Hearing what the mastermind said, Yi Fan couldn’t help but startled, but this time he opened the mouth and said quite honestly: “Seraphim mastermind, if you can’t write it down completely, is it a test failure…?”

As soon as Yi Fan’s words fell, Seraphim’s main brain sounded again: “Of course! If it can’t be copied completely, it will naturally fail…!”

“But, failure It does not mean that you are out. After all, you have passed the first test. You can choose to repeat the challenge, or even infinite challenge…!”

“However, the order and trajectory of the stars will be completely the same as before. Different…!”

The words of Seraphim’s main brain fell, and Yi Fan was relaxed, and immediately said with a smile: “Well, it seems that this will definitely be a protracted battle…! “

“To be honest, although this test is quite abnormal, it is also a good place to exercise divine force…!”

“Come on, I want to challenge again …!”

The voice fell, and Yi Fan had already sat down again, preparing for the second test…

Although, he knew that he had this second challenge, It will still end in failure, but I still choose to continue…

As for the reason, on the one hand, it is because of the power of the mastermind, on the other hand, he just said, tempering the divine force. ..

You must know that at this moment, he and Xing Jiejing’s divine force are still in a state of fusion. What they have just experienced is also a kind of temper for Xing Jie, and it is still a rare experience. A chance to temper…

As for Seraphim, after seeing that Yi Fan was ready again, but there was no trace of ink, he immediately said solemnly: “Okay, then continue…!”

“3…2…1, start!!”

With Seraphim’s mechanical timekeeping again, the first star appeared in the flash of silver light, and the next one was The second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth…

Until the tenth, after that, as before, they immediately form a small galaxy and start to rotate And revolution, and at the same time, around them, stars start to flicker…

They quickly form galaxies, and these small galaxies converge into nebulae, Star River…

Of course, the order and orbit of the stars at this time are completely different from before.

The only thing in common is that, in an instant, Dark Space is once again filled with stars, beautiful as a picture…

Of course, this wonderful picture in front of you is in Yi Fan’s eyes are so beautiful…

Thirty seconds, fleeting, and the starry sky dissipated again. Yi Fan felt that he had made progress, but only 2/3…

Although I have to remember a lot more than the first time, even Xing Jie is trying his best to find the status in cooperation, but still can’t remember all of it…

It seems , This test, they will definitely not be able to complete this test in a short time. They can only accumulate experience slowly after failures and make good use of every fine divine force to succeed…

In the following half of the day, Yi Fan and Xing Jie passed through numerous tests of spiritual fusion…

Of course, these numerous tests have failed and ended, even if Seraphim stopped. For the last time before, even if the two of them cooperated perfectly, they could only hit three-quarters of the starry sky…

The other 1/4 were the same as before, even if they felt touched. Can’t do it, this makes the two of them feel tired…

Seraphim called to stop, naturally not because of the exhaustion of Yi Fan and Xing Jie, but the upper limit of the use of Dark Space, so She let Yi Fan suspend the test…

And listen to what Seraphim said, this Yi Fan unknown Dark Space will enter the automatic charging state next. It takes at least two or three days.. .

Hearing such a situation, Yi Fan naturally had some thoughts…

Be aware that there is still one in his space ring right now, which must be improved. Huge sacred stone…

If you have absorbed the sacred stone during this period, the divine force will naturally be greatly improved. It will be a lot easier to pass this test then…

After all, in the previous test, the reason for the failure of the spirit strength is actually quite obvious…

I was just taken by Seraphim’s main brain to a rest room full of science fiction. Yi Fan immediately asked: “Seraphim master, can I wait a few days to participate in the test…!”

Seraphim master hearing this said: “A few days later? You mean, After Star Space is charged, can you delay it later…?”

Yi Fan nodded and said: “I don’t know what to do, test it today I have already felt it. With my current divine force level, it is quite difficult to remember the stars completely, even more how is to copy…! “

“So, I may need a little time to let my fine divine force grow quickly…! “

Seraphim’s mastermind slightly startled, and then asked: “How long will it take you?” “

Yi Fan lightly said with a smile: “From ten days to one month…! “

Seraphim’s main brain hearing this said: “Yes, in principle, I would actually like to see someone inherit all of this…! “

“It’s just those people before, it’s too much time, there is no need to test, I know they will never pass the test…! “

“You should be the most hopeful human being to inherit my angel civilization. In principle, the door here will always be open for you…! “

“Of course, if someone passed all the tests during the month you left, you would not be qualified for the tests…! “

“Finally, I have to remind you that the star scrolls in Dark Space are extremely increased with the use of individual divine force, so the increase in strength does not reduce the difficulty. ..! “

“I said so, you should be clear…! “

Hearing what Seraphim’s main brain said, Yi Fan was a little surprised by the other party’s attitude, and immediately responded: “You have said so clearly, and if you don’t understand it, it is a question of comprehension… ! “

“Dark Space matters, I have a sense of measure. As for the others who have passed the test and so on, don’t think about it…! “

“Because, for you, for everything in this ruin, Zhu Yi Fan is bound to win…! “

“So, before I come back, It shouldn’t be someone set foot on this ruin…! “

Seraphim startled, and then said: “So confident, it seems that your power in humans seems to be quite large…! “

“But this is fine, if you really become my lord, the starting point of my angel civilization in this world, I think it’s too low to go…! “

“If that’s the case, then I’m just waiting for you to come back…! “

Seraphim speaks again, and there seems to be a little more human touch in his speech…

In fact, since Yi Fan came into contact with him, although this mastermind is only a projection, this way of speaking And language dynamics, almost no different from daoist…

There is no rigidity imagined by Yi Fan, and the contradiction under various mechanical synthesis sounds…

This mastermind Give Yi Fan the feeling of being a person, or a lifeform, an extremely human lifeform…

At this moment, after hearing Seraphim’s slightly anticipated words, Yi Fan immediately said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I will definitely pass the test and take you out of this ruin…! “

The voice fell, Yi Fan didn’t say much, immediately under the guidance of Seraphim, exited the main hall, and then rushed out of the ruins…

…. ..

Outside the ruins, in the abandoned mineshaft.

Sean, Tasha, Anna, and the Dennis, The four of them are sitting in the bright mine and enjoying their dinner…

Because of sitting in the mine, it is quite boring, and the four of them have already started to chat with each other…


Just listen to Dennis asking: “Sean, Tasha, Anna, if you look like you are similar to us, it shouldn’t be too many people…! “

Xiao En smiled slightly: “Well, we are indeed not multi-person, or even North American. At present, we should be regarded as Chinese…! “

Dennis’ eyes flickered, and he opened the mouth and said again: “Huaxia, you emigrated before the catastrophe…? “

As soon as Dennis said this, Anna said with a smile: “Wrong, it should be after the catastrophe that immigrated…! “

Dennis said with a smile: “That’s right. From what we have seen in these two days, China must be very strong now…! “

As soon as these words came out, the three of Sean were indifferently smiled, and Tasha responded with a laugh: “It is more than very powerful. I can only tell that the strength of China is beyond yours. Imagine…! “

As soon as Tasha said this, Dennis immediately said: “Yes, then are you in the Huaxia sequence…? “

As soon as these words came out, Sean was frowned and solemnly said: “Dennis, I thought you were quite smart, but now it seems that you are also an idiot…! “

“I would like to advise you, about China, or about my China Rock League, less inquire, less know, knowing too much will not do you any good…! “

“For your sake, put away your curiosity…! “

If you are not polite, let Dennis know clearly that the other party did not put him in a position equal to them…

Of course, Dennis had no intentions at all. , As Xiao En said, he was just a little curious, how these three guys who look like European faces, how did they enter the Huaxia sequence that’s all…

So, this guy immediately accompanied said with a smile: “Thank you Mrs. Xiao for reminding me, I am just curious that’s all…! “

Seeing Dennis like this, Sean asked back: “After talking about this, I want to ask you, can you go in this ruin…? “

Dennis nodded and said: “That’s right, but I just took a long look at the entrance…! “

“After all, this ruin is not owned by me, the other party is quite powerful…! “

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