Yi Fan hearing this, indifferently smiled and said: “They are affiliation, or partnership, we don’t care, just find them.”

“I think, face Tianyan City Everything, especially the bait like genetic warriors, they will definitely extend the hand…!”

Fina hearing this said with a smile: “Yes, girl Yiyu, I have just sent back the information, and they are still separate. The Nara team communicates directly with Great Captain.”

“Qilin City, the Nara team, I am afraid that all the elites will come out, even this mysterious Nara team. , Maybe it can give us some surprises…!”

Yi Fan hearing this, Mori coldly said: “Nara brigade, I’m afraid they won’t come, I’m worried that these mice won’t come out Well…!”

“Cao Xuefeng’s trouble will be solved sooner or later, just take this opportunity and get it done once and for all.”

Fina hearing this is also Senhan said:” If it weren’t for the magical Qilin jade pendant, and the kid was also very cautious, he had basically lived deep in the city during the past six months and traveled minimally. I didn’t know how many times I died…!”

Ji Ruoxue hearing this said with a smile: “I heard you said that this guy is very slippery, he should come kiss this time…!”

Yi Fan hearing this, Sen coldly smiled “This kid will definitely come. He is the master of seeking revenge for the slightest grievance, and in their opinion, this time is a sure chance!”

“Such a good opportunity, he will definitely come to find one Bo dignity…!”

Fina hearing this said with a smile: “Hehe, it’s just right to come. As you said, it happens to be done once and for all. Next, it’s Baize City.”

“Baize City, which is dominated by Yang Family, always loves to buy cheap, and the methods are very vicious. Yang Tianzong naturally inherited this fine tradition.

“He has just sent a message back. Cheng, in order to get his father’s elite soldiers out, even added gas and jealousy to say that Tianyan City was seriously wounded dressed as a high-level man, and completely lost the battle. “

Yi Fan hearing this is not surprising: “Qilin, Bai Ze, jackals of the same tribe, four Great City, Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird have always been good friends, this Vermilion Bird city is afraid Let’s get into the water too…! “

Fina hearing this, said resolutely: “Yes, Vermilion Bird City is the third thankless wretch. Like Azure Dragon City, it looks simple and honest, low-key development of Vermilion Bird City, inside It is wild ambition. “

“Zheng Feng has been sent back to the city. The content is similar to that of the other four cities. The elites have come out to win Tianyan City in one fell swoop. “

Yi Fan hearing this said with a smile: “Five Great City, we are really jealous, are there any more? “

Fina hearing this said with a smile: “The Young Master in White Cloud City seemed to want to do some tricks, but was discouraged by Steward and scolded. “

On the Qingfeng city side, it’s nothing. The big brother of Ruoxue, who has the mentality of watching the theater, is just a little nervous about Ruoxue’s safety.”

“Taihua City needless to say, the City Lord is here, an absolute ally, if there is no sister Xiaoxuan, we would not know these information so clearly.”

“And, according to you I have promised her the two cities in Central China. With her talent and ability, the two cities must be finished…!”

Hearing this, Ji Ruoxue laughed. Asked: “Brother Fan, you seem to be very good to this Xiaoxuan girl. It used to be a crystal power converter and the “Twelve Standard Channels” cultivation technique. Now it is sent to two cities and you are in love with others?”

In the words, although they tried their best to cover up, the jealousy in them was already easily noticed by Yi Fan.

Yi Fan said with a smile: “Han Xiaoxuan, this woman, as Fina said, has abilities, talents and talents, and she is very smart. She was amazing in the battle of the ancient capital.”

“Finally, Fina knows that, anyway, she and us are also Life and Death Battle friends in the Rubik’s Cube Ruins, and even at the last moment, she uses her ability to help us escape.”

” The important thing is that in these last days, she has her own bottom line, knows how to awe, tell the truth, I really appreciate her, like and so on, then it will be far away.”

Facts In the above, Yi Fan is not casual in terms of emotions, especially after Feina, Ji Ruoxue, with the exception of a Xing Jie, for other women, he has never actively provoked…

Even Yi Fan chose to pretend to be dumb and stunned for the delicious pair of sisters who single-mindedly, and did not give them a chance.

Actually, Sister Ruoxue, originally just cracking a joke, didn’t expect, but Yi Fan was quite concerned about her thoughts and explained it very seriously.

Sister Ruoxue is a little bit sorry, and Fina on one side sees this, and she says with a smile on the fire: “haha…! Sister Ruoxue, even me this time Not to mention the last sentence, Sister Xiaoxuan, it’s really good…!”

Ji Ruoxue hearing this didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, she said with a teammate like Feina, Ji Ruoxue said with a bitter smile: “Sister Feina, I have nothing to say to you. You should report on the situation.”

Fina is also naughty and said: “Yes, my queen…! Reported to the eight Great City, only the last White Tiger City is left.”

“This time, the White Tiger City was unexpected. From top to bottom, they all stood on our side, and from start to finish, I did not give up Rock City.”

“Li Xiuqing and Zhang Chijun, the two of them had just sent a letter back to the city, reported the situation here and asked for support, and through the VIP level guards, threatened to See you.”

Yi Fan hearing this, sighed: “The world is unpredictable. I am not very familiar with the two Old City Lords of White Tiger City. Be thorough, or be human, quite principled, you can try to meet.”

“As for them to meet, it is nothing more than asking whether we need support. If I go to meet now, it is too conspicuous, or is it You can contact them in secret.”

“Thank them for their kindness, no support is needed. In addition, there are not three empty cities in the north now. Tell them which one you want, just do it yourself. If you have the ability, I have no objection if you clean up everything.”

Fina hearing this, also said with a smile: “Well, okay, I’ll go there soon, this one, Li’s family , It seems that it is going to rise…!”

Yi Fan hearing this said with a smile: “The rise is also a good thing. Humanity is already quite weak, and the population of China is now declining sharply.”

“It stands to reason that we shouldn’t have internal friction at this time. Unfortunately, some guys, simply can’t see these.”

“No matter, since you want to fight, then just go ahead and solve it all at once. Get rid of all these discordant factors in Huaxia…!” At the end of the talk, Yi Fan’s face also has a bit of hostility, Ji Ruoxue, Feina two people In the eyes, cold light also flickers .


The sound of the wind whistling, a wind azure glare, from the dark side, flying from the dark side, fast black, and in an instant, appeared On this small platform on the second floor.

He is dressed in black clothed, and in the Tianyan City logo on his chest, there is a blood-colored tower against the backdrop of a blood-colored tower. The whole body is full of Wind Element crystal power. It is not Li Feng, but who else.

In fact, Fina, who controls Anbu, has already told Li Feng that since a few days ago, Anbu has been under total martial law.

Fina also confessed to Li Feng that he could report to the Yanwang Pavilion at any time whenever there is a situation.

No, right now, Li Feng is not hypocritical. Obviously, he has quite urgent information. He just boarded the small platform and quickly bowed: “Sir City Lord, there is a new situation… .!”

Yi Fan, Ji Ruoxue, Fina, and all three of them condensed. Yi Fan asked: “Li Feng, what’s the matter, let’s talk about it…!”


Li Feng didn’t have any trouble, and immediately hurriedly said: “The message just came back that the five cities have been completely alliance, almost all the elites are coming out, and they are going south quickly. Its purpose is self-evident.”

Yi Fan hearing this said with a smile: “Come on, our side, we should also prepare for the war, how many people are there in the five cities, and how strong is it…!”

Li The wind said solemnly: “Azure Dragon City, three thousand elite Golden Dragon Guards, 100 Azure Dragon Guards, almost dispatched Azure Dragon City, more than 80% of the elite forces.”

Among them, The three thousand elite Golden Dragon Guards, without exception, are all five-level middle-level evolver, as for the 100 Azure Dragon Guards, they are all five-level high-level evolver. “

“His…! “

Yi Fan, Fina, and Ji Ruoxue took a breath of air at almost the same time.

Thousands of fifth-tier medium-strength evolver, fortunately, but those fifth-tier high-strength evolver Hundred Azure Dragon Guards amazed Yi Fan, Ji Ruoxue, and Feina.

In this way, this Azure Dragon city is in the time and space tide period, in those different time and space ruins, although there is no The relics of SSS-Rank were collected, but many small and medium-sized relics were also hollowed out. The heritage is quite rich.

In addition, the northern region is also full of talents. Naturally, those with outstanding innate talent are no longer in the minority Under the combination of the two, such a powerful evolver team was created.

In fact, as a reincarnator, although Yi Fan has been walking in the front of the entire Chinese evolver, and even the entire human evolver.

Subconsciously, I have never compared any forces with Tianyan City, because as a reincarnator, his advantage is so great that he doesn’t think there is any comparability.

Perhaps, although he has always been paying attention, as Tianyan City is getting stronger and stronger, Yi Fan is unconsciously more and more confident, and even has a little pride.

Azure Dragon City is abrupt. , But in an instant, I awakened Yi Fan, one of the five Great City, with such a foundation, other cities, if you want to come, it is not much different.

Three thousand five-level medium, one hundred Fifth-level advanced!!

It seems that I had really underestimated them before. Yi Fan sighed secretly in his heart, and quickly put away all his contempt.

Of course, although I was surprised by the background of Azure Dragon City, Yi Fan, Feina, and Ji Ruoxue were not intimidated by these thousands of fifth-order evolver.

It’s just pretty serious Said: “The background of Azure Dragon City is really, unexpectedly thick…! “

“In this way, the details of the other cities are not bad anymore. It seems that this time, we really can’t neglect…! “

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