Fu Sheng’s remarks had hardly any loopholes, and they took care of almost every aspect, which caused everyone to stop thinking.

Azure Dragon City Lintian immediately praised: “Perfect suggestion, I am the first to express support for Azure Dragon City.”

Qilin Cheng Yiyu said secondly: “This doctrine is indeed beautiful, and I also support it in Qilin City.”

Yang Tianzong of Baize City, and even more patted Fu Sheng said: “Justice, this doctrine, I Baize City, of course I support it.”

Azure Dragon, Qilin, Bai Ze, Black Tortoise, have expressed their opinions one after another, Vermilion Bird City is naturally no longer a problem, and naturally supports it.

Fu Sheng didn’t expect that his suggestion was supported by everyone so quickly, he immediately said with a smile: “That’s it, let’s check the time first…!”

After speaking, Fu Sheng was the first to raise the right hand, and everyone gathered together and raised the mechanical watch in his hand: “It’s 6:50, there is still some time, everyone will go back. Get ready.”

“At seven forty, we are still gathering here. I hope that when we gather again, we will be fully prepared for the strike.”

The meaning in Fu Sheng’s words is very obvious. Let them be prepared for everything. Naturally, including desperate preparation when the situation is bad.

At this time, everyone in the Five Cities Alliance is naturally very aware of their situation. In fact, the representatives of the Five Cities who have long been embarrassed, since they dare to enter Tianyan alone, naturally they have their own The trump card.

Listening to what Fu Sheng said, a ray of determination flashed across the faces of the representatives, and after they responded firmly, they quickly left the VIP room No. 3.

Soon there were only Fu Sheng and Luo Yaqin left in the VIP room, which was originally assigned to their VIP room.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Luo Yaqin asked: “Brother Fu Sheng, honestly, what do you think is the possibility of Li Li being persuaded…!”


Fu Sheng is hearing this, but indifferently smiled: “hehe…heh, Yaqin! I just said this now, it doesn’t make any sense anymore, prepare to fight to the death…!”

“At the moment, we have no retreat, so in my opinion, even if there is only a 10% chance, we still have to go to this appointment…!”

Luo Yaqin hearing this first startled, and then said to himself with a smile: “Brother Fu Sheng, do we really have no retreat?”

Fu Sheng did not say any more, just shook the head solemnly, obviously Today, let alone Black-Turtle City, the Five-City Alliance has each one, and there is no retreat…..

Tianyan City, Rock King Pavilion, Assembly Hall.

The representative of the Five Cities Alliance, Li Li’s appointment, Tianyan City is naturally also discussing what kind of attitude should he use to meet the Five Cities Alliance for the time being.

No, Ji Ruoxue, glasses, and Li Li are sitting right there, and they seem to be discussing this issue.

Ji Ruoxue opened the mouth and said: “Lili, according to our current situation, you should avoid their closeness. Why did you get in there by yourself…!”


Li Li is hearing this, without concealing it, and said solemnly: “The two armies are fighting, and the first priority is intelligence. In my opinion, this is an opportunity.”

“Minister Ji , The Vice-City Lord, I’m sorry, I cut first and then played…!”

When the glasses heard this, it was eyes shined, and immediately said with a smile: “You mean, think From these representatives, pull out some information?”

Li Li immediately responded: “Yes, these representatives, although we have the help of the Taihua City, I got some information from them.”

“However, we are too clear about their specific combat plan, although with the intelligence we have now, we won’t lose out.”

“But knowing more, naturally there is no harm in it, and it can also reduce some of our losses…!”

“Also, these guys, but they took the initiative to come in front of me and didn’t take advantage of it. , Isn’t it a big loss…!”

When Li Li said this, Ji Ruoxue naturally became interested: “But, if we have any heartbeat, will it affect Brother Fan and the others…!”

Speaking of this, his eyes suddenly interrupted and said: “Speaking of Yi Fan and the others, you have noticed the abnormal hurricane during lunch today. ..!”

Ji Ruoxue was hearing this and quickly said: “I felt it. At the time, I was on the small platform on the second floor of Yanwang Pavilion.

“Not only did I see At the top of the Rock Soul Tower, the wind and clouds changed color, and in that hurricane, I felt an extremely familiar breath…! “

Li Li said with a smile: “haha, I can feel the breath too, so that said, it should be Minister Fina’s breath…! “

Glasses hearing this said with a smile: “Since you all feel it, it is not my illusion. It seems that Fina and Yi Fan have made some progress on their side.. .! “

putting it that way, Fina, and Yi Fan are likely to be in the critical period of promotion. At this time, let’s be more conservative…!”

Eye’s words, although they didn’t explicitly say no, they almost negated Li Li’s small plan to steal information.

Ji Ruoxue hearing this, also echoed: “That’s right Lili, Fina, Brother Fan and their promotion over there is too important, we must first ensure that they will not be disturbed…! “

Li Li hearing this, did not give up, but insisted: “Minister Ji, Vice-City Lord, at this point, you can rest assured that Li Li does not know the importance of the person.”

“I can guarantee that my plan will not cause any major disturbances, affecting the City Lord, Minister Fina and the others.”

“I haven’t said anything yet. Clearly, in my opinion, the current situation is probably the representatives of the Five Cities Alliance who mistakenly thought that I had to judge Tianyan City to react…!”

“And, At this time, what they were thinking about was how to convince me of this Section Head Grade to let me give Tianyan City a heavy blow from the inside…!”

“Nothing In the event of an accident, this time I just need to pretend to be in the enemy and show some attitude. I can get a lot of the opponent’s battle plan in exchange for a good show.”

“So, I still feel that this It’s a rare opportunity, we shouldn’t give up easily…!” Li Li tone barely fell, but the glasses opened the mouth and said: “How do you judge? The other party thinks you are going to sentence the city. ..!”

Li Li lightly said with a smile: “Based on my keen intuition, as well as some language of Baizecheng Yang Family Young Master, and what he thinks he knows about me…!”

Ji Ruoxue on one side, at this time also opened the mouth and said: “But if you take the initiative to join in, will they not be suspicious?”

Li Li is even more Jiao said with a smile: “Ruoxue elder sister, at this time, take the initiative to join in, is a speculator who finds the opportunity, the most correct way.”

Ji Ruoxue hearing this, just thinking about it for a moment, it is clear, it is true. Li Li said that she had been thinking from her own perspective just now, so she felt a little abrupt and even reckless.

However, under empathy, if you are from the perspective of Li Li who is about to betray and make that kind of initiative, it will be the most normal behavior.

At the same time, at this time, Ji Ruoxue had a new understanding of Li Li’s wisdom again.

The glasses on one side are also the twinkling in the eyes. Obviously, they have figured out all the joints, and immediately said with a smile: “Yi Fan’s vision has always been unique. You are indeed a qualified wise man, as you said Now, this situation is indeed an opportunity.”

“However, in this case, it is a meeting of this kind of identity. If you go to the appointment, naturally you can’t be just and honorable. I’m afraid you won’t even be able to bring a few of your followers.”

“In this way, in terms of your own security, isn’t it a little weaker, and the other party is not good…!”

Ji Ruoxue naturally discovered this problem, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and she immediately said: “Well, let Li Feng pull out. The stars, Chen, Yin, Yao, and Mo Yin have all returned to the city. Protect…!”

Li Li hearing this, waved her hands again and again: “Don’t…Don’t…Don’t! The war is coming, Anbe is just short of manpower, and I won’t add trouble at this time. “

“Furthermore, it’s hard to guarantee that the opponent does not have some hole cards. If a weak spot is exposed at this time, it is really self-defeating.”

“In addition, this trip I went to the enemy. The probability of a fight is less than 10%. Li Hu and I will go on a trip.”

Ji Ruoxue hearing this, immediately said: “Lili, this is no joke , Do you really take Li Hu alone?”

“The opponent is the five major leagues. If you really fight, you and Li Hu will have to pay a huge price to support the arrival of support. Right…!”

The glasses are also concerned again: “The more critical the moment, the less chaos, the less arrogant, it is important at this time.”

” Stars, stars, flashes, shining, all disguise, follow you and Li Hu…!”

Li Li still brought a rebuttal, but in the meeting room, there was a sudden sound A female voice: “It’s really a fierce argument, not equal to me, let Lili take a trip…!”

tone barely fell, glasses, Li Li’s moments, Ji Ruoxue was already right Looking at an illusory shadow that just appeared in the room, she exclaimed excitedly: “Sister Feina, you are out of the customs…!”

Amidst Ji Ruoxue’s excited exclamation, that Dao Void phantom shadow , Slowly enriched, dressed in black armor, and slowly became clear in the self-transparent distortion.

Bright eyes, white teeth, hot body, extremely sharp, insightful Heaven and Earth-like breath, and that playful tone, it is not Fina who just left the customs, who else can it be?

Looking at the abrupt appearance of the person and glasses, Li Li exclaimed after a long time;


“Deputy Sir City Lord..!”

Fina nodded lightly, and between the steps, when the three people in the room didn’t react at all, she sat at the conference table where the three were sitting.


Too fast…!

Moving at indescribable speed, let the glasses, Ji Ruoxue, and Li Li not even see the shadows, Fina had already sat at the conference table where they were.

Even more weird, as Fina of Wind Element evolver, under the extreme speed just now, there was no sound of wind in the room, which is incredible…

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