Luo Hu stood in the center of the great hall and talked happily. After a few words, everyone in the great hall was shocked…

Only the emperor, in While the smile on the corners of the mouth bloomed completely, she said with a smile quite cheerfully: “hahaha, get the greatest benefit at the least cost, this is a wonderful plan…!”

Er, you should usually learn from Huier more, think more when things happen, don’t be reckless…!”

As soon as this is said, everyone already knows that in the heart of Lord Jidi There is already an answer…

In fact, the few princes who have not yet spoken are already very clear about which proposal is better or worse…

At this moment, even Luo Bing, who has always supported Luo Ba, immediately bowed his head and said nothing. Obviously he recognized Luo Hu’s strategy…

Under such circumstances, even if he was as slow as Luo Ba, he naturally knew it. The father’s mind immediately buzzed solemnly: “Yes, the child knows…!”

Ji Di hearing this Yile: “Okay, just know it…!”

“Well, now that the Imperial Father adopts your strategy, the specific implementation of this strategy is left to you personally…!”

“From today until Sea The Clan invasion event is over. Everything in the Jidi Ice Palace will follow your instructions. If the Sea Emperor’s Old Ghost-head dared to do it himself, I don’t mind moving my muscles and bones for my father…!”

“Let go Go ahead, the future of the Antarctic continent depends on the game between this time and Sea Clan…!”

Hearing what Jidi said, Luo Hui immediately said solemnly: “many thanks Imperial Father Trust, the child will live up to expectations…!”

Luo Hui’s words fell, Ji Di immediately lightly said with a smile: “Well, that’s the case, then go down…!”

“Baer, ​​Binger, Haier, and a few of you, please give me a good cooperation with Huer’s action…!”

“Good competition can be , If at such a time, regardless of the internal fighting of the ethnic group, is it clear that I would destroy it by myself…?”


Jidi’s words fell, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious, and then immediately sounded a neat drink…

“Okay! Now that you know the rules, let’s go on…!”

Hearing the solemn response from everyone, Jidi didn’t have the slightest trace of ink anymore. He immediately disbanded the meeting in the casual wave of hands…

Of course, with the end of this meeting, the whole great hall thorough Calm back to the bottom…

However, the great hall is calm, but the entire Jidi Ice Palace, and even the entire Antarctic continent, quickly became lively…

Maybe not It’s just the Antarctic Ice Palace. With this full-scale invasion of Sea Clan, all creatures on the entire planet are in a turbulent era…


.. ….

Somewhere in the South African mainland, a new Divine City has just been established, and Nora, the queen bee who is about to take root here, was already limp on the throne when she heard the news of Sea Clan landing. …

Here, it’s really coming!

Didn’t expect, the disaster of Sea Clan that Rock Emperor reminded before, said so fast, so fierce…

However, she is also Clan’s Sovereign anyway, short After losing her mind, Queen Bee Nora immediately responded…

Immediately, she said solemnly to Nayi who was next to her: “Xiaoyi, hurry up! Organize personnel immediately to consolidate the city defense…!”

“Let all the elite spirit wings fly to the coastline immediately, take advantage of the flight, and implement long-range obstruction…!”

“In addition, immediately send the Flying Fast Bee to Yanmeng to understand that On the other hand, if possible, try to ask for assistance…!”

Looking at Nora’s anxious look, Nayi immediately said solemnly: “Yes, mother emperor…!”

The voice fell, and it flew out without any hesitation…



Suhang City, near the East Sea Territory, Yulin Survivor Base…

The leader Mu Han has been a little angry in the past two days…

The reason, mainly because, in the past two days, even if they were far away from the Sea Territory, they also felt the extremely violent sea breeze…

And, what made him even more depressed was that they were familiar with each other. The lord of the small town, heeded the rumors spread by the Rock League, and began to move towards the Rock League…

As for the content of this rumor, it is that Sea Clan is about to launch a full-scale invasion of the mainland…

In fact, this kind of rumors almost all have…

The difference at this time is that the Yanmeng, which originally did not spread rumors, is China’s Greatest Influence and even unified the whole China’s Rock League, this time also joined the ranks of dissemination…

In this way, it naturally attracted the attention of the few small power owners…

Even, most of the small power owners choose to believe in the Yanmeng, listen to their persuasion, and quickly gather towards the Yanmeng…

Only a few, like Mu Han, are reluctant to hold this Some rights, reluctant to lay down this foundation, chose countless rumors…

Even, he once thought that Yanmeng was only spreading such rumors to completely control the entire China…

Even, he would rather believe that those small power owners who took refuge in the Yanmeng would immediately be reduced to civilians or even prisoners, and would not believe the news that Sea Clan would invade all-out…

Sea Clan invaded the mainland? This is totally meaningless…?

You must know that Sea Clan is Sea Clan. Even if they evolve, they are still Sea Clan, and they still can’t completely leave the water…

This was born in Suzhou and Hangzhou. He knows better than anyone…

And, in his opinion, even if there is a Sea Clan invasion, it is not a major event…

After all, He has established a small survivor base here for nearly a year. During this period, he has also been raged by Sea Clan…

In his opinion, Sea Clan is raging It’s really not a major event. After they hid in the underground fortress, Sea Clan had nothing to do with them…

In other words, as Sea Clan, they didn’t know how to deal with it. The human underground Steel Fortress…

That’s why he chose to stay in his base, and even strictly control everyone in his base. He was not allowed to respond to the call of the Rock Alliance and left them completely. In this base…

At this moment, sitting in the monitoring room in the dark bunker, Mu Han stared at everything on the simple monitoring…

However, this On the simple monitor, it is still quiet as usual, except that it can be seen that it is very windy outside, there is almost nothing unusual…

This again makes Mu Han suspect that the so-called accurate information of Yanmeng is credible. Degree…

But at this time, when he was in the heart and scorned the Rock League, the intercom beside him suddenly sounded an extremely frightened voice…

“Boss, it’s okay, Sea Clan really came, this time it really came…!”

He is Wang Laoliu, a speed type evolver, very timid, Yulin survived The base scout…

Every time something happens, I always like to make a fuss about nothing, so that Da Mu Han is a bit accustomed to his exaggeration…

At this moment, the master who heard the voice, Mu Han said casually: “Old sixth, can you be so good…!”

“Here you come, it’s not the first I’m here this time, is it necessary to be so exaggerated..?”

“Hurry up and report to me clearly, this time is it shrimp gu lu or crab…?”

As soon as Mu Han’s words fell, a slightly trembling voice came from the walkie-talkie…

“Boss, this time we are finished. This time the crab clan, and most of them are It’s the humanoid crab clan…!”

“What! Wang Laoliu what did you say? The humanoid crab clan…?”

“Did you see clearly? This is not cracking a joke, let me be clear…! “

“How many human figures are there in this wave of crabs…? “

As soon as Wang Laoliu’s voice fell, Mu Han quivered again. It seems that even he was a little scared this time…

The humanoid crab clan, this is an incredible existence …

Be aware that Sea Beast, like other mutant beasts, generally can be incompletely transformed by the beast cultivation technique at the fifth rank, and the sixth rank is a perfect human form…

Wang Laoliu actually said that he saw humanoid crab clan, and most of them were humanoid crab clan, how could he not panic…

You should know that Sea Clan usually ravages the mainland, and there is basically no humanoid Sea. Clan, they are all tank-sized horror shrimps and crabs…

But they are like that. They are enough to drink a clan. Even more how is the humanoid Sea Clan…

At this moment, Mu Han suddenly regretted it. He suddenly felt that it was the best choice to go with the big group…

“Boss, the news from Yanmeng is correct, it is not A wave of crabs, but endless crabs…! “

“In this case, I won’t come in. It’s too late. I’ll slip away first. Take care of yourself…! “

At the moment when Mu Han’s heart was frightening, the violent wind and deep voice sounded from the walkie-talkie…

The sound was not loud, but it was as loud as a handle. Like a hammer, fiercely hit Mu Han’s chest, making him completely limp…

On the simple monitoring, a black intercom was thrown to the ground, an extremely vague shadow, piercing through at speed. After passing the surveillance area…

“Sixth, you or him, stop for me and fuck you…”

Mu Han was full of hostility into the walkie-talkie Roar, but the so-called sixth child has long been unable to hear his voice…

In fact, even if he hears it at this time, he will definitely ignore it…

After all, in the last days, a guy like the sixth child will always put his life first…

“Boom…! “

With a loud bang, Mu Han smashed his hand to talk to each other, and immediately recovered from his paralysis, rushing to his room frantically…

Obviously, He wants to leave here, leave here immediately…

“ka ka 卡ka ka…! “

However, only for a moment, Mu Han has just collected his things, and he has not had time to go out. The earth has already started to vibrate at a high frequency…

This kind of vibration, Mu Han Very familiar, not only him, but also the other people in the base…

Because this is the sound made by the arthropods when Sea Clan is raging…

It’s just that what makes the rest of the base a little curious is that this time this time seems to be much more violent and violent than ever before…

At this moment, if Someone in the simple monitoring room of the bunker will inevitably find a scene that makes people crazy…

The densely packed tank-like beast crab clan, and the burly human-shaped crab clan that cannot be seen at a glance, are already stormy. Swept like a sea…

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