The space is still like this, the entire Pacific South Sea Territory, let alone… Above the Pacific South Sea Territory, several hundred meters high tsunami surged from multiple directions, shaking the entire Sea Territory…

In this area, countless powerhouses in the Imperial Family are all looking towards this direction…

Even, not just the Sea Territory, some powerful existence in the Southern Polar Regions seem to also feel There is a huge movement here…

Above a frost-shrouded peak on the Antarctic continent, near the sea, two young people in white fleece look solemnly away…

“Lord Luohu, this Sea Clan still has an accident after all. This extreme expert has been shot. It seems that it has played True Fire…!”

The shorter of the two said…

The other person, the so-called Lord Luohu, immediately said with a smile: “Extremely expert? Drizzle, you are blinded..!”

“these two people At present, this state can be regarded as a pseudo-extreme at best, the real extreme expert, the breath is not this level…!”

“Furthermore, your extreme expert is Chinese cabbage, whatever you want Can there be two…?”

Xiao Yu, who is the shorter of the two, hearing this startled, and after careful perception, he immediately said solemnly: “Uh, it seems to be really…!”

“However, anyway, even if it is a pseudo-pole, it is quite rare…!”

“Shall we not go and see…?”

Luo Hui hearing this startled, and immediately said lightly with a smile: “Of course, if you look at it, the pseudo-extreme expert has played a trick. How can you miss this battle…!”

“Maybe, while watching the battle, I have some enlightenment…!”

Xiao Yu Yile: “haha, very good, how long it has been, we can finally go out…!”

“Then go find Master Jidi to open Formation, but you won’t be able to catch up late…!”

Luo Hui hearing this Yile: “You, everything is fine, It’s just that you are too impatient. This is a pseudo-pole level expert. How can it be distinguished in a short time…!”

“Don’t worry…! “

Hearing what Luo Hu said, Xiao Yu said solemnly: “Master Luo Hu, hurry up, why don’t we go early and feast my eyes…? “

When Xiaoyu’s words fell, Luo Huo immediately said with a bitter smile: “Okay, we are aware of such a big movement, and the Imperial Father must have known it long ago…! “

“I just notified the Imperial Father with divine force, and the Formation will be opened soon, ready to go…! “

When that Xiaoyu heard this, he immediately said very solemnly: “Yes…! “

After a while, two light blue glare shot out from the southern poles at a very fast speed…

Such an epic battle, even in the southern poles. In response to this, the Great Imperial Family with territories in the South Pacific Sea Territory, let alone naturally…

Almost at the moment when they noticed the movement, they already sent the absolute high-level, or A clan emperor personally went to the battlefield…



“Boom…! “

“hong long long…! “

In the huge rumbling sound, on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Zealand, the sky has been completely covered by black and red…

Looking at the Two Heads Four Arms ahead, the extremely weird magic shark The double emperor, Yi Fan asked the Zhizhi angel in the consciousness space: “How about Xiao Zhi? From the previous battle with the number, you have probed the opponent’s foundation…! “

Sunburn Angel hearing this lightly said with a smile: “Of course, the master, in the just number of battles, Xiao Zhi has completely calculated the parameters except for the opponent’s combination…! “

“I have to say that these two strange fishes are still somewhat capable. They should belong to the same bloodline. Their combination is quite complete and very powerful…! “

“The increase in battle strength is quite exaggerated. At this moment, the proper pseudo-ninth order is undoubtedly…! “

“However, for the moment, no matter whether it is the quality or quantity of crystal energy, if the owner does not hide his clumsiness, it cannot be mentioned on equal terms with the owner…! “

“If the master wants to end the battle, without reservation, the battle can be ended within the triad…! “

Hearing Xiao Zhi’s words, Yi Fan indifferently smiled: “End the battle within the three-in-one? Not at the moment, let’s play with these two more…! “

Xiao Zhi, hearing this startled: “Why, didn’t the master just say he wants to fight fast…? “

Yi Fan Yi Le: “Xiao Zhi, at this moment, at that moment, since the opponent can reach the pseudo-ninth level, then our strategy has also changed…! “

“Do it quickly, is no longer the best strategy to expand the influence of this battle..! “

“On the contrary, it is the worst solution, and we naturally can’t choose…! “

“For now, we should wait for the audience…! “

As a brain, as soon as Yi Fan said this, Xiao Zhi immediately understood what he meant by patriarch, and immediately said with a smile: “hahaha! Master, I have to say, you are really thoughtful and thoughtful…! “

“There has been a change in the south, and the speed is extremely fast. I am afraid this first audience will be on stage soon…! “

“Clang…! “

In the sound of huge metal collision, Yi Fan once again collided with the two demon sharks…

“hahaha, happy! So happy…! “

“Boy, the emperor really didn’t expect, you can reach such a level…! “

The swords and halberds struck each other, and the two sides faced each other in the air. The two magic sharks laughed wildly…

“ka ka…ka-cha…! “

When the two powers compete, the red and black crystals can rippling like ripples, and there is a toothy squeezing sound in the space…

in an instant, the whole The space is already shattered like tiles under these ripples, and the two sides are completely in the Space Crack…

In the fast stitched Space Crack, Yi Fan indifferently smiled and said: “Where is this? Wherever you go, Young Master’s ability is only 50% out of it. You are too easily surprised…! “

“Boom…! “

As Yi Fan’s words fell, the two crystals exploded completely, and two rays of light lased from it…

“Dang…dang… clang…! “

“Boom…Boom…! “

In the black and red chaos, two electric lights flicker, chasing each other, the huge metal collision sound, the space collapse sound, endless…

“hahaha, you Mecha is good , Lao Tzu made a reservation, come, eat Lao Tzu…! “

“Reverse Magic-Town…! “

Amidst the chaotic sound, the magic shark and the two emperor halberds merged into one, turning into a horrible two-headed magic shark swallowing heaven devouring earth, and it swallowed towards Yi Fan who was retreating. ..

However, in the face of such a terrifying offensive by the Demon Sharks, Yi Fan was teleporting and flickering while speaking in the consciousness space…

” Burning angel, how do you say? Should the audience be together…? “

The burning angel hearing this immediately said eagerly: “Such a distance, almost, the timing is just right, the master can make a full shot…! “

As soon as Burning Angel’s words came out, Yi Fan’s mouth immediately raised a cruel sneer: “Well, you are waiting…! “

“shua…! “

The voice fell, and its body flashed, almost at the moment when it was swallowed by the double-headed magic shark, it suddenly appeared a few kilometers away in the south…

“The eggless kid , What else can you do besides running…? “

Seeing all the ducks with mouths flying away, among the two-headed magic sharks, the taunts of the two magic sharks resounded…

“Boom…! “

Amidst the ridicule, the swallowing heaven devouring earth-like magic shark has already turned around in the fragmented Space Crack. It seems extremely clumsy, but in fact it is chasing very quickly…

“Well, since you are begging to die, please satisfy you…! “

“Boom…! “

In the huge rumbling sound, Yi Fan has a certain body shape in the low drink, and the crystal energy all over his body instantly exploded, and the dark red light column soared into the sky…

Next, his left hand Shaking, the rock tiger sword disappeared suddenly, the palms of both hands rose, and on the left and right hands, the palms of the “ten” and “one” characters suddenly burst into dazzling silver stars…

As soon as the upper rune lights up, Yi Fan is already palm-shaped, and gently presses against the oncoming double-headed magic shark…

“Tianyan Original Magnet-Star Town…! “

“Boom…! “

“ka ka …ka ka ka ….! “

The huge impact sound and the sound of space fragments became one piece. Between Yi Fan’s palms gently pressed, the entire space where the double-headed magic shark was suddenly collapsed…

In fact, it can be described as the double-headed magic shark connecting to heaven penetrating the earth. There was a sudden stop, and the forward thrust came to an abrupt end…

Even, at the head of the magic shark, it seemed When it hits something like terrifying existence, there are some cracks…

At this moment, the two-headed magic sharks that have merged into the two-headed magic sharks once again felt the extremely terrifying oppressive force, as if the entire planet They are all under pressure, and they are about to be crushed…

At this moment, it is not an impact, even if it is just to maintain the double-headed magic shark under this horrible’star pressure’ The truth is already their limit…

Yi Fan, however, is not yet complete…

“pa…! “

a light sound, between the twin-headed magic shark’s twin emperors’ pupils shrinking sharply, the hands that were originally gently pressed, tightly squeezed together…

“Tianyan original magnetism-starburst…! “

In the low voice, as the hands are closed tightly, the repulsive force of violent chaos explodes instantly…

At this moment, the space where the double-headed magic shark is located Completely distorted, the magnetic field in the entire space is completely disordered, and the chaotic and terrifying repulsion completely explodes…

“Bang…bang bang!! “

The sound of violent blasting suddenly sounded, and the double-headed magic shark transformed by the two magic sharks began to burst like porcelain….

But in an instant, The double-headed magic shark has disappeared, but the chaotic and terrifying repulsive force has not been weakened at all. It is all applied to the two emperors of the magic shark at the center of the magic shark’s wreck…

“Ah…! “

“Reverse Demon God A-now, block it, block it for me…! “

At the moment of crisis, a set of black magic armor like gold but not gold suddenly appeared on the body of the two demon sharks, trying to stop the chaotic “starburst” force from crushing…


“ka ka…crack…! “

However, under the repulsive force of chaos, the sound of metal crashing sounded. The so-called god armor is quite powerful, and it does resist the power of starburst…

It worked for a while, but within a few seconds, the divine armor began to deform and crack, and even embedded in its body…

“Ah…! “

Under the crushing of the chaotic’starburst’, the two emperors of the demon shark screamed sorrowfully. At this moment, in the sky, a few glare just happened to be revealed… .

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