Hearing this, Yi Fan didn’t dare to pick it up, and immediately said with a smile: “How can I, no one can dislike us Jie’er…!”

“Come on Come on now, it just happens that I’m really bored by myself, what can Fina have you take me, or give you a task…?”

See Yi Fan laugh Accepting herself, Xing Jie said gratefully: “There is no mission. Sister Feina just explained, let us as usual, guard by your side, take good care of you…!”

Well, Yi Fan understands. This Feina is really thoughtful, not only makes herself unable to refuse, she even sells Jie’er this little girl as a face that neither too big nor too small…

Thinking of this, Yi Fan immediately asked: “putting it that way, you don’t know what I am here for…?”

“Of course I know this, just to find this. ..!” Hearing Yi Fan’s question, Xing Zhan took out a map with the god stone from his arms, and responded with a proud response to Yi Fan…

Xing Jie on the side was even more immediately. The interface said: “Master Yanhuang, you won’t forget the identity of our siblings…!”

“Apart from being your full-time bodyguards, we are still serious. Anbu is gone, finding this thing is now the highest-level secret mission in Anbu..!”

When you are alone, Xing’s siblings seem to be very respectful on the surface, but secretly, they are incomparably close. …

In fact, this is the norm after the three people get along for a long time…

After all, the two in front of you have been guarding Yi Fan silently for a long time. , Coupled with the relationship between Yi Fan and Xing Jie, naturally they seem to be quite close…

Hearing these two siblings, Yi Fan immediately said with a smile: “Okay, My two bodyguards, since you know the purpose, then I won’t say much, let’s go directly to the topic…!”

“The place where I just landed is that of the’sacred stone’ The place of the fall, but unfortunately, according to my survey, someone should have picked up the’sacred stone’ first…!”

“And here is already not far from the ice kingdom, if My inference is correct. The guy who picked up the sacred stone is most likely within the capital of the ice country…!”

“In this situation, let’s first enter the city and find a place to stay. Longer-term consideration…!”

As Yi Fan’s words fell, his figure has slowly escaped underground…

As for the Xing’s siblings, naturally they are responding, driving their innate talent abilities, and extremely fast followed along…



Bing Country, Jacques City.

When Yi Fan and his group of three found a place to stay, the time has come to six o’clock in the evening…

An old European retro building near the central area of ​​Jacques City In the attic, Yi Fan sits upright, Xing Zhan and Xing Jie are standing beside them…

In front of them, three blonde ice countrymen, shiver coldly looking at the front three People…

Krek is extremely disturbed, because as a benefactor, he is very aware of how strong these three appear out of thin air are in his family’s Asian gangsters…

Be aware that he is a Level 4 charity, but in the hands of the opponent, he has no time to react, and he has been easily subdued…

The opponent not only imprisoned him Divine ability, and even read his memory with divine force. This is really too terrifying…

At the moment, looking at them, it must be detrimental to Divine City.. .

Klei is a fanatic, but as a god warrior, he can’t do anything right now, and he dare not do anything. This powerless feeling of guilt is like a blazing flame. Burning him…

Because his two wives are also here, if he dares to do anything wrong, the other party will kill them in an instant. He has no doubt that the other party has this ability And determination…

Looking at the three gangsters in front of him, he once again felt his own insignificance. This feeling, he had only felt in the Son of God…

But the three people in front of me are all like this…

Especially the one who is sitting, although his face is relatively ordinary, his body’s aura fluctuations are even more weird and completely absent, but I just used divine force to read When taking his own memory, the vast divine force already made him know clearly…

This, the real boss of this group of three, also made him clearly realize The strength of the other party…

Three such terrifying god warriors came to Vader Divine City. This is not good news. He must find a way to pass the news…

Just as Kelek’s thoughts were flying, Yi Fan finally sorted out his messy memory…

The city of Jacques before the cataclysm is now called Daweide Divine City …

As Yi Fan guessed, this glacier city is still controlled by religious forces after all, and it is also World’s First religion, another Major Sect sect of Christianity. Control…

This is an emerging sect, The name is Vader, Vader is the name of Divine City, which naturally comes from…

The evolutionary power in the city is quite powerful, and the City Lord is called the son of God, named Karl Wei De, it is said that he is an archmage who is proficient in all elemental spells…

This even makes Yi Fan a little curious, but it’s a pity that in Kleke’s memory, all the ice people The hero in my eyes is only six-and-a-half levels, which means that the sixth rank is mid-level…

To be honest, this kind of strength is not enough for Yi Fan’s current strength…

Religious rule, the city is fairly stable, if possible, Yi Fan does not intend to break this small city far away in the Atlantic Ocean near the North Pole…

All is just a little thought. , Yi Fan still said: “Krek Gulaas is…! “

“Let go of your fanatical beliefs for the time being, we are not here to be enemies with you and this city, but to find the lost thing that’s all…! “

“Quitely take your two wives, Christie O’Neill, and Hayley Betsy up to the third floor and stay there. We will leave for one day or three days later. , And keep you okay…! “

“Of course, you can play tricks as much as you want, but the price is the lives of the three of you..! “

“Do you understand…? “

After reading the memory of the other party, Yi Fan immediately uttered a fluent Bing Mandarin, so that Klee and his two sweet wives were both startled…

In the end, he can be regarded as a fighter in this city. In a flash, Keleke already responded to opened the mouth and said: “My lord, what you say, really…? “

Yi Fan nodded immediately: “Of course, in this situation, I can kill you all, and then I will slowly find the lost property. There is no need to save your life…! “

“Of course, if you were a scumbag, your family would have already finished playing…! “

“I said so, you understand…? “

Kreekhearing this A ray of light flashed in his eyes, and his mouth immediately reverently said: “Understand, please rest assured, Kreek will stand by himself and only hope to keep me The lives of a family…! “

Yi Fan hearing this nodded, and then said very solemnly: “Don’t worry, as long as you don’t play tricks, I will naturally save your family’s life…! “

“Your crystal power will be temporarily restrained, you can send them upstairs…! “

Hearing what Yi Fan said, Lao Xing immediately stood up, and then, without any nonsense, he straightened out with one arm and made a gesture of asking…

At this moment Keleke was also quite witty, and after a solemn salute to Yi Fan and the others, he took his two wives and walked upstairs quickly…

After disappearing at the top of the stairs, Yi Fan spoke to Xing Jie instructed next to him: “Jie’er, you are agile, and you have Thunder Element and divine force abilities, this spying task will be handed over to you.. .! “

“This person is too low just now. We need more comprehensive information, especially information about the opponent’s high-level and the ruins’ hole cards…! “

“After all, judging from the current situation, our best way, or the most effective way, is to find the most reliable way for us through this religious force…! “

“If you let the other party find it for us, then you have to convince the other party…! “

“In this case, in addition to having overwhelming strength, we also have to understand the opponent’s hole cards, so that we can control everything…! “

“If not, this relic item is extremely weird, and the boat capsized in the gutter is not impossible. We can’t make such a low-level mistake…! “

“And the most important point, judging from the current information, they are not the same as the ruined Orthodox Church, but they are closely related to the world’s first Major Sect church. ..! “

“On this point alone, we absolutely cannot take it lightly…! “

Xing Jie hearing this immediately said solemnly: “Okay, I see…! “

The voice fell, Xing Jie was already in the flashing room, disappearing into the living room…

Xing Jie had just left here, and Xing Jie was in heavy footsteps. Step back to the living room on the first floor…

At this point, I naturally found Xing Jie already not in, and immediately asked: “Yi Fan, Xiao Jie was sent by you to inquire…? “

Yi Fan nodded and said: “Well, yes, she was sent by me to spy on the city’s high-level…! “

Xing Zhan hearing this nodded and said: “That’s right, the little girl has a fine divine force, and has read the memories of Bing Country people, and has learned their language. This task should be nothing to her. Difficulty…! “

Yi Fan nodded and said: “Well, yes, the power on the surface in this city alone can’t keep him even if it comes out in full force…! “

“In addition, it’s not just him, don’t be idle, go out and grab a’tongue’ of enough level to come back, preferably an Asian student…! “

Xing Zhan hearing this startled, and then slightly surprisedly said: “Foreign students, the cataclysm has been nearly a year, will there still be students in this place…?” “

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