Woke up, he actually woke up at this time, finally woke up…!

Almost, just a little, I will say goodbye to him…

At this moment, Xing Jie finally knew how important he was in his heart. ..

The sense of distance from the previous identity, in this brief moment, completely disappeared…

At this moment, Xing Jie just wanted to tell him aloud…

She loves him, she doesn’t care about status, she doesn’t care about others’ eyes, she just wants to hide in his arms and be his little woman…

At this moment, As soon as Xing Jie fell into the battle, a warm embrace hugged her tightly…

“It’s okay, I have everything…!”

Hugging Xingjie at this moment, it is naturally Yi Fan. Looking at Xingjie with tears in his eyes, he speaks softly again…

In fact, Yi Fan fell asleep this time, which was completely careless. To, he also didn’t expect this god stone to stick as soon as it is stuck…

But fortunately, this sleep seems to be shorter than the first time. If not, the consequences would be really unimaginable. …

unimaginable, if Xingjie loses again, what kind of madness will Yi Fan fall into…

Although during this year, the two exchanged Not too much, even Yi Fan has been busy almost all the time…

However, this does not mean that Yi Fan does not pay attention to her…

In fact, since Since Xing Jie joined the Tianyan forces, Yi Fan has always paid close attention to her. This kind of attention even made Fina jealous…

I almost lost it now, and I feel the preciousness of each other. Standing together, the love in the eyes of the two of them has almost overflowed…


But at this time, Xing Jie was lost. Crystal power, a thunder array that has exhausted the energy of the crystal core, is like a short-circuit-like light bulb, which goes out directly after flashing twice…

The grinning Ice Phoenix King and White Bear King also appeared suddenly In the sight of the two…

Yi Fan saw the two beast kings, and the two beast kings naturally saw Yi Fan…

It was just a moment, almost At the moment when he saw Yi Fan, the ice phoenix king already eyes shrank. The body that had been thrusting forward was stunned with the trembling of his wings, and he spun away at extreme speed to the left…


Yes, just run! !

The only thought of the Ice Phoenix King at the moment…!

In fact, he reacted very quickly, and his brain was quite clever. When he escaped inexplicably, he didn’t have a word of reminder. He seemed to use the White Bear King as a cannon fodder to delay the opponent…

This stuns the White Bear King. He has no idea what is going on…

Although Bingfeng said before, there is a man in there who is drowsy, this There are so many treasures in people…

But what’s the situation right now? How can the ice phoenix king see this man, immediately like a mouse and a cat, and turned his head and ran away Well…

That man seems to be just an ordinary person, what’s the situation?

The White Bear King has many doubts in his heart, but under such thoughts, he suddenly pauses, as if he intends to wait and see again…

As for Yi Fan, it’s just casually watching After taking a look at the escaping Ice Phoenix King, he calmly said with a smile: “Jie’er, I will clean up the scene, you just stand here and don’t move…!”

“shua … !”

The voice fell, and under the dumbfounded of the White Bear King, the man who had just embraced the woman had disappeared out of thin air…

“pu chi…!”

“Be merciful, my lord is merciful…!”

In the distance, in the direction where the Ice Phoenix King had fled, a scream suddenly sounded.


The dark red rays of light flashed, and the white bear king was stunned, the man returned to the woman again…


The screams kept screaming, something that the White Bear King could not believe happened…

This person is also carrying a guy who is desperately begging for mercy…

This guy, with his limbs and wings broken, turned out to be his companion, the Ice Phoenix King who just rushed away…

Until this moment, the White Bear King finally understood why the Ice Phoenix King, when he saw the man appear, immediately fled without saying hello…


This…how long is this, but in about a second, the other party not only caught up with the Ice Phoenix King in a way that he couldn’t understand, but even passed him in an instant…

Before, this ice phoenix king never said that there is such a terrifying guy among these two humans…

At this time, even the dull guy should know that he has been tricked. , Even in the end, he was treated as a cannon fodder to stop him from fleeing…

In this brief moment, the White Bear King felt a cold breath rushing into his forehead, and his whole body trembled…

He who has seen the opponent’s weird way of moving, naturally knows that there is no point in running away, because his speed is not as fast as the Ice Phoenix King…

Even the Ice Phoenix King can’t walk. Take it off, he is even more useless, since there is no hope of escape, then there is only to beg for mercy…


Dark red rays of light again Shan, just as the White Bear King’s thoughts are in thousands, Yi Fan has already appeared beside him…

“My lord, forgive me, I was bewitched by the Ice Phoenix King. I was greedy and unintentionally offended the adults. Atonement…!”

The White Bear King spoke almost at the fastest speed in his life and spoke out a bunch of dialects…


tone barely fell, he only felt a pain in his vest, and the person was like a torn sack, throwing away in front of the woman…

The bones all over the body seemed to be out of place. The crystal energy of all rushed towards the vest, unable to lift the slightest strength…

As for their few remaining tribes, how can they rush to see such a situation.. .

Things that are meaningless, even instinctive animality knows not to do, even more how they are quite smart mutant beasts…

They didn’t leave directly, they were already Quite emotional…


The dark red rays of light are flashing again, and the body of the white bear king hasn’t landed yet, but Yi Fan Back to Xing Jie again, while holding her in a hug, he spoke softly again…

“Jie’er, these two guys are left to you to deal with…! “

As soon as Yi Fan’s words fell, like an ice phoenix king standing on the ground with a stick, he immediately begged for mercy: “Queen, beg your life, the little one is only greedy for a while, but greedy for a while…! “

In the face of life and death, as long as there is spiritual wisdom, no one can be relieved. Naturally, the White Bear King is no exception. He has just landed, and immediately cried out for injustice…


“Innocent…! Little Xiong mistakenly believed this stinky bird lie, and was greedy for a while, and asked Queen to raise her hands high and spare Xiao Xiong his life…! “

In one words, Yi Fan and Xing Jie both had a meal. Even the slightly weak Xing Jie could not help but a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth…

Only for a moment, she reduced her smile, icily said: “This Ice Phoenix King is too vicious, don’t keep it…! “

“As for this so-called little bear, plant a chain of heart and soul and keep it as a landmark…! “

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