
But at this moment, almost the entire sacred angel battleship, the moment after entering the space channel, a ray of indigo azure flashed and passed away…


Just built a space channel that has not yet been fully stabilized. Under this extremely sharp azure light, in the astonished gaze of the burning angel Completely shattered…

The space channel shattered, and the short space shuttle failed. The golden sacred angel battleship, squeezed out of that subspace, had to rush out of the Space Crack…

In golden light blooming, the twelve-winged Seraphim battleship dazzling, even the invisible mode failed to keep, completely exposed to the air…

The burning angel didn’t expect, In this so-called Rock League, some people are so sensitive to space fluctuations..

Also didn’t expect that in addition to the leader of Yi Fan, there are people who can easily draw a shock void, which prevents the space for battleship. Shuttle…

After the sword was cut off, the battleship was completely exposed. At the same time, everyone in the main control room of the battleship stared at the two women appearing on the light and shadow screen. ..

Two women standing in front of the hovering battleship, two peerless grace and elegance women…

Their breath is unmatched, at least 7th grade At the middle level, one person is as ethereal as the wind, and the other person is as illusory as the cloud…

Among them, the ethereal woman is holding an indigo azure crystal long sword in her hand, and the indigo azure flashes just now , Should be this masterpiece…

“The Queen of Storms..!”

“The Queen of Butterfly Dreams..!”

Sean, Tasha and Anna almost exclaimed at the same time…

At this moment, they were shocked…

You know, all three were surrendered by the Queen of Storm. , But I have never seen this adult take action, only heard her legend…

Now that I see the grace of this sword, their hearts are filled with a strange pride And hot…

After all, she is the highest leader of their Anbu and their immediate leader…

“Queens, two queens… ? “

Hearing the trio’s exclamation, Zhi Angel immediately looked towards Yi Fan with a slight suspicion…

Obviously, she had already listened to the names of the two women before her Some clues…

“hahaha..! Yes, they are queens! They are also my women. Since they are all here, this is the end of the test…! “

“Without the use of extremely costly super-conventional means, your battleship will definitely not be able to enter Sky Rock City in front of one’s eyes…! “

Yi Fan carefreely smiled, and at the same time he played, he also announced the end of the game…

In fact, the moment Fina broke through the air, the game was It’s over…and in these two sentences, the surroundings of the golden angel battleship are already full of Tianyan Anbu and Qingfeng City powerhouse…

“Sneaky guy, here It is the territory of the Rock League. You are already surrounded. If you know you, surrender immediately…! “

“If not, take responsibility for the consequences…! “

The cold voice drank from Fina’s mouth, and a group of rock alliance powerhouses immediately burst out horror crystal energy fluctuations and pressed against the battleship…

For a time, it can be described as unparalleled. Let the Burning Angel be moved…

“Master, Burning Angel is very glad that I won that day, and I’m very glad that my last choice…! “

Hearing the words of Zhizhi Angel, Yi Fan immediately said with a smile: “haha, where is this, believe me, after you truly join the Yanmeng, you will definitely like it more.. ! “

“Open the cabin. I haven’t seen you for a few months. I miss them a bit…! “

“ka ka ka ..! “

As Yi Fan’s words fell, the sound of the machine suddenly sounded. Under the attention of the Tianyan powerhouse, a deep corridor suddenly appeared on the nose of the huge golden light angel…

Next, Yi Fan and Xing Jie walked out side by side under the stunned gazes of you Tianyan Powerhouse…

“Why, just a few months, my little Nana and Cher don’t recognize me anymore.! “

In the weird and extremely quiet state, Yi Fan, who walked out of the corridor, opened his hands with a playful opening…

“shua…! “

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of wind, and the moment Yi Fan spread his hands, there were already two more people in his left and right arms…

At this time, In this way, these two people are naturally Fina and Ruoxue…

At this moment, the two people are full of surprises. They originally thought it was a curse of invasion, but didn’t expect it to be a happy event. …

This unscrupulous guy has finally come back…

Of course, the surprise is not just for them. At this moment, Yi Fan is also extremely surprised…

Because the moment the two leaned on him, Yi Fan could clearly perceive another weak vibration in their abdomen…

This is!!!


This is actually a fetal heart!!

Almost at the moment of discovery, Yi Fan was already overjoyed. He immediately merged with the two of them, and immediately asked in the consciousness space. ..

“Fina, Cher, you guys… you guys…”

In the spiritual space, Yi Fan is already a little bit incoherent…

As for Fina and Ruoxue, after seeing Yi Fan like that, their faces were filled with happy smiles…

“Brother Fan, your perception That’s right, after six months, you will be a father…! “

Fina announced the answer quite directly, which made Yi Fan’s heart filled with something unprecedented…


I’m going to be…father!!!

Hold the grass, my past and present, two lives, and finally I’m going to be a father, Zhu Yi Fan has a future!!

In this brief moment, Yi Fan’s heart can be described as ecstatic, his heart is like a big drum, pēng pēng pēng’s crazy beating…

All kinds of unspeakable emotions filled his whole person in an instant. ..

“Congratulations, Lord Yanhuang, for returning home in triumph…! “

Also in this brief moment, watching the hugs of the rock king and the two queens in front of the bright angel, a group of rock alliance soldiers finally reacted from their astonishment…

Thunder-like congratulations, resounding throughout the entire Heaven and Earth…

However, with such a mountain cry out and sea howl congratulations, Yi Fan seems unheard, because at this moment he Still immersed in my own world…

Until Fina and Ruoxue reminded that Yi Fan was in the wave of hands and stopped everyone from shouting…

Suppressing my excitement, Yi Fan’s deep voice resounded throughout the film Heaven and Earth: “Well, this battleship is one of my gains from this trip, not the enemy…! “

“The invisible intrusion just now was because I was deliberately testing your city defense awareness and ability…! “

“Very good, you are all very good, your performance, as always, as strong as ever, did not shame me…! “

“Now, the test is over, go back to the city…! “

“Yes…! “

Amidst the thunderous and tidy shouts, a group of elites of the Rock League immediately resembled a guard wingman, surrounding the golden light shining giant Archangel battleship, clustering their king towards the central area of ​​the Rock League And go…

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