The Last Rudra

Chapter 106 - Oman

When Ishit was lying in his chamber thinking about the dwarf and all, Oman knocked on the dark tower. The serpents wriggled and the door cracked open, letting in the lord of Minaak. 

Bhadra greeted him in his study chamber with the floor littered with moth-eaten scrolls and books. 

"Pardon this wizard, Lord Oman. I didn't expect your visit. " Udolf said in a ceremonial tone. But Oman could pick out the tinge of annoyance in his gruff voice. The wizard was not pleased with his untimely visit. Oman sighed remembering the deal he had with the wizard. For concealing his identity,  the wizard would fulfill his three requests. Out of three, only one had left now. 

"I need your help again, Bhadra " Oman didn't beat around the bush. 

The wizard didn't say anything. In the pale light of earthen-lamp, lines surfaced upon his runes-covered forehead. His eyes glowed up dimly. 

"You do know, after this, our pact will end, King," He said after a pause. 

"yes, I know. I will lose ownership of the tower. " Oman said with a sullen face. He didn't know why he was feeling as if he was going to lose his most precious possession. It was not that the tower was of any use to him. If it was not for the wizard, the tower might have still remained locked. 

"Ok, then tell me what I can do for you," Bhdara said, looking straight into Oman's troubled eyes. 

"I want you to protect my son till this storm ends. " Oman said, the wizard could see the desperation in the lord's eyes. Perhaps he had seen his demise coming. But too late. He sighed Vartian kings had always been like this, killing each other, shunning their real enemies. 

He had thought Aslan would be different, but it seemed like Riga he too couldn't stand Garuna's pride. 

"I'll keep him safe. But what about others I mean your wife and daughter." Udolf asked out of curiosity. 

"Vasu will take care of them. He hates me only, but his love for Padma can't be questioned. " Oman said fidgeting his fingers.

"Why are you so sure that you will lose? " the wizard asked. The dejected look on the lord's face was an alien sight. All these years he had closely watched this king of Garuna. So he knew him better than anybody else how iron-willed he was. 

"You will know soon. " Oman said, looking at him "I only hope you have the strength to keep your promise." 

Udolf remained silent. 

"Why can't you sign the charter? I'm sure Aslan would let you go."  Bhadra asked, despite knowing the answer too well. 

"I can't." Oman's voice got steel. "Besides, it is much deeper than just me signing the charter. Anyway, it is inevitable. See you in the morning, good luck with your search." Oman said, giving a glance to scrolls and left. 

Udolf didn't resume his task.  He kept sitting in his rocking chair, reflecting over how Oman had felt relieved as soon as he accepted his request. Was it because he loved the boy or there was something else?  Or it was just an attempt to save a scion so that his lineage could go on.

It didn't seem right. Oman that he knew would never care about such a thing. Or he wouldn't have agreed so readily to feed the boy Osric's tear and the memory pill, knowing fully well the consequences of their failures. 

There was something else that Lord was hiding. And maybe Aslan and the Moriyans knew it. 

Suddenly Udolf felt embarrassed of himself. Even after living more than a decade in the city, he had never bothered to pry into Oman's life.

It couldn't be blamed on him, though. He was here for the Meru Tower only. As for Oman, Udolf had seen too many monarchs to care about a mere Samant.

If not for his earlier deal with him, he wouldn't have cared about the boy, too.

But come to think of it, the presence of djall and so many Moriyans spies in Minaak suggested something else. It was more than one needed to cause chaos in a city. It seemed Mir, the false Mora, needed something from Minaak. 

He had to find out whether it had something to do with Mora. Udolf eyes glowed up.  But first, he needed to take care of this new trouble.

The wizard looked towards the pile of scrolls he had been rummaging through.  Guha's case was really bizarre. He did hear about skinwalkers of Betaal. They had the ability to possess animals and birds, many of them could even shapeshift into animals. However, if his memory served him right, to become a skinwalker one had to perform a forbidden rite called Witchery Way.  They said the apprentice needed to sacrifice someone dearest to him to gain the heretic powers. Moreover, they also wore skins, horns, wings, or something of the animal they wanted to turn into. 

They did use to do a fair share of evil deeds, but none of them wanted to eradicate humanity entirely. 

Bhadra sighed. It seemed there was only one path left before him.


"See no one could help me," Guha said, with a chuckle that one gave in despair. The folwer looked at him but said nothing. Ishit was sitting just before him in a rocking chair, frowning, his eyes staring at the stone carving on the wall. 

"I think it would be better I leave home sooner the better. Promise me you will take care of her." Guha appealed, resisting the urge to cry. Ishit didn't seem to hear him. But Guha knew he was listening. 

"Tell her .." He sputtered, "Tell her I'll return once I find dad. " It was a lie. Guha knew he would never return. And he wished so, for his return would only bring calamity. 

"And never tell her that her son was a demon. I know It will be hard for you and her, but it is the only way. It is my fate. " He finished.  There were many things he wanted to tell her and Ishit, his only friend. But it would only make his departure even harder. 

"Guha, May I come with you?" asked Ishit all of a sudden, looking at him expectantly. 

"No! " Even before Guha could speak, Bhadra cut in. 

"Boy, Oman has entrusted you to me. I have to make sure that you survive this so-called Inna's feast. So you're not going anywhere before this event concludes. Anyway, your destiny lies somewhere else. I can ensure you that much;  it is not in the Nimarawood. " 

"But how can he survive in the woods by himself? you know it better than anyone else what is hiding in the depth of the forest. " Ishit said, his face fraught with worries. 

"This ...I think the one who is calling for him will take care of. " Udolf said giving Guha sideglance. 

"He is right, Ishit. You can't come with me. Who will take care of maa then? It is my destiny, my path I will walk it alone.  " Guha said, feeling more sure of it now than before. 

"So it is decided I will leave at the crack of dawn the day after tomorrow." 

"No, you won't. Give me some more time. I will find some way to cure you. " Ishit said getting up, his fist clenched with determination. Udolf shook his head. There was no cure, except to send the boy into the forest and see what would become of him. 

"There is no cure, Ishit. You can't cure me of myself. He is me and I'm him. It is just my memories are separating us. And with each seizure, the wall is weakening. Once it gives in completely, you will find that so-called your friend is no more. I don't want to see that ugly sight of mine. I still regretted my impulsive decision of letting you stay with me that day. In this way, you might have never found.. "

"Stop! Guha. Believe me when I say I will find some solution. Give me a few more days. Let's just wait for this Inna's feast to end. We'll go to Occum Shrine. I'm sure they must have heard of your ailment. Or let's leave today. I don't care about any academy or guild anymore. " Ishit said, Guha could see his friend was not bluffing. He was really willing to sacrifice his future for him. The realization only made him feel worse. He had tried to kill such a friend. What he was if not a demon. He needed to leave before he had time. But he knew Ishit would never agree to this. 

"Ok! I will wait till Inna's feast. " He said with a smile. 

"Good! You can stay with me if you want. But let me remind you, you'll have to sleep on the floor. " Ishit said, chuckling. 

"No, I'm better in my room. Let's leave I think it's time we gave a tour of the city to your cousin.. " Guha said avoiding his friend's eyes, afraid he might see his secret plan.

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