi Fan was not afraid of it. He had just tried it. For his crystal-powered arms, the opponent’s Jian Gang , There is almost no threat, Yi Fan also repeats the same trick, right hand transforms the ferocious dragon claw, and grabs it towards Ji Tianzhu’s ankle…

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