The Last Rudra

Chapter 108 - Begin

"Son, I know I can't stop you. B

ut keep in mind, you are on a wild goose chase. So if you don't find what you're after, return home. "

His father said with pain that Nupura thought only a man who had fathered someone could share. All he could feel was that he cared about him and wished nothing but to keep him here in Minaak working on their ballads. So Nup

ura promised he would though he doubted that. He didn't know he would ever be able to quit his quest. 

Nupura gave a tight hug to him,

didn't dare to look into his welled-up eyes. 

"Don't stay up late at night. A

nd don't smoke too much Marijuana. " Nupura said to his father as he picked up his sack, but he knew his father would. 

"Haahaa, Okey! Now be off. And don't forget to throw a coin in every river you meet on your way." the old man said, patting his shoulder. 

Nupura nodded, and after giving a glance to the idol placed in the northeast corner of his house yard, he left, praying to Mahamaya to take care of his father for him. 

He didn't know what would happen to him. It was a long journey fraught with perils, and the destination itself was death. 

Ahom was on the other side of Varta, an alien land with a foreign culture and unknown tongue. He had no idea how he would survive there with no money, no patron, and no explicit knowledge of his destination. Only his unwavering faith in Mahamaya was his strength. 

His plan was simple he would take up menial jobs in merchant caravans, sing songs if he got any generous patron, dine on anything he got his hand on. 

Nupura stopped at the temple of Sofala, his clan deity. He prostrated himself before the stone stairs and again picked up his sack and walked out of the place where he had spent all his life. He decided to take a good look at everything on his way to the city square; he might not get another chance. 

The city was flooding with people. Most of them were wielders. Nupura couldn't figure out what was so special about Inna's feast this time that so many spirit-wielders were coming to Minaak. What was weirder was that most of them were well past the age of apprenticeship. 

Maybe Tissa's presence had attracted them. Or the rumors flying around were true. Nupura shook his head. He didn't want to think about the discouraging news. Not when his heart was already aching. 

"Hey, what's happening? Why they

are barring the alley." Nupura worriedly asked a girl. From the way she had tied up her hair on her lovely head, he could guess

her identity. She was a waitress at Sura tavern, only reserved for spirit wielders. In his 20 years long life, only once had he been there. Heaven on the earth, if you asked him to describe the place in a

word. ( in Paali tongue, you could.)

" Ah! They are welcoming Prince Tissa's entourage." The girl said, giving him a quick glance. Her small eyes had a tinge of worry. 

Nupura jostled his way through the crowd. Sure enough. There is a long line of the entourage, all clad in rich clothes with Aslan's insignia, the golden sphynx on their chests. Warriors with their mighty Astras were walking behind the chariot. A young man in his twenties,  with golden hair and broad shoulders, was standing in the royal vehicle. A bright smile was blooming on his shining face.  He was Tissa, their future monarch. 

There were many tales of him, and each of them could convince someone he could be anything but the sovereign of the realm.

Nupura bowed his head in courtesy like others.  An alien code of Atlantians. They needed everyone's respect, whether they deserved it or not. They said it was much worse in other provinces which had fully accepted the conqueror's codes. 

Maybe soon, Garuna would be like them, too. 

Nupura again shook his head. He didn't wish his departure to be more heartbreaking than it already was. 

He waited till the entourage passed by. And once the guards lifted the barricade, he rushed for the cavern of Lady Mudra, a female merchant of Kausambi. One of her trusted men, Kumbha, had given him a job as a scullion. 

When Nupura reached the eastern gate, the caravan was ready to leave. 


"So, how are the preparations going on?" Tissa asked over the noisy chattering of his entourage. He could see the tension on Samant's face. His escort must have intimidated the proud lord. That was what he wanted. He really didn't want to shed blood in Minaak if it could be avoided. 

"Almost finished, your highness. The stadium is ready.  Only the registrations are still going on. I'm afraid we may have to extend the event. Nearly a dozen academies, small and big, are participating. We never had so much attention. I think they all want to impress you, My Prince. "  Oman said, taking a sip from his goblet. His sharp eyes had no fear. And It amazed Tissa. 

Did he still not get the smell? Or he was pretending. Tissa wonder. With all his supporters gathering in Minaak, even a fool could see his intentions. 

Or he still foolishly believed he could escape unscathed. He glanced at the old man clad in black.  His long silver hair was falling over his shoulders. His hooked nose was like a parrot beak. He had penetrating eyes that could see even thoughts, of course, it was a rumor what was the truth only he knew. His name was Sakuni. They said if Karni was Aslan's brian, Sakuni was Tissa's. There was a rivalry between the two black robbed ones. As to what was the reason for this feud, there were many rumors. Like Karni and Sakuni were two stepbrothers from the same father vying with each other for preeminence. 

Sakuni didn't pay any heed to his master or slave ( No one knew what his relationship was with the prince.) He was devouring his lunch like he hadn't had a meal for a fortnight. 

"So, how much longer should we extend the event, then?" Seeing the old man was busy with his meal, Tissa asked. 

"Two days, at the least, your Highness," Oman said, 

"Then so be it. I will tell Edward to assist you. " Tissa said, "I heard your son is also participating." 

Tissa chatted with his host till Sakuni finished his meal, inquiring about the events and all. However, he didn't dare to let out his motives. 

Sakuni finished his meal with a satisfied blurb. 

"Lord Oman, excuse this old man's boorish behavior. I love the southern dishes. "  Suakuni said wiping his flushed face. No one knew his ethnicity. He was an amalgam of Matsyan and Kalingan, but his blue eyes were like Atlantian. 

Oman chuckled and returned the pleasantry. He was waiting when the willy raven would show his cards. But he couldn't help

p but feel disappointed when Sakuni asked about only his son and Moryians spies. 

All the Atlantians were staying in the best inn of Minaak, called Deepam. And Oman was glad about this arrangement. He was already having a headache having Vasu dining with him. 

Oman didn't accompany the prince and his old raven to the inn. The reason was simple he had to be with his wife who was at Prem Sarovar along with Ishit and his brother's daughter. The old tradition of spending the whole day with deads before Inna's feast. 

From the scowl of his royal guest, he could see Tissa had taken his wife's absence as incivility to his honor. 

He could care less now. The war had started. He was not a fool to think all these academies were here to participate in the event. It was just an excuse to bring in twelve master spirit-wielders. Now even if Oman summoned all his vassals, he still wouldn't have a chance against so much force. 

Was he really reckless?  Oman wondered again as he watched the boisterous entourage disappearing around the corner. 

All his advisers advised him against the event. They all wanted to postpone the feast. However, Oman didn't listen to them, despite knowing well what it would bring.  Because he knew something that they hadn't. Inna's feast couldn't be canceled, nor could it be postponed.  He was sure Sakuni knew it too. 

Inna's feast was not a simple festival or tournament like the sphynx games of Atlantia. It was much more than that. To call it a lifeline of Garuna wouldn't be wrong. 

Garuna needed a gathering of various races to complete the ancient rite. The rite which had made Garuna inconquerable for both Moriyans and Riga. 

Oman didn't know how Sakuni and Moriyans had smelled out the well-hidden secret of the virgin land. 

His ancestor would never forgive him for this crime. Suddenly Oman felt a pain throbbing in his soul. He winced, and this broke his stupor.. He needed to hurry up for the shrine.

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